The Storm God

Chapter 3471 Carol:


On the other side, Bai Xiaofei saw everything, and he was so happy, he said excitedly: "Finally, the power of the purple lantern has appeared, and the lantern beast has been converted into a clan octopus. I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

That's right!

The strange cosmic monster that appeared before is very likely to be a converted octopus!

The converted octopus was backlashed by the chaotic universe because it helped other lantern beasts back then, resulting in necrosis of the tentacles at the regular level, a great loss of mind, and a direct imbecility.

Both the image and the performance are very similar to the monster just now.


Bai Xiaofei had reasonable doubts.

This group of Purple Lantern Heroes from Star Zamaron, perhaps by chance, managed to control the octopus for some reason. After all, among the lantern beasts, the predators of the lantern beasts, which represent love, pay special attention to the octopuses...

As for whether there are lantern beast predators on Zamaron Star?

This Bai Xiaofei didn't know.

after all……

The emotional spectrum is something special.

Having its power does not mean that there must be a lamp beast. Only with some of its power seeds and supplemented with special technological power can it create related original power.

Just like the blue light.

After Gunther was expelled from the OA planet.

He alone, together with the limited number of Saint Walker Walker, easily created the central battery energy of the blue light on the planet Odim.

During the process, it is likely that the Yaoshihuang Lantern Beast did not participate.


Star Zamaron is also very special.

The technology here is also very strange. Some are similar to the crystal technology of the early Superman Krypton. Whether it is their power rings, other weapons, or technological equipment, most of them can be replaced by amethyst.

There is no so-called central battery energy source on the entire Zamaron star.

It's as if, without that thing here, the planet itself can create related amethyst equipment by itself. Anyway, in the plot, I didn't see anyone who needed to charge the purple lamp ring.

on the contrary……

on this planet.

There are many tombs made of amethyst everywhere.

Therefore, Bai Xiaofei has reason to suspect that the power of the purple lantern here is likely to maintain his normal operation by absorbing the emotional power of others.


Whether this is the case, you have to verify it yourself to know.

However, Bai Xiaofei did not immediately travel to the past to investigate and study these amethysts, but watched the show with great interest, because according to the development of the plot, there will be a special event on Zamaron Star. Emotional drama.

as expected.

Regardless of the results of Aya's investigation.


When Kilowog visited the palace, he suddenly saw the shadow of his beloved woman.

At first he thought he was mistaken.

However, once, twice, three times... As the number of encounters increased, Kilowog finally lost his composure, and finally set off directly to catch up.


He was tricked.

That person is indeed Kilowoge's beloved woman, but now she has been completely controlled by the power of the purple lantern ring, thinking that love is possession!


Kilowog, who hugged his beloved woman, was defenseless at all.

While still in the midst of great surprise and happiness, he was suddenly attacked by his beloved with a purple light ring, and was directly frozen in the amethyst, becoming one of countless collectibles.


Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaofei's eyes lit up immediately, and he thought to himself: "The power of the purple lantern ring seems to be different from others, it is really overbearing to be able to deprive the other party's emotional power for his own use in this way, on the contrary, in other aspects His performance is a bit mediocre..."

On Zamaron.

Hal also began to fall.

After such a long time, he didn't care about the disappearance of his good friend Kilowog at all. Instead, he hang out with the queen's niece with peace of mind, which is very comfortable.

Although General Bao and others don't have thumbnails, Hal is not a vegetarian either.

He was already tall, young and handsome, which was very in line with the aesthetics of the people here. The key point was that he was a master of love when he was on earth, so he quickly fascinated General Bao's niece.

For a time, she couldn't bear to shoot Hal.

at last……

General Bao is still cruel.

While Hal was dragged by his niece, he hid in the dark and cast spells, borrowed the power of the purple lamp, peeped into Hal's heart, and learned about Hal's beloved Carol.


General Bao smiled coldly.

With the help of the amethyst technology of the palace, with great power, a purple lamp ring was forcibly sent across the long distance of the universe starry sky to Ka Luo on the earth.


All of this was acquiesced by Bai Xiaofei.

Otherwise, with General Bao's ability, let alone sensing Carol, she might not even be able to find the earth.

Bai Xiaofei did this because he wanted to see what kind of changes would happen after Ka Luo transformed into the Purple Lantern Man? In the original plot, Kahlo turned into the purple queen and saw the beauties around Hal, but she became so jealous that she beat Hal up.

Now the plot seems to have undergone some small changes. I wonder if Carol will still be like this?

And here on Earth.

Carol misses Hal terribly.

Hal's sudden departure left her at a loss, thinking that some accident had happened.

With the appearance of the purple light ring, Carol didn't know what happened, but she put it on by accident, and then a pink space crack suddenly appeared in front of her, and Carol passed through it.


Carol, who became the purple queen, just traveled to Zamaron Star, and saw Hal, whom she was thinking of, enjoying the massage of two beauties...


In the blink of an eye.

Carol's vinegar fire exploded.


she yelled angrily.


Hal was stunned, not understanding why Carol suddenly appeared here.

A surprise followed.

Poor Hal, he didn't realize at all how irritable Carol was now, and what her actions meant to a woman.

He stood up.

Wanted to go over and hug, maybe even kiss Carol.



Carol punched Hal in the face.

The latter flew out immediately, his mind was buzzing, and there was only one sentence over and over again: "Carol hit me? Why is that? It shouldn't be. Could it be that she is a fake?"

While Hal was flying upside down, Carol was not satisfied with one punch, so she flew up and chased him, spreading her long legs, and was about to chase after Hal.


At this moment, Hal finally reacted.

I avoided Carol's attack in time, and then shouted: "What's wrong with you, I'm Hal, sober up, if you have anything to say, let's talk about it..."

"Speaking of your size, you are a heartless man, a scumbag!"

"I'll beat you to death!"


Carol didn't listen at all.

Under the exuberant anger, he was completely familiar with the use of the power of the purple lamp ring. The release of purple light waves turned into a substantial sledgehammer, hitting Hal's body violently.


Hal dare not neglect.

Resisting quickly, the green light is released, and a protective shield is ready-made to protect himself.


I don't know if it's because his will is not very firm at the moment, or because of some other reasons, but Hal's protective shield has been hit by just one hit, and there are dense cracks.

Then, after being hit by the purple sledgehammer several times in a row, it finally shattered into pieces all over the sky, and finally disappeared, but Hal also took advantage of the opportunity of Carol's strength to make her old, and hugged Carol directly.


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