The Storm God

Chapter 3469 No one should think about it!

Saint Walker is the first Blue Lantern in history.

His importance is self-evident, Bai Xiaofei has other plans, of course he will not easily recruit him as his younger brother, at least he will have to wait for him to get the Lantern Ring.


Bai Xiaofei's goal is to dazzle Shihuang.

If he changed all of this rashly, the honor of being the first Blue Lantern might fall on someone else's head, which would undoubtedly add a lot of trouble to Bai Xiaofei.

So he can only reject Mog and Walker.


Although the power cannot be given to Walker for the time being, Bai Xiaofei can let Walker join his camp in advance, and teach him some related cultivation methods to enhance Walker's ability.

After all, Walker is strong even without a ring.

No less than a normal green light or red light, the premise is that the opponent does not release the power of the ring to carry out auxiliary attacks, a physical combat that only relies on strength to deepen.


No matter how strong Walker is, he will be deflated.

And if Walker practiced the skills taught to him by Bai Xiaofei and further enhanced his abilities, this situation would be greatly changed.

To this.

Walker looked very excited.

Because the exercises Bai Xiaofei gave him are really suitable for him.

This can't help but make Walker feel that Bai Xiaofei regards him as a confidant, otherwise, how could the exercises given be so thoughtful, as if they were specially created for him.

Walker can only say in his heart that he is indeed the boss of the big brother.

It's awesome!



Without much effort, Bai Xiaofei easily subdued Walker, making him one of his loyal younger brothers from the bottom of his heart, and just after joining, he provided Bai Xiaofei with a lot of power of faith.


Bai Xiaofei was also quite surprised and pleasantly surprised, secretly said: "Saintwalker Walker, he really has the meaning of a fanatic. If he teaches him well in the future, he will be a qualified manager."


Bai Xiaofei quickly left.

But before leaving, he also told Mog and Walker to return to the original world as soon as possible.

Because of certain things, they still need to be done.

Mog will not speak for the time being.

Walker must first find a planet similar to the planet Mog, continue his penance journey, and wait for the arrival of the blue light ring.

In the original plot.

Walker got the blue light ring at Mog Week.

But now Moge's original planet has come to Bai Xiaofei's small world, so he can only find another way to find a similar planet to replace it.

And for Bai Xiaofei, this is not difficult at all.

In fact.

When Bai Xiaofei asked Mog to bring his own planet to his own small world, he had already found a replacement for Mog in advance, so after returning to the original world, what Mog had to do was very simple.

That is to follow Bai Xiaofei's guidance, find the alternative planet, and move it to the original position of his original planet, acting as his substitute.

For ordinary Green Lanterns, this may be a big event beyond imagination.

But in front of Moge, this is just a trivial matter.

after all……

They are Gaia.

Coupled with the new version of the high-authority green light ring bestowed by Bai Xiaofei, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, comparable to a master of the God Emperor Realm, it is not difficult at all to move a planet to other galaxies, okay?

Walker, on the other hand, is a bystander.

I witnessed almost the whole process how my good brother led me to find that similar planet across the vast sea of ​​stars in the vast and endless cosmic starry sky.

Then, with astonishing mighty power, he was pulled all the way back to his hometown, and finally settled properly. And all of this made Walker very excited, and his inner longing and yearning became even stronger.

After the substitute planet is done.

Mog found a place in the planet's core and went into a short dormancy.


Hibernation or something is just rhetoric.

In fact, Moge just wanted to take this opportunity to comprehend a lot of knowledge and cultivation experience that Bai Xiaofei had passed on to him. After all, he had just transformed into form not long ago, just like a child in the human world, there are still many things to learn. There are many, many.

As Gaia, the potential is naturally needless to say.

Of course, Bai Xiaofei would not waste such a good seedling, so he gave Moge a lot of resources, and only hoped that he would become stronger and stronger, so that he would not let down his talent.

To this.

Walker also expressed understanding.

While the big brother was dormant to comprehend the profound truths in his heart, he was not idle. Every day was not hard training, he was practicing the exercises that Bai Xiaofei passed on to him, or he was meditating to improve his own ideological realm, and silently provided Bai Xiaofei with faith The power, never neglected even a single day.

Proper behavior of diehard fans!

And the other side.

Green Lantern Hal, Kilowog and others continued to drive the spaceship, wandering around the edge of the universe, looking for accomplices who could help them, and finally landed on a special planet on a certain day.

it's here.

Kilowog meets true love.

Although he was affected by the citrine and had a big fight with Hal, in the end, everyone was happy and no tragedy was brewing.


It was a bit sad when we parted.

In order to deal with the threat of the Red Lantern Corps, Kilowog could only reluctantly leave the true love he had just obtained.


The group of them encountered the mobile fortress of the Red Lantern Corps [Shad], a technological castle built on a meteorite, with super bombs underneath, which looked very dangerous.

Atuo, the first-generation leader of the red light, Zuo Kesi, a big-headed officer, and adjutants such as Batwoman, are all on the Shad, and they don't know where they are going on the Shad.

After finally meeting such a good opportunity, Hal certainly didn't want to miss it.


Razer is more anxious than him.

Because his beloved Ilana was killed by Atuo.

All of this was told by Bai Xiaofei. Although Xiaohong was skeptical at the time, thinking about it afterwards, it seemed that he and A Tuo really had an inseparable relationship.


This time, he will go over to ask for clarification in person.

At the same time, Razer also knew that Hal and the others might affect their plans, so while they were not paying attention, they secretly made some innocuous manipulations to the spaceship.

Razer then managed to "escape" the spacecraft.

And flew to the Shad.

follow closely.

Knowing that Little Red Razer went to the Red Lantern Corps alone to settle accounts, Hal and the others were not to be outdone, and dispatched one after another, and successfully sneaked into the Shad.

"Has the plot changed?"

Bai Xiaofei, who occasionally pays attention to the situation of Hal and others, can't help frowning slightly when he sees this scene: "The original plot is not like this, but first met the Shad, then Kilowog met true love, why now? But turned it upside down? Could it be because of my intervention?"

One thought here.

Bai Xiaofei was a little depressed and speechless.

Because if it develops according to the original plot, they should meet Purple Lantern not long after Kilowog left the woman he met.


But here is an accident for him!

Who can stand this?


I obviously have rarely interfered in their affairs, okay!

why treat me like this?

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was full of resentment.

Then he seemed to be venting, then turned his gaze to OA star, and said in his heart: "It's time to release your black material, otherwise, wouldn't it make you too comfortable?"

"I'm upset, don't think about it for any of you!"



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