The Storm God

Chapter 3465 Help you choose!

After Bai Xiaofei left.

Moge was silent for a long time, as if hesitating and considering.

In fact, as Gaia, he can naturally perceive many things, such as the meaning of the green light ring, as well as the good and bad of people's hearts, good and evil, and so on.

And from Bai Xiaofei.

Mog felt the kindness from the heart, and he didn't have any bad intentions.


That new version of the Green Lantern ring.

Mog didn't know much about it, because he had never heard of it, besides the green light ring of OA star, there are other semicolons? And this semicolon is far more powerful than that of OA Star.

Therefore, Moge hesitated, not knowing how to choose.

At this time, he is like a helpless child, who has no idea what kind of fate his choice will bring him, but he is very clear about one thing.

That is, this decision is extremely important!


Mog was in no hurry.

He is hesitating and thinking, and at the same time waiting.

Waiting for the arrival of his good brother Saint Walker Walker and the appearance of the two Green Lanterns.

Mog believed that they would have the answer for themselves.

on this...

Bai Xiaofei didn't care either.

After going back, he took the time to watch the play silently.

And as time went by, other people on the Mog planet finally completed their own affairs. The green light Hal realized that the situation was not good and got out in time.

He was also worried about Aya.


Aya was far less vulnerable than he imagined.

As a result, Hal met Aya who also flew over, worried and looking for them on the way.

"Aya, I'm glad you're alright!"

"the same as you!"

Aya smiled, and then asked, "Where is Kilowog?"

Hal shook his head, and said helplessly, "I've been contacting him since I realized something was wrong, but I can't get in touch for some reason. I think maybe something blocked the signal?"


He asked Aya for help: "Can you find something?"

"Let me try!"

After Aya finished speaking, she flew directly to the sky above the planet. At the same time, she displayed her ability, scanned at full power, and the billowing power of green light turned into invisible radiation ripples, centered on Aya, and spread around the planet.


This planet is just too big.

Even though Aya's ability is very outstanding, she still can't explore all the areas.

After all, this planet itself is very special. Gaia's own special magnetic field can block a lot of signals, so Aya has been busy for a long time, and almost got nothing.


That's not to say there isn't any good news at all.

At least Aya was sure of one thing, that is, she accidentally found Reeve's energy ring.

Aya told Hal about this, and Hal said: "In this case, let's rush over to see the situation first, I believe Kilowog should be fine."


Aya didn't object.

Then, the two flew up and flew directly in a certain direction.


at the same time.

On the other side, Saintwalker Walker seemed to have sensed his elder brother's call from somewhere, so after feinting with Little Red Thunder Snake, he jumped onto a big tree in a nonchalant manner.

He said: "That's all for today's discussion, I have some things to deal with, so I'm leaving!"


Xiaohong wanted to stop him.

It's a pity that Saintwalker Walker simply ignored Razer.

Just turn around and leave.


Although Saint Walker has no special power.

But his own speed is very agile. By the time Razer reacted and wanted to catch up, he had already disappeared in the jungle, and even his breath was hidden.


Who the hell is that guy?

So strong!

Afterwards, Razer didn't stay where he was. He tried to contact Hal and Kilowog, but he only got in touch with Hal. So in desperation, he could only follow the positioning coordinates given by Hal, Thinking about going there.


On the top of a mountain.

At this moment, Kilowog looked very bitter and depressed.


He actually lost.

The most important thing is that his green light ring is out of power, which makes him have to work hard to walk from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain.

Fortunately, the big guy from before has also left.


Kilowog is in danger.

Speaking of which, I have to thank a certain existence. If the other party hadn't blocked the other party at a critical moment, maybe Kilowog would be a corpse now.

And the person who helped Kilowog was naturally Mog.

It's just that Mog can help Kilowogg escape, but he can't charge Kilowogg's green light ring, because he is not yet a Green Lantern.


Kilowog's journey is destined to be hard.


somewhere on the planet.

Hal and Aya quickly flew to the place where Bai Xiaofei had been before.


The two immediately noticed the abnormality.

There are actually two green light rings here. In addition to the old green light ring that Reeve had before, there is another brand new one, and that new ring seems to be more advanced than his own.

"what 's wrong?"

Seeing this scene, Halton was a little confused.

Could it be that the two rings both fell in love with the same person? But what's the matter with you lying on the ground together? Can't the person you choose be underground, right?


What's the situation with this bottomless hole?

Hal made a detection with the power of green light, and found that this hole went straight to the depths of the planet's core, but it was strange that there was no magma or groundwater coming out of such a deep cave.

How strange!

Aya stared at the two green light rings and the big hole, but her eyes narrowed slightly, thoughtfully.

after all.

She is not an ordinary life.

So for the existence of Gaiamog, it can be sensed a little bit.

It’s just that if Mog chooses to remain silent, then Aya will be powerless, so it’s just a guess now, not sure.

Unless Mog takes the initiative to contact them.

But this is obviously impossible, because at this moment, Moge is still unable to communicate directly with people, because his strength is not enough, unless he uses the power of the green light.

But now he is struggling with which one to choose.


Mog's good brother, Saintwalker Walker, soon arrived nearby, but he didn't show up right away, but hid in the dark, observing everything secretly.

At the same time, feeling the meaning conveyed by the elder brother faintly, Saintwalker Walker quickly understood what was going on, and was shocked in his heart: "The green light ring actually chose elder brother? And there is a more mysterious person who wants to accept elder brother To be a younger brother? This..."

And just when Walker was shocked.

Little Red Razer also flew here from afar, and landed directly in front of Hal and Aya.

"What's the situation now?"

Razer asked.

In fact, as early as when they landed, when they first saw the new version of the green light ring, Razer had already vaguely guessed that this incident might have something to do with Bai Xiaofei.

Because the craftsmanship and design of the ring are so similar to his own red light ring.


After listening to Aya and Hal's explanation.

Razer immediately said: "I don't think this matter is that complicated. Why don't we throw the two rings together into the big hole in front?"


Both Hal and Aya stared blankly at Razer, and said in surprise, "Razer, are you serious?"


Thunder Snake nodded and said: "I think that since the ring is chosen here, there must be a deep meaning. We are just helping them. Even if we guess wrong, there will be no problem with the ring, right?"


The two were speechless.

Then, Razer directly threw the two rings into the big hole without being polite.

In the depths of the nearby jungle, Saintwalker Walker, who had been hiding all this time, saw this scene, his eyes widened in shock, and he said in his heart, "Brother, I can't help you now, so it's up to you to choose." Decide for yourself!"

Mog: "..."


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