The Storm God

Chapter 3470 General Zamarun Star Treasure!

Under Bai Xiaofei's gesture.

Sinestro quickly revealed all the scandalous things that OA star did back then, such as creating countless robot hunters, causing countless tragedies, etc., all out.

for a while.

OA star suffered a lot of doubts.

Although the authority of the little blue people is stable on the surface, in fact, within the Green Lantern, there are already many newcomers who have just joined and are skeptical of the little blue people's rule and policies.

Don't say anything else.

Let's just say the most recent one.

Mr. Bai originally cooperated with you out of good intentions.

As a result, after you obtained other people's technology, you crossed the river and demolished the bridge, turned your face and refused to recognize people. This approach undoubtedly made many new green lights who have not been brainwashed by the little blue people very upset.


Some with more intense personalities directly took off their green light rings, completely drawing a line with OA stars.

Because, as the OA star scandal came to light, there was another piece of news.

Star Kruga officially recruits members.

As for what legion?


Although it has not been disclosed in detail for the time being, it also indirectly mentioned some situations.

In a word.

It's not a pity to give up the green light over there.

Because we can give you better and make you more powerful.


The size of the Yellow Lantern Corps immediately increased dramatically.

It is growing at a pity rate almost every day, until the guardian of star OA, the current ruler Appa, is so angry that he must take care of the traitor Sinestro!


As Sinestro's uncle.

At this moment, Abin Sur is very embarrassed and depressed, because he really doesn't know when Sinestro betrayed OA star, although the little blue people of OA star did something wrong and not good enough... …

But the purpose of the green light ring is correct.




After the scandal was exposed.

Regardless of the persuasion of others, Abin Sur secretly left OA star and flew all the way to Kruga star, wanting to have a good talk with Sinesto, and tried to persuade Sinesto to return to the shore.


Sinestro sneered and said, "My uncle, get rid of you and be sober. What does it mean to turn back and do it right? That's a saying of doing something wrong and turning back to the right. Did I do anything wrong!"

"The fault is star OA and those guardians!"

"They are the ones who should turn around!"


Abin was speechless.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

But sadly found that everything Sinestro said seems to be correct. Although this brother-in-law has now left the Green Lantern Corps, he has not done anything that is indignant.

As for possessing the power of the Yellow Lantern and creating the Yellow Lantern Corps?


Abin is not stupid either.

He naturally also knows that power has no right or wrong.

The key is that people who use this power, such as the power of the green light, the guardian of OA star, have not used it to create robot hunters, causing great threats and panic to the entire universe, and even death?

Why is it that the yellow light must be broken?

What did OA star say?

Feel sorry!

to be honest.

Abin no longer fully trusts the guardians of OA star.

Therefore, seeing Sinestro's attitude was extremely resolute, and there was no possibility of persuasion at all, Abin gave up directly, and then left Kruga and returned to OA.


Just got back.

Abin got a piece of news that shocked him.

The guardian Ganser was officially expelled by Appa during his absence, expelled from the OA planet, and all the previous crimes were pushed on Ganser.

And Apa's behavior naturally immediately won the praise and support of many uninformed people, making his status as the guardian of the actual power holder more stable.


After Abin learned of all this, his heart suddenly became extremely heavy.

Regarding my choice, I can't help but have some doubts: "Is it really right for me to do this?"

he does not know.

He only knows that the current OA star has changed.

Under the leadership of Apa, it seems that they are going in a direction that they can't understand at all.

He was very confused.


the other side.

Bai Xiaofei finally felt relieved.

After learning what happened to OA star, let alone how happy I was.

Especially when Ganser was expelled, Apa took power, and implemented major changes to OA Star, Bai Xiaofei was so happy that he almost laughed out loud: "It's really a good job!"


Schadenfreude belongs to schadenfreude.

Bai Xiaofei also didn't forget that Ganser had left, which also meant that Lan Deng's birth would not be far away.


He once again focused his attention on Hal and the others.

And this time.

Hal and others have left the Shad.

Although Xiaohong's solo action caused all the dangers of Hal's team to be wiped out, at the critical moment, Aya showed his power and Razer went berserk, but he returned to his spaceship safely and smoothly.

But Atuo's Shad was messed up by them.

It made Ato very angry.

follow closely.

Atuo put his idea on the planet Patras.

Ellande, the queen of the planet Patras, is also a Green Lantern, and his younger brother, because of coveting power, killed the former Green Lantern Duro and attempted to poison Kilowog, so he was imprisoned.

One can imagine.

What anger and resentment filled his younger brother Laige's heart.


That's right for a red light.

So, under Atuo's control, Legg became a Red Lantern.

Not only that.

Atuo also sent his men to help Laige, relying on his strength, he overthrew the rule of Queen Ellande in one fell swoop and became the new king of the planet Patras.

And the Red Lantern became the hero of this planet.

The trap has been laid.


Just wait for Green Lantern Hal and others to enter the network.

And at this time.

When Green Lantern Hal and his team were navigating in space, they were suddenly attacked by a special monster. The monster was very huge, and its body was both virtual and real, like an octopus with claws, but it was a little different.

Its appearance directly put Aya's spaceship into a dilemma.

And just when they were helpless.

A beautiful figure of a woman suddenly appeared, and released a wave of strange pink power with the purple ring in her hand, taming the strange monster, allowing Hal and others to escape from danger successfully.

"Who are you……"

Hal and the others were shocked.

After escaping from danger, they flew out of the spaceship one after another, thanked the beautiful woman, and asked about her identity. Anyway, they had never heard of the Purple Lantern Man.

"My name is General Bao."

The beautiful woman introduced herself: "I see that your spaceship seems to be malfunctioning. In this case, why don't you go to Zamaron Star for a while?"


Hal et al. did not refuse.

He happily agreed to General Bao's invitation, and then used his strength to drive the spaceship that was malfunctioning, and flew to Zamarun together.

As everyone knows...

All of this is actually a conspiracy by General Bao.

After docking the spaceship properly, General Bao proposed to take Hal and others to visit his planet, as well as the palace and other places, and Hal and others readily agreed.


Aya, a special intelligent mechanical life, was rejected.

General Bao didn't give Aya any face at all, his attitude was very firm, and he didn't hide his dislike for Aya at all. Hal and the others wanted something from others, and it was not easy to turn against General Bao, so they had to temporarily wrong Aya and stay outside.

Aya frowned slightly, sensing something was wrong.

She felt that General Bao seemed to have malicious intentions.


After Hal and others left.

Aya flew to another place, ready to take a good look.


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