The Storm God

Chapter 3468 Bring the younger brother to the boss!

After a while.

According to Mog's instructions, Hal quickly found Kilowog who was still struggling to go down the mountain, and then gave him a little bit of his own energy. Only then did the exhausted Kilowog finally regain his strength , has the ability to fly.

Kilowog swore that if he saw that one-eyed guy again in the future, he would beat him until he didn't even know his mother!

Hal could only smile wryly at this.


A group of four left the planet Mog.

After all, they still have tasks to do, the Red Lantern Corps' affairs need to be resolved, and they also need to unite their teammates to fight against the Red Lantern Corps.

Since Mog couldn't leave with them, Hal and the others had no choice but to find another way.

And after they left.


Saintwalker Walker looked at his big Mog, and said thoughtfully: "Do you have something to say? I just saw you, and it seems to be hiding something."


Mogg smiled.

The eyes are full of a smile that really can't be hidden from you, and he said: "What I want to say is that I recognized a boss, and it is because of his help that I have today..."


He briefly told Saint Walker Walker what happened to him.

Walker expressed his shock at this.

"Oh My God!"

"In this world, there are such terrible people?"

"Who the hell is he?"


Walker was very envious.

Because, he also wants to gain power to save his planet.

If not, Walker would not have come out to practice hard, and the acquaintance with Mog was completely an accident, because his spaceship crashed here, and he met those bad guys again.

Thanks to Mog's help, there was no tragic death.


The good brother has a body again.

While Walker was happy for his elder brother, he was also a little envious.

If only I could have this power too.

he thought.

Mog is very clear about Walker's affairs, and he also understands Walker's personality very well. Looking at Walker's appearance, Mog knows that Walker must have some ideas.


He smiled and said, "Walker, don't worry, I've always been concerned about your matter, brother, this time when I meet the boss, I will tell him..."


The elder brother has said so, what else can Walker do?

I can only accept it silently.


Walker asked curiously: "Then what are you going to do now? Although you have an avatar, your body is still this planet, right? Can you leave it?"

In Walker's understanding, the big brother of the human being in front of him should be one of the clones. Generally speaking, he should not be able to leave the mainland too far.

That's why I asked this question.


In fact, Mog was also a little worried about this.

But at this time, a message suddenly came from his ring, which instantly dispelled Mog's worries, and said to Walker in surprise, "There is a solution!"


Walker was puzzled: "What way?"

Moge said: "The boss sent me a letter just now, saying that my real planet can be transferred to the boss's world and become a planet in the boss's galaxy. In this way, my human body can You can go out and act as you like without any worries!"


Walker's eyes widened suddenly, with an incredible expression on his face.

That's okay too?

Mog didn't care about Walker's shock.

After receiving Bai Xiaofei's instructions, he didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately began to exert his strength, using the authority ability of the green light ring, and began to construct a special brand and rune.

Visible to the naked eye, green and complex space-system rune imprints immediately appeared on several important places on the Mog planet.

And the moment these rune imprints were completed.


The cosmic space where the planet Mog is located suddenly began to twist violently, and the whole world seemed to become like ripples at this moment, producing endless ripples.

And when all of this subsided quickly, everything around seemed to have changed, and it seemed to have remained the same at all.


Walker on the planet Mog didn't notice any changes.

Walker looked at his elder brother Mog curiously, his eyes seemed to say: "Brother, is this the end of the matter? It seems that nothing has changed, right?"


Mog smiled and said, "It has changed!"


Walker looked disbelieving.

Mog smiled brightly, and explained: "Because you are still on my planet, so you don't know much about the perception of the outside world, but as a planet, I have great changes in the outside world, but I feel Very clear!"

"This is no longer the original world."


The voice did not fall.

With a wave of Mog's hand, the sky-blue atmosphere above Mog's planet instantly became transparent, allowing people to clearly see all the scenes in outer space during the day.

And Walker immediately saw a special planet that he had never seen before.

That planet looks very beautiful, the perfect composition of machinery and plants, from a distance, it seems to be a special kind of totem, and it seems to have dragons and phoenixes hovering, which is extremely profound and unrecognizable.

To know.

There was no such existence around the planet Mog in the past.

"That is……"

Walker was shocked.

But Moge explained with a smile: "Walker, did you see that, that is my boss, the planet transformed by Bai Xiaofei's true self, isn't it beautiful and shocking?"


He didn't say anything, and Walker was even more shocked when he said this.


Isn't your boss alone?

How did it become a planet again?


Moge looked at the bewildered expression of the little brother, laughed and said: "Sorry, Walker, I forgot to tell you just now, in fact, my boss was originally a person, but in the later evolution, he unexpectedly turned into a star." The planet, the person I saw at that time was just an incarnation of the boss!"

"It's like the me you see now, but that planet is actually his true self!"

"And now, we are in the boss's world!"

"That's right!"

A voice came out of nowhere.

He directly took Mog's words, and at the same time, Walker was shocked.

He turned his head to look, but saw a handsome young man standing in front of the two of them with a smile at the moment, his eyes were full of profoundness, and his whole person gave off a sense of vastness like an abyss.


Could it be the eldest brother's boss?



When Walker was still shocked, Moge had already greeted Bai Xiaofei honestly, Bai Xiaofei nodded to Moge, and said with a smile: "From now on, this is your home, you can do whatever you want, don't be restrained! "


Mog nodded obediently.

He fully demonstrated the role of his younger brother.

But thinking of his little brother, it seems that he still has a wish, so Moge couldn't help but said: "Boss, this is Walker, my good brother, he..."

"I know!"

Before Moge finished speaking, Bai Xiaofei interrupted with a smile: "Saintwalker Walker, I also know a little about you, I know what you want, but I'm sorry, it's not the time yet, when the time comes, you The opportunity will come back naturally, and I will naturally help you when the time comes!"

Morge was startled.

Walker also stared wide-eyed, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

What's the meaning?

Did he mean that in the future, at a certain moment, I will be like my elder brother, possessing powerful and incredible power, telling myself not to be too impatient, just wait for the annual salary?



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