The Storm God

Chapter 3467 Little Red is Sour!


Hal and Aya looked at Xiaohong in astonishment, and asked in surprise, "You know each other?"


Razer nodded.

Then he briefly told the two of them what happened to Walker the Holy Walker just now, and then turned his attention to Walker and Mog again.

"Who are you?" he asked.


People ignored him at all.

Razer:"……" # !

He almost got angry.

However, considering that Moge might be Bai Xiaofei's newly recruited younger brother, Little Red Razer finally held back the anger in his heart, snorted, put his hands on his chest, and turned his head away from looking at the two of them.

And here.

Saintwalker Walker was still talking excitedly with his elder brother.


"What's going on with you? Could it be the power of the two rings just now that gave you the power to change form? But isn't this incredible?"

"Then what is your state now?"


Walker, who was mature and calm in the past, no longer has the stability of the past at this moment. He looks like a curious baby like a hundred thousand reasons, and his eyes are full of curiosity and puzzlement.


Mog scratched his head with a wry smile, and said truthfully: "Walker, to be honest, my situation is very complicated now. I just received this power, and I don't know everything well yet."


"One thing I know very well, that is, I seem to have the power to do whatever I want!"

"Just like this!"


The voice did not fall.

Moge suddenly looked to the top of his head.

In the bright daylight, in the clear and silent sky, at this moment, there is a meteorite figure that looks like a huge moon. It looks slow, but it is actually an asteroid that is hitting this planet at a very fast speed.

According to its speed, it will collide with the Mog planet in about an hour.

By then...

The two sides will burn jade and stone together.

But now, the situation is completely different.

Mog has power, and it is a terrifying power powerful enough to make many people ashamed.

He smiled coldly, raised his hand suddenly, and punched the huge meteorite figure. Immediately afterwards, the green light ring on his hand erupted with a soaring green glow.

This green glow instantly turned into a lightsaber, cutting through the void at an astonishing speed.

And in the macroscopic vision of outer space.

From the perspective of the meteorite, it was a green lightsaber that erupted abruptly from the planet without giving it any chance to dodge or react.


This huge meteorite was directly pierced by the lightsaber into countless fragments.

And the residual power of the lightsaber is also extremely powerful and terrifying. Those shattered meteorite fragments, like plastic burned by countless green flames, turned into countless ashes in an instant.

The power of the meteorite disappeared in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Hal and the others were stunned, with shocked expressions on their faces.

To know.

But the meteorite is not small.

It is comparable to some asteroids. At that time, in order to stop this guy, Hal and others even used the green light power of the spacecraft's engine, but they still couldn't stop this meteor. At most, it was a deduction Just the speed of the impact.

But now...

This strange man with the green light ring, on the planet, punched casually, released a lightsaber, and easily smashed that huge movement into scum...

Oh My God!

No matter what other people think.

Anyway, Hal said that he was completely shocked.

He felt a little sour in his heart, and said bitterly: "Nimma, they are also green light rings. Why are others' ones so awesome, but my own is so low?"

Not only Hal.

In fact.

Even Little Red Razer has some taste.

after all……

His red light ring is also very powerful in theory.

But everything is afraid of comparison.

Anyway, after seeing the terrifying power shown by Mog now, Razer is a little envious.

Although it is not impossible for Razer to achieve this level, but like Moge, who can easily destroy stars with a wave, Razer will naturally not be able to do it.

And all of this, of course, is not because his ring is not powerful, but because of Xiaohong's own physical fitness, which limits the ability of the ring. If he is the incarnation of Gaia like Mog, then the two sides are probably on the same page.


In terms of sheer strength.

The red light ring may also be on top of the green light ring.

It's a pity that Thunder Snake is not Gaia, so after seeing Moge's performance, he felt slightly apprehensive, and secretly said: "Bai Xiaofei has more and more younger brothers, and their abilities are also very terrifying, far surpassing me. If you don't behave well, there will be no place for yourself in the future!"

this moment.

Little Red Razer secretly vowed that he must do a good job!

after all……

He still wants to revive Ilana.

In short, after being stimulated, Thunder Snake was full of boundless fighting spirit, and the red power on his body also complied with his intentions, and immediately burst into billowing arrogance.

Hal and Aya next to him looked puzzled. They didn't understand why Xiaohong was going to explode.

Is it to show your strength?


To you Mog.

You are still a bit weak, isn't this just asking for humiliation?

never mind!

Whatever he pleases!

The most urgent task right now is to quickly find out the identities of these two people, and where is the green light ring? Since this person chose another ring, it stands to reason that the other ring should find another owner by itself, why is there no movement at all now?

Hal is more direct.

Ask as soon as you think of it, without concealing and beating around the bush.


Mog is also more refreshing.

Hearing this, he immediately gave Hal a reply, saying: "You are talking about that fragile ring, I know, before it fell into the core and merged with me, it seemed to want to preempt it, and then angered the ring in my hand. This ring, followed by it, was crushed into scum by the explosive power of my ring..."


When Hal and the others heard this, they were instantly speechless.

Fragile ring?

Trying to be first, only to piss off your ring and get crushed?


Several people looked at each other.

They all saw each other's shock and disbelief, but they didn't see doubts. Obviously, they believed Moge's words very much, and didn't doubt the truth of them.

After all, he is a big boss.

I am completely unfamiliar with myself and others, so there is no need to deceive myself at all.


This is how things work out.

It's a little embarrassing and troublesome. You must know that Hal and others came here to seek help. As a result, Reeve's ring was inexplicably crushed by another green light ring...

What kind of development is this!

In short.

At this moment, Hal was a little irritable and speechless.

Xin said: "It seems that this time's hope will be in vain again. It is obviously impossible to expect this big man with explosive combat power to go with me and others to deal with the Red Lantern Corps."

And it is true.

With the idea of ​​Sima being a living horse doctor, Hal tried to invite Moge.


Mog refused on the spot.

His reason was that he had more important things to do.

Of course, if the other party is really in danger and needs help, Moge will give him a helping hand if he is free.

But go with them, then sorry.

"All right!"

Hal thought it was true.

Then he started to change the subject and asked Mog, do you know the news about Kilowog?

Moge nodded and said, "I really know that. He is currently on a big mountain in the north, but his ring seems to be off, so he can only walk on his feet, looking very tired..."


The three of Hal suddenly had black lines on their faces.

Kilowog, I said why I couldn’t get in touch all the time. It turned out that the ring was out of battery. It’s really difficult for you to walk down the mountain all the way.


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