The Storm God

Chapter 3463 Gaiamog!


The anti-surveillance king's performance in the anime is really a bit stretched, but this does not mean that he is not awesome. After all, he is a super super villain. The blackened Aya still uses its core technology to be able to Open the door of time and space and enter the beginning of the universe.

Such an existence, even if it is not as good as Uncle Da, is absolutely awesome.

To know.

That's the guy who destroyed countless dimensional universes.

If he can get the anti-surveillance king's technology, how can he help Bai Xiaofei improve a lot of strength, and even if he can reproduce the anti-supervision king's creation, it will be even more terrifying.


Bai Xiaofei also knew.

An existence like the anti-supervisory king is generally difficult to replicate. Otherwise, the little blue people might have done this long ago, but they didn't, which is very telling.

But even so, it was enough to make Bai Xiaofei's heart flutter.

The other is the machine hunter.


to be honest.

As the first version of the space police, the abilities of these robot hunters are not too strong. Almost a slightly more powerful Green Lantern can beat them into scrap iron, which does not seem to be very powerful.


This thing has another point that cannot be ignored.

That is, it can be mass-produced, and the technical means and attack capabilities are all from the same source as the green light. That is to say, the machine hunter can also be amplified by the blue light.

Even though these robot hunters are not as terrifying as Doomsday, but relying on the endless number, even if they are grinded, they may be able to grind to death a lot of enemies.

If you cooperate with the anti-supervision king to take charge of the overall situation, command the three armies.


Thinking about that picture, I feel awesome.

However, Bai Xiaofei quickly recovered from his imagination, because according to the development of the plot of Green Lantern, it may take a long time to meet the anti-surveillance king.

At the very least, after the OA star solves the threat of the Red Lantern.

That is, Ato fell, and the two sides signed a peace treaty.

And now...

It's still early for that.

Even the planet Mog with Gaia consciousness, which Green Lantern Hal and others have not encountered yet, is still wandering on the planet Patras.

After opening the time-space connection, Bai Xiaofei glanced casually, and found that the development of the plot at this time was still not very fast. Queen Ellande's younger brother, Legge, poisoned Green Lantern Duro to death as in the plot, and wanted to get The opponent's green light ring, which has amazing power.

But it's a pity.

The green light ring did not choose him, but chose his sister El Lauder.

Afterwards, Legge turned his attention to the silly-looking Kilowogg again, using the old trick, planning to use the poison in the beer to kill Kilowogg with poison.

But the shrewd Hal had already seen through Laige's trajectory, and managed to expose Laige with every move.

Laige was exposed on the spot, so he had no choice but to take risks and prepare to kidnap his sister to escape and make a comeback, but in the end he lost to Green Lantern Hal and others, was caught in a disastrous defeat, and became a prisoner.

El Lauder, on the other hand, became the Green Lantern and the veritable queen of this planet. No one questioned or dissatisfied her. In the end, she rejected the invitation of Green Lantern Hal and others because of her duties as a queen.

Because she had to stay on the planet Patras, Hal and the others expressed their understanding, and in the end they could only leave silently, embarking on the journey of finding powerful teammates again to deal with the Red Lantern.

Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help complaining: "These people are really like that, Laige is like that, and he is not sentenced to death, but to imprisonment. Isn't this clearly giving the other party a chance!"

And indeed it is.

Shortly thereafter, Atuo made his idea to the planet Patras, and gave Leger the red light ring, and then relied on the power of the Red Lantern Corps to completely control the planet.

And the culprit in this issue is Legg.

If he was killed at this time, there would not be so many bad things in the future.

no way.

This is almost a common problem in American comics.

Not only the green light, but also many comics in DC, and even Marvel next door. Many criminals with the worst diseases just scratch and catch, no matter how big the other party committed, they don't kill them!

As a result, various prison escapes and various incidents later killed countless innocent people, even important characters, but even so, they still didn't kill them!

Anyway, Lu Wuxie was quite speechless just watching.

If it were him, unless there are extenuating circumstances, or they can be used to instigate rebellion, otherwise he will definitely cut the mess quickly, and absolutely will not keep anyone who can be killed!

As for Legg of Planet Patras...

to be honest.

Bai Xiaofei wasn't going to care about it either.

Anyway, it's not his own planet, so he doesn't feel bad even if it's gone.

However, Bai Xiaofei is very concerned about the next itinerary of Green Lantern Hal and others, because according to the development of the plot, it should be Mog next.


Bai Xiaofei also paid special attention.

He almost gave up everything at hand, and spent most of his time paying attention to the itinerary of Hal and the others, and Hal and the others did not disappoint Bai Xiaofei as expected.

Dozens of hours later.

Aya detected the signal of a power ring.

Through analysis and comparison, she recognized that the original owner of this ring was Reeve, who died earlier, the Green Lantern who died in order to protect his family after leaving the planet.

And this ring is currently flying to a certain huge planet.

The most important thing is that this planet is currently facing a huge crisis. A meteorite with a large diameter is crashing towards that planet at an alarming speed. If left alone, with the size and speed of this meteorite, once it hits that planet, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Stop it!"

Hal made a decision immediately without any hesitation.

Although in the end they succeeded in delaying the impact time of the meteorite, their spaceship also lost power due to excessive wear and tear and fell on the planet.

"finally come!"

When Bai Xiaofei saw the special animals and plants on this planet, as well as most of the environmental scenes, after comparing and analyzing the memories in his mind, he recognized them almost instantly.

If nothing else, this planet should be Mog with Gaia consciousness!

The chosen new owner of the green light ring that is here to stay is the awakened Gaia consciousness of this planet!

"Hal and the others don't know the situation on this planet yet, and Mog hasn't yet merged with that green light ring to become a newborn green light. This is my chance!"

Bai Xiaofei chuckled and said: "There is also that Saint Walker, this alien is not a fuel-efficient lamp, before he gets the ring, he can play the old version of Little Red Razer around, and even follow him Mogg is called a brother, which is enough to say his potential..."

"Since you're going, why not just make all of them your little brother!"


After making up my mind.

Without any hesitation, Bai Xiaofei directly crossed the space and landed on Mog's planet.

At this time, Hal and the others had been separated by a few bandits who fell here, and then led them to other places. One of the women who took the side path of science and technology entered Aya's spaceship, preparing to attack Aya. start.

After Bai Xiaofei arrived, he quickly sensed everything by relying on his terrifying and powerful mental power. Then he smiled slightly and quickly contacted Aiya, reminding him: "Don't trust that woman, she is a bandit and wants to kill you!"


It doesn't matter what Aya's reaction is.

Bai Xiaofei got up and flew towards a certain direction of the planet, and there was a green light ring that fell on the ground and remained motionless, obviously he had discovered the core of Moge.


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