The Storm God

Chapter 3460 Citrine experiment!

"Gao Gan, now you are the boss of this prison!"

Green Lantern Hal said beyond doubt, and the person he appointed may not be a human, but an alien life like a flying fish.

It is precisely because of the appearance of this guy that Hal, the green light, knows the darkness and corruption in the Estrand Prison.

And now...

Now that the spider tribe has been defeated, and Star OA can't find a suitable person to supervise the prison for the time being, Green Lantern Hal can only appoint himself.

Gao Gan was originally a prisoner in Estrade Prison, but he couldn't bear the torment of the spider tribe, so he found an opportunity to sneak into their spaceship when Hal and others visited under the green light.

it's good now.

Seeing that the crimes that Gao Gan committed in the past were not very big, and he was a pretty good person, Green Lantern Hal decided to let Gao Gan commit crimes and meritorious deeds, and serve as the warden of Estrade Prison temporarily.

He believed that Gao Gan would be qualified for the job.

after all……

Gao Gan has suffered.

How should the prisoners in the Way of Nature Prison be managed?

As for Gao Gan's refusal?

Feel sorry!

Hal pretended not to see it.

In short, the matter was settled in this way, all the spiders were imprisoned and became prisoners, Little Red Razer was released, and became the temporary teammate of Green Lantern Hal, and Gao Gan, instead of the manager of OA star, became Ace Temporary warden of Trede Prison...

Everything went very well.


Hal didn't know.

In the short time he and Kilowog have been caught, a lot has changed.

For example, Little Red Razer has completely turned into Bai Xiaofei's younger brother. The reason why he formed a team with them is only to complete his undercover mission and resurrect his lover.

Even Aya on the spaceship had some inexplicable emotions because of Bai Xiaofei's intrusion.

Aya did not tell Hal and Kilowog about these things. Although she is not so well-versed in the world, she also understands that once some of her characteristics are exposed, it will only cause more trouble.

after all……

Her existence is a conspiracy.

And these things, with Green Lantern Hal's identity and ability, can't help Aya yet.

Therefore, Aya could only struggle and hesitate alone. While controlling the normal driving of the spaceship, she wondered by herself, what should I do? Do you choose to resist, or acquiesce to your own destiny?

As for Little Red Razer?


Aya was still very interested.

After all, the current Xiaohong has very special power, and she is still the younger brother beside Bai Xiaofei. If there is something she doesn't understand or can't figure out, Aiya can only ask Xiaohong for help.


I have to come secretly.

Anyway, Hal and Kilowog can't be given the green light to know.


the other side.

Bai Xiaofei did not continue to monitor Hal's situation.

After returning to his residence, he studied the citrine he got from Estrand Prison with great interest. He could clearly feel that there was some kind of special power in these citrines.

Although it is not the direct power of yellow light, it seems to have the same effect.


If there are citrines, will there also be isotopes such as green crystals or red crystals somewhere in the universe? If so, will using these as raw materials to make rings or equipment enhance the user's abilities?

Bai Xiaofei was very curious about this.


Taking advantage of his free time, he began to conduct various experiments.

Although the citrines he obtained this time are not many, but Bai Xiaofei has Pym particles, and a shot of Pym particle light can directly turn it into a huge citrine mountain.


Bai Xiaofei used these crystals to make a holy garment.

Citrine Saint Cloth!


General shape.

It even looks a little too yellow.

It does not have special power itself, but it can greatly weaken the power of green light.


This is because Bai Xiaofei didn't do any special treatment on it, that is to say, this citrine holy cloth is just an empty shelf now, only after special forging and processing can it be regarded as the real holy cloth.

Bai Xiaofei tried to inject the power of fear he had developed into it.

Then he was surprised to find that these citrines could absorb them, and after absorbing them, the special radiation and light waves emitted could control the minds of others to a certain extent.


Bai Xiaofei suddenly said: "I remember that in the original plot, a special planet also had a large number of topaz, and the residents there did not know the dangers of topaz, and because of the influence of topaz, those kind-hearted The jellyfish creatures were treated as evil monsters, and even the elite Green Lantern Kilowog was once controlled..."

He secretly guessed.

These citrines obtained from Astrid Prison may not be very pure, so their power is far inferior to the citrines on that planet, and they only have the effect of weakening the power of the green light.

The latter, however, can directly affect the minds of others.

It is clear at a glance which is strong and which is weak.


This thing is too cool.

You don't even need Bai Xiaofei to use any special power, just using an ordinary blade or something can shatter the citrine. You must know that Kilowog's new love, a female warrior who is similar to an aboriginal, can shatter with his hands. The earthen knife in it directly cut the citrine into powder and made soup for Kilowog to drink.

That is.

It is obviously unrealistic to use citrine to make weapons and equipment.

At most, they use their characteristics to act as gems that increase a certain special effect and embed them in other equipment.

Of course.

If Bai Xiaofei is willing to use strength or methods, he can still carry out special transformations on the citrine, but doing so will not only consume a lot of money, but will also affect the citrine's ability...

So he gave up.

after all……

The potential of this thing is just that, it is not worth the huge investment of energy.

If it is just used as an ordinary booster item to inlay equipment, then Bai Xiaofei does not need to do it himself. Anyone can do it in the mechanical army under Bai Cass!

So far.

Bai Xiaofei immediately lost interest in Citrine.

Thinking about it, if this thing is really so awesome and super malleable, those little blue people on OA star would not be able to let it go. Bai Xiaofei doesn't believe that they don't know the existence of citrine.

In fact.

The little blue people hide very deeply!

Many pitfalls in Green Lantern actually come from them, or their predecessors.

For example, the super awesome anti-surveillance king is the ultimate device designed and developed by the former scientist Kron of the little blue people. It's just that this device has self-awareness just after it was started, and has become the anti-supervision king.

Later, Krona used means to exile the anti-supervision king to other dimensional worlds, which was regarded as keeping the peace of the universe, and in the later period, the anti-supervision king was beaten back by the universe of the steam lantern man.


That's something for later, let's not mention it for now.

After putting down the study of citrine, Bai Xiaofei looked at the time and found that a lot of time had passed.

So I took a curious look at Xiaohong's situation, and found that he was with Hal and Kilowog near a black hole, rescuing a transport spaceship, but encountered trouble.

And the critical moment.

Some special mechanical parts, like insects, sneaked into this operational spaceship.

"It's Aya!"

Bai Xiaofei recognized its identity almost instantly.


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