The Storm God

Chapter 3464 Choose!

Planet Mog.

In a certain place, Saintwalker Walker was fighting Little Red Thunder Snake. One of them was chasing and the other was hiding. One seemed irritable and eager, while the other seemed calm and leisurely.


Little Red Razer felt a little unbelievable.

You know, I am the Red Lantern, and it is an upgraded version, so powerful, but in the end, I can't do anything to this guy who doesn't have any special power!

This simply broke his cognition.

As everyone knows.

Saintwalker Walker was also quite shocked and horrified by the power of Little Red Thunder Snake.

This is him. If it were someone else, I'm afraid they might not be able to handle this guy. Fortunately, I didn't push myself too hard, and I went all out from the beginning, otherwise I'm afraid I will suffer.


Walker didn't mean anything malicious.

He just wanted to remind Razer that the people he met before were not trustworthy.

at the same time……

I also want to study Razer.

After all, among the Red Lanterns, the reputation in the universe is not very good, anyway, it is not as good as the Green Lantern, otherwise Walker would not directly go to Razer instead of Hal and others.

After some contact and discussions, Walker also discovered that the Red Lantern in front of him seemed to be completely different from the others, not only because of Razer's personality, but also because of the power of the Red Lantern.


The power of Razer is different from what Walker knew.

Although stronger and more domineering, you are not as scary and threatening as in the legends. You are more like a certain power derived from biological instinct, rather than helpless anger and resentment!

This made Walker feel very strange.

after all……

His practice is very special.

What he pays attention to is tranquility, which is especially effective in calming anger. It can be regarded as an alternative version of Buddhism, but Walker can't feel that kind of evil in Little Red Thunder Snake.

This almost made him wonder if he had made a mistake.


the other side.

On the spaceship, Aya, who was reminded by Bai Xiaofei, frowned immediately, and then looked at the woman pretending to be injured, with some suspicion in her blue eyes.

The woman didn't know at all that she had been exposed, and she was still pretending to be pitiful.

"It's painful, isn't it?"

Aya walked over, glanced at the woman's feigned broken leg, and asked.


The woman nodded.

Painful: "Can you help me find a way to stop the pain?"


Aya smiled meaningfully.

Immediately afterwards, in the woman's astonished eyes, a green light blade suddenly condensed in her hand, about to cut off the woman's calf, and at the same time explained: "It won't hurt if you cut it off!"


The woman was shocked.

Seeing that this artificial intelligence seemed to have something wrong, and it was about to cut off her own calf, the woman naturally couldn't pretend anymore. While her complexion changed drastically, she immediately moved away from Aiya with amazing speed and flexible posture, and put Out of a defensive posture.

Seeing Aya's appearance as expected, the woman couldn't help frowning, and asked curiously, "How did you see through my disguise?"


Aya was silent.

Of course she won't tell the other party, someone told me that you are a bad person.


The two sides began to fight.

In fact, this woman's combat effectiveness is not high, and she doesn't have any weapons at all. The key point is that she is on the technological side. She can be regarded as a civilian scientific and technological personnel, at most, she has a stronger physical fitness.

But this kind of strength is not enough to face Aya.

after all……

Aya is quite the Green Lantern.

Even if the opponent is determined to be an enemy, Aya will naturally not hold back.


The woman is defeated.

Aya tied up the woman honestly and impolitely, then locked her in the closed room of the spaceship, silently thanked Bai Xiaofei in her heart, and then flew out to look for Hal and the others.

Since that woman is a bad person, it means that the other people I met before are definitely not good birds.

Aya was worried about the safety of Hal and others.

after all……

Someone reminds me.

But Hal and the others don't know anything.

If it's a normal battle, Aya is naturally not worried that Hal and the others will lose, but if the other party sneaks up and plots, it's a different matter. After all, Green Lantern is not omnipotent.

In fact.

Aya's worry was not unreasonable.

Because at this time, Hal and Kilowog were really in great trouble, and were suppressed by the other party for a while, almost in danger.

At the critical moment, it was Mog's consciousness that took the shot, controlled some objects on the planet, and helped them, which prevented Hal and Kilowog from being murdered.

As for Little Red Razer?

Feel sorry!

Saintwalker Walker is Mogg's brother.

Naturally, Mog would not help Little Red Razer, if he wanted to help, he should help Walker.

It's just that Razer is obviously not a bad person, so Mog didn't take action, and now he has discovered a more serious problem, it seems that someone has discovered his existence.

That's right!

This person is naturally Bai Xiaofei.

With his speed, it is naturally not difficult to go to a certain place on this planet.


Bai Xiaofei found the green light ring.

And before the person landed, he controlled the ring in front of him with his thoughts, and at the same time smiled and said to the earth: "Do you want this power?"


Morgan was silent.

Pretend you didn't hear anything, and that you're just an unconscious planet.


From Bai Xiaofei's body, he felt the terrifying power like an abyss like a prison!

In front of this, I have no strength to resist at all, and the other party may completely destroy me with just one thought!

Facing such a terrifying existence, Moge could only choose to endure it!

That is cowardly!

No way, he doesn't want to die!

So it can only be like this, after all Gaia is also intelligent.


Saw Mog playing dumb.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care, just took the green light ring in his hand, tossed it back and forth to play, and said while playing: "Don't talk? It's nothing, just listen!"

"First of all, I don't have any malice in coming to you, I just feel that this thing is not good enough for you. Choosing it will only limit your development."

"If you want, I can give you stronger power and development prospects, and all you need to pay is your own loyalty and belief. In fact, it is not much different from choosing this thing!"

"How to choose, I don't force it."


Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly put down the ring.

At the same time, another, upgraded version of the new green light ring was also summoned, with higher authority and ability, almost equivalent to Sinestro's red light ring.

That is.

If Mog chooses this ring, at least he can become the spokesperson of Green Lantern, master stronger power, and control the power of other Green Lantern rings.

Bai Xiaofei placed two rings of different versions on the left and right sides of the ground under his feet, and the middle position was blasted with a big hole by Bai Xiaofei's strength.

The hole is so deep that it seems to go straight to the core of the planet.


Mog suddenly panicked.

At this time, he was almost certain that the other party definitely knew his existence, otherwise, how could the blow just now stop when it didn't touch him?


The other party also let himself make a choice!

Without enough confidence and certainty, who would do this?

Bai Xiaofei didn't care about Moge's reaction, after putting down the ring, he smiled and left, completely leaving the right of choice to Moge himself.

Because he has enough self-confidence!


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