The Storm God

Chapter 3462 Demonization of Doomsday!


On the other side, seeing Aiya accepting the materials he gave, Bai Xiaofei laughed immediately, and secretly said: "I'm not afraid that you will be difficult, but I am afraid that you will not accept our kindness. Since you accept it, it means there is hope!"

at the same time……

He is also curious and expectant.

If a special artificial intelligence life like Aya uses the special materials he gave to create a brand new body, how powerful will his combat power be?

To know.

Aya itself is a special intelligent life form created by using some life substances of the ion shark, which can be regarded as a special version of the green light materialized existence of another type of existence.

Although she can't compare to the lamp beasts like Ion Shark, she is superior in combining the power of science and technology, so that she has a powerful computing ability that other people, even lamp beasts, cannot match.

If this is developed, the potential is extremely powerful.

In the original plot.

Aiya once absorbed all the power energy of the spaceship, and then went berserk, put one head into the chest of the anti-supervision king, and knocked the anti-supervision king's head away in one fell swoop.

After that, he used his own power to forcibly control the body of the anti-supervision king, as well as countless machine hunters, and became the second generation anti-supervision king, so awesome that he was abandoned.

But even so, Aya also has a fatal weakness, that is the power of her own green light.

She will also be affected by the yellow light and even the topaz, and even the normal attacks of the lantern men can damage Aya's physical body, but if she uses these materials presented by Bai Xiaofei to create a brand new body... …

The result may be completely different.

Just like the difference between the old version of the Green Lantern Ring and the new version of the Green Lantern Ring, the upgraded Aya may be far more obvious and huge than the improvement of Green Lantern!

After all, the two sides are essentially different.

In short.

Bai Xiaofei was looking forward to it.

But it's a pity that although Aya got those metal materials, she didn't start researching and creating immediately, but directly put them all in a hidden corner of the spaceship.

It seems that they will not be used in a short time.

This makes someone very disappointed.

"never mind!"

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Since I've collected everything, it's not too late. Let's leave some time for Aya to think about it. After all, it's about her own fate."

"You can't push too hard!"


Bai Xiaofei thought to himself.

Then, he looked away and contacted Sinestro instead.

Sinestro was quickly connected.



Bai Xiaofei looked at the image that emerged, Sinestro seemed to be rushing back, and there were quite a few Yellow Lantern fighters around him, each of them seemed to be full of harvest, he couldn't help asking: "Are you...?"

"Sir, our mission is accomplished!"

Sinestro explained: "The situation on Apocalypse is quite clear. The other party is indeed carrying out a big conspiracy, so there is no need for us to continue to investigate!"


Bai Xiaofei suddenly became interested.

Asked: "What conspiracy? Have you found any clues?"


Sinestro nodded and said: "My confidant found out about the specific situation. For this reason, he stayed on Apocalypse forever, but when he sacrificed, he sent me vital information!"


He started shaping with a yellow light ring.

The yellow light condensed, and soon a very ferocious and ugly monster appeared.

"This is……?"

Bai Xiaofei looked at the monster, for some reason, he always felt a little inexplicably familiar, but for a while he couldn't remember where he saw it. After all, there are many differences between the real world and movies and anime, so even Bai Xiaofei, It is also impossible to know everything.

Just like this monster in front of you.

Bai Xiaofei's intuition told himself that he should be familiar with this thing. But because the appearance was too unfamiliar, I was not sure what it was for a while.

In the end, Sinestro gave the answer, saying: "Sir, this monster is called Doom Day, and it is the strongest biochemical weapon of the Kryptonian family. Apocalypse captured many Kryptonians, and the purpose is to use Kryptonians to create destruction At the same time, it will be transformed into a demon-like transformation to create a nearly invincible army!"

"I rely on it!"

Hearing the words Doomsday, Bai Xiaofei was shocked.

He secretly said in his heart: "Nima is not easy to mess with. It is a nearly immortal existence. The key is to continue to evolve. It is just like a dog skin plaster. Once it sticks, it can't be torn off!"

"As strong as Dachao died in its hands, wouldn't it be even more perverted if it was transformed into a monster again?"

"Apocalypse is so generous!"


Bai Xiaofei's expression changed.

Before, he had guessed why Apocalypse launched an invasion of Krypton.

It's just that Bai Xiaofei never expected that Darkseid would be so ruthless that he captured the surviving Kryptonians just to use them as raw materials to create a biological weapon called Doomsday!


Uncle Da really knows how to recycle waste!

At this time, Sinestro was still reporting to Bai Xiaofei: "Sir, according to the latest information from my younger brother, Apocalypse will soon launch a large-scale war of aggression against the surrounding galaxies and civilizations, so we have to hurry up and return to the Go to Kruga to make preparations, and OA has received the news from unknown channels, and is currently urgently mobilizing to discuss countermeasures!"

"I see!"

Bai Xiaofei suddenly realized.

Before Green Lantern Hal asked for help from OA star, but was told by the little blue people that they couldn't give them more troops to help. At first Bai Xiaofei thought it was a nonsense excuse, but now it seems that he really can't spare manpower.

after all……

It was the Apocalypse who started the war this time.

Even the OA star would never dare to underestimate the enemy. Although the threat of the Red Lantern Man is still not small, compared to the Apocalypse star, it really pales in comparison.

The two powers harm each other whichever is less.

If it were Bai Xiaofei, he would definitely choose to deal with Apocalypse instead of Red Lantern.


You little blue people, don't tell Hal anything, isn't it a little too much? Or maybe he is afraid that he, a person from the earth, will get into trouble for you if he gets hot-headed?

"never mind!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a wry smile, and thought to himself: "Why do you think so much, anyway, it's not me who has a headache now, but OA star, I'm just a third party who wants to fish in troubled waters and reap the benefits of a fisherman!"

"They fight as they like, as long as it doesn't affect me!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Agreed with Sinestro's approach, and warned: "Be careful when you come back, if you are in danger, call me immediately, I will arrive in time to rescue you!"


After finishing the communication, Bai Xiaofei frowned, and said to himself, "It's really getting more and more chaotic, but that's fine, if it's not chaotic, how can I fish in troubled waters?"

"I hope the goal of Apocalypse will not stare at the earth again..."

"They shouldn't be able to find it, right?"


Someone expressed some apprehension.

After all, Uncle Da's strength has always been a mystery. Bai Xiaofei, who doesn't know much about DC comics, just knows that most Uncle Da is just a clone of him.

Facing such an unknown enemy, even Bai Xiaofei felt the pressure.

Especially the name of Doomsday is even more impressive. Thinking of his plan, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help feeling a little anxious, and secretly said: "It seems that we must speed up the process. They even made the combination of Doomsday + monsters. If I do it again If you don’t want to find a way to increase your power, it will be too much of a disadvantage if you really fight!”

Think for a moment.

In the end, Bai Xiaofei put his hope on the anti-surveillance king and countless machine hunters.


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