The Storm God

Chapter 3461 Send materials to Aya!

as expected.

At the last moment, those insect-like mechanical parts were magically combined to form a female figure, which is the materialization of Aya!

And the transport spaceship, also under the control of Aya, turned on the power engine in time, and with the help of the power of the three lantern men, finally got rid of the suction of the black hole and escaped successfully.

The special biological eggs transported on the skyship also hatched ahead of time because of the destruction of the cryogenic device.


Bai Xiaofei didn't care about those messy things.

What he is most interested in now is Aya. Before meeting, they were all virtual images, but now, Aya has her own physical body. Although only part of the body is physical, most of the core structure, They are all realized with the help of the green light, but they are always visible and tangible.

And Aya's current appearance is similar to that in the original plot.

Petite, cute, and very beautiful in appearance, hands and feet, peeping, as well as breasts and buttocks are all physical mechanical parts, and the rest of the parts, including the face, are all manifestations of the power of green light.

A pair of blue eyes looked very wise.

at the same time……

Aya's appearance.

At this moment, it is also very different from the original plot.

Although there will still be some appearances of Ilana, but only one or two points, and more like Aya herself, because this honor is selected by herself after browsing countless data and materials.

In short.

The materialized Aya is very beautiful.

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei is quite pleasing to the eye, and he believes that Bai Cass should not hate this kind of Aya. Although there are huge differences in the existence of the two, their essence is very similar.

Bai Xiaofei believed that when Bai Cass saw the gift he had prepared for him, he would be very happy.

For Aya's birth, Green Lantern Hal and others were also very surprised.


Xiaohong was not surprised.

Obviously, he has already seen Aya's real appearance, although it is a little different now, but basically the same, and Aya is the main target of the boss Bai Xiaofei.


Xiaohong is very calm.

I usually do nothing except stay in the room by myself.

It's useless for Hal to come and call at the green light, unless it's Aya, because Little Red Thunder Snake must be in front of Bai Xiaofei, so when Aya comes, Xiaohong obediently cooperates.

Hal was speechless about this.

Kilowog shrugged his shoulders and said with a wry smile, "Maybe this is called one thing dropping one thing!"


on subsequent trips.

Hal and the others encountered a little trouble. Because of some things, the OA star could not send them more troops, so they could only find a way by themselves.


Aya detected that on the planet Patras, which is about 182,000 light-years away from them, there is a Green Lantern named Douro. If he can be drawn into the team, the combat power of Hal and others will undoubtedly increase a lot .

"Good job, Aya!"

Hal was not stingy with his praise.

Immediately afterwards, they launched the spaceship and flew to the planet Patras at high speed by using the warped space.

Bai Xiaofei saw all this in his eyes, but there was a flash of emotion in his heart, and he thought: "Has a new plot started? If there is no accident, this Douluo should die, and his green light The ring will be inherited by Queen Ellande, and at the same time, the queen's younger brother, Laige, will also go astray because of coveting power..."

Of course.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care about these things.

It's the plot after this, the Green Lantern Reeve who died before, his Green Lantern ring is still looking for a new owner, and Green Lantern Hal and others will detect the signal of the ring after they leave the planet Patras .

at the same time……

This ring also leads to a special green light - Mog.

Mog is not a person, but a huge planet, a planet with its own consciousness and thoughts. The ring chose Mog as its new host and made it the most special Green Lantern.

When watching anime before, Bai Xiaofei still felt nothing.

But now...

He felt sorry for Mog.


That is Gaia consciousness.

It is almost like a god, and can freely control everything on the planet, but in the end it becomes a mere green light. Although it seems that it has the ability to move freely and strengthen its combat power, it is actually restricted by its own development. .

If Moge followed Bai Xiaofei, then his future growth would definitely be much more than that!

at this point.

Just look at Gaia on Earth.

Of course, Moge is different from Bai Xing, the latter's Gaia consciousness is extremely special, and also incorporates part of Bai Xiaofei's genes and abilities, so he can be regarded as one of Bai Xiaofei's daughters.

Mog, on the other hand, is a mature Gaia.

He calls himself the center of the galaxy, possesses a high degree of wisdom, and is quite philosophical. He is a brother and brother with the Holy Walker Walker, and he seems to be able to see through many things. At least he guided Walker to become the original Blue Lantern.


Bai Xiaofei was very interested in this Moge.

Considering whether to accept him as a younger brother, after all, it is Gaia consciousness, which is rare.

However, if you want to accept Mog, the premise is that the plot will not be affected too much, otherwise there will be some accidents, if you can't find Mog for that ring, or choose someone else as the owner, then you will be depressed.

So far.

Bai Xiaofei immediately put away his thoughts of attacking again.

Then stay at home, silently watching the actions of Green Lantern Hal. It's worth mentioning that although Hal and Xiaohong don't think there's anything wrong with Aya's materialization, Kilowog is very awkward.

after all.

To him, Aya was a machine.

Now he seems to be alive, walking up and down in front of him, which makes him unacceptable, let alone Aya still considers himself a Green Lantern and wants to perform missions with them.


In order to take care of Kilowog's emotions.

At the same time, for the sake of Aya's safety, Hal finally did not let Aya go to the planet Patras with himself and others, but let her stay in the spaceship.

Aya didn't refuse this either, and obediently obeyed.


After Hal waited to leave.

Bai Xiaofei used space communication to find Aiya: "Aiya, you are in good shape. The power of the green light is the core, supplemented by special equipment as an aid. It is quite creative, but the overall quality is a bit poor..."

"It's you!"

Aya recognized Bai Xiaofei's identity almost immediately.

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei said with a smile: "It's me, it's so lonely to see you staying in the spaceship by yourself, so I kindly come here to chat with you, how about helping you upgrade a level?"


Aya looked puzzled.

However, Bai Xiaofei didn't have ink stains at all. Using his ability, the space inside the spaceship was instantly torn open a small space crack, and then a pair of special metals fell out from it.

Among them are vibration gold, Uru metal, superconducting alloy, dark iron...

Etc., etc.

It can be said to have everything that one expects to find!

Bai Xiaofei said with a smile: "You can use these metal materials. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me at any time. Compared with the materials on your body, these should be your best choice!"


Not daring to react to Aya, Bai Xiaofei just walked away.

Aya: "..."


Her gaze turned to the front.

The countless data that flashed in the eyes made Aya understand the rarity and preciousness of these metal materials almost instantly. At the same time, he had to admit that if he used these materials to redesign and build his body, the result would undoubtedly be It's amazing.

Aya was a little moved.

after all……

She didn't want to stay on the spaceship forever.

Aya's ideal is to be able to move freely, rather than being in a certain place all the time.

So, in the end she chose to accept.


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