The Storm God

Chapter 3466 Mog Transformation!


After Bai Xiaofei saw Xiaohong Thunder Snake's actions, he immediately smiled: "Xiaohong seems to understand my intentions very well, yes, I will give you credit for this matter first!"

And at the same time.

On the planet Mog, the two green light rings are falling towards the inner core of the big hole under the gravity of the planet with a natural falling tendency.

As the acceleration of gravity became faster and faster, Mog became more and more speechless.


This is forcing him to make a choice.

In the end, Moge was also helpless. Since he didn't know what to choose, it all depends on God's will!

He decides.

Choose which ring falls first!

That is.

Mog left everything to providence.


Things come to fruition.

Originally, the falling speed of the two rings was almost the same.

But at the last moment, I don't know what happened, the old green light ring was actually a beat slower, as if I felt something.

At first, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he suddenly exerted force, and even accelerated and flew towards the inner core.


It is flying, not falling naturally.


See this scene.

Bai Xiaofei was speechless at the time, and said with extreme displeasure in his heart: "Damn, this is obviously playing tricks, very good! Since you don't obey the rules, then don't blame me for not being polite to you!"

With a thought.


The next moment, the new version of the green light ring erupted with an unparalleled force.

In the absence of a host, it released the billowing power of green light directly, turning into a substantial thug. After infinite extension, at the critical moment when the ring was about to reach the core, a He held it in his hand.

follow closely……


This big green hand directly squeezed the green light ring into a puddle of powder residue like a biscuit on the spot, leaving it completely dead without a place to bury it.

at the same time.

The new version of the green light ring has no opponents.

In the end, it naturally landed on the core of Planet Mog, and quickly integrated with it, becoming an extremely special existence.

Then, there was a "boom".

An incomparably bright green light, like a pillar of fire soaring into the sky, immediately sprayed straight into the sky along the big hole.

This soaring green light suddenly turned when it reached the outer space of the planet, and began to revolve around the planet, and quickly formed a huge ring.

And the logo badge on this ring is exactly Bai Xiaofei's new green light logo.

That is.

At this moment, Moge has become Bai Xiaofei's younger brother.

Although his current performance is similar to that in the original plot, there is still an essential difference, because this huge planetary version of the green light sign quickly disappeared after it was formed.

And at the same time.

Deep in the heart of the planet Mog.

A burly male figure is slowly forming from the center of the scorching hot magma. And this person, of course, is none other than Mog's embodied physical body.

Not only that.

On the right hand of this body, there is also a ring.

It was the new version of the green light ring that was integrated with it. With the help of the power of the green light ring, Mog allowed his consciousness to have enough ability to build his own body with the material of the planet itself.

That is.

Henceforth, Mog will no longer be limited to one planet.

Instead, you can go out freely and do whatever you want like other normal people. This alone made Mog very happy!

"very good!"

All changes in Moge cannot escape Bai Xiaofei's eyes. Seeing Moge successfully transformed into form, Bai Xiaofei was very happy, this special little brother was finally paid under his command.

Finally, my painstaking efforts were not in vain.


What happened just now made him a little unhappy.

The green light ring dared to play tricks under his own eyelids, it was courting death.

Although Bai Xiaofei has already controlled the new version of the green light ring and completely turned the ring that does not talk about martial arts into scum, but this is not enough to relieve him.


Bai Xiaofei decided to make trouble for those little blue people on OA star.

Of course, he himself will definitely not make a move, because the opponent is not worthy, but it is still okay to reveal a little bit of inside information to the enemy of OA star.

As for whom?


Ato is undoubtedly a good choice.

Firstly, Atuo hated the little blue people of OA star to the bone, and secondly, there was no big problem with his standpoint, those guys from Apocalypse star were not suitable.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei stopped hesitating immediately, and immediately sent a message to Sinestro, saying that he wanted to meet the leader of the Red Lantern, Atositas. As for the time and place, it all depends on the other party.

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei doesn't care.


Sinestro agreed.

And at this time, on the planet Mog, Mog's body has also been fully formed, and he has turned into a majestic man with a mature face and eyes full of vicissitudes.

The special red and green battle suit shape makes him look unaware.

Gives a very uncomfortable feeling.

at the same time……

Without any means.

Just by standing there, Moge can bring an incomparably great pressure to people.

After all, he is Gaia, not an ordinary person.

In particular, the green light ring that Bai Xiaofei gave him has a very high level of authority and ability. The power born from the combination of the two is extremely terrifying and powerful.

And at this moment.

Mog felt this sincerity and strength.

"So strong!"

Is this the power that man possesses? Sure enough, he is so powerful that it is unbelievable. I only used a little bit to achieve such a level, so how terrifying is he?

Following such a boss, one can imagine that his future must be full of infinite possibilities.

In a word.

It smells so good!

Think back to your own hesitation before.

At this moment, Moge felt that he was really stupid at that time.


He smiled slightly.

Following the thought, he flew directly out of the magma core, then passed through the big hole, flew directly out of the core of the planet, and soon came to Hal, Aya and others.

"Who are you……?"

Hal was still very shocked by Mog, a powerful stranger. The moment he saw him, he subconsciously put on a defensive posture.

no way.

Who made Mogg look completely different from ordinary Green Lanterns?

Since it is not one of our own, it may be an enemy.

He has to be careful.


Aya is an exception.

Because she realized Mog's extraordinary almost instantly.

Aya's blue eyes suddenly turned into streams of data that flashed rapidly, as if she was scanning everything about Mog, but the result she got in the end was more question marks.


The current Mog has surpassed Aya too much.

So she is doomed to be unable to detect more information, but Aya can still infer based on some existing information that the person in front of her is probably the incarnation of the planet under her feet.

Because the power and breath on his body are too similar to this planet.

In fact.

Not just Aya.

Saintwalker Walker, who was hiding in the jungle, also immediately felt the breath of his elder brother from Mog's body, and then he was shocked and hurried out of the woods without recognizing him.

When he came to Moge, he dared not say anything: "Brother, is that you?"

"it's me!"

Mog smiled slightly.

Looking at the extremely excited Saint Walker, he said gently: "My good brother, today I can finally see you with my own eyes in the form of a human being, and I can talk to you!"

"It's you!"

Little Red Razer also recognized Saint Walker Walker immediately, and exclaimed.


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