The Storm God

Chapter 3472 Escape from Zamaron Star!


Hal still has two brushes.

Although he hugged Carol tightly, but at the most critical moment, he made a move that surprised everyone, and he let go of Carol again.


He took Carol's right hand with the purple light ring, pointed it directly at his heart, and said affectionately: "If you don't believe me, just do it!"


Carol was stunned.

She stared blankly at Hal, the jealousy and anger in her eyes instantly turned into soft-heartedness.

Bai Xiaofei, who was only allowed to watch the show, couldn't help secretly calling out to be an expert!

Sure enough, a veteran in love!

Retreat to advance!


Carol really couldn't do it.

But at this time, Hal immediately started to counterattack and hugged Carol again.

And offered his affectionate kiss.

Carol instantly softened.


The queen immediately became a princess.

The domineering aura of the whole person has also dropped a lot in an instant, at least it can make people not feel the coldness.

Giata on the side was shocked and incredible.

"Is this love?"

Seeing Hal and Carol kissing like no one, and affectionately resolving all the conflicts, Giata seemed to understand a lot at this moment.


Love is not complete possession, it can be other.

Especially when Carol understood what was going on, but resolutely gave up the purple lantern ring and chose to return to the earth to wait for Hal's return in victory.

Giata didn't understand and asked, "Why?"

"because of love!"

Carol said with a smile: "Love is not possession, but dedication!"


Carol returns to Earth.

Giata, on the other hand, was completely stunned, thinking about what Carol said in his mind.


at the same time.

On the other side, in a special area full of purple crystals.

Aya finally found Kilowog, who was frozen into amber by amethyst, but just when he was about to save people, the guards of Zamaron's palace found her.


A great war breaks out.

Although Aya's ability is powerful, but there are too many people on the other side.

Besides, Aya didn't want to hurt anyone.


She could only choose to retreat.

And the Little Red Thunder Snake, who was taken to other places by General Bao and taken special care of him, was unfortunately hit. He was hypnotized by General Bao with a purple light ring, and saw through the love in his heart.

"I see!"

General Bao suddenly realized: "No wonder you have been unmoved. It turns out that there is true love in my heart, even if this person is dead, I can still use her..."


She controls the Purple Lantern Ring and is about to cast a spell to hypnotize Razer.

But at this moment.


There was a loud bang.

The walls of the palace were directly blasted into pieces.

And the instigator was none other than Aya who had just arrived.


The sudden change suddenly woke up Razer. Thunder Snake looked at Aya in disbelief who was full of anger and fighting, full of confusion and confusion: "You are..."


Aya quickly explained: "I found Kilowog, but he was frozen!"

The implication is that General Bao and the others are not good people!


Razer immediately looked at General Bao.

However, what greeted him was a purple light wave attack.


Thankfully Razer responded quickly.

Dodged in time, and flew directly to Aya's side.

General Bao looked angry, staring at Aya with murderous intent and said: "It's all your fault, you useless robot, catch her for me, I will completely dismantle her into parts!"


A large group of female soldiers rushed up.

Holding all kinds of amethyst weapons, they launched a crazy attack on Razer and Aya.

The two are outnumbered, and the situation is very bad.

In fact.

If they kill the truth.

With the power of female warriors like Zamaron Star, Razer and Aya can't do anything to them. At least they can escape if they choose, but the key point is, they can't do it.


Hal didn't know what was going on yet.

The key point is that Kilowog has already suffered, and the power of the two of them is naturally greatly reduced.

Fortunately, Hal finally arrived at the critical moment.


Another wall was broken.

The magnificent and beautiful palace just now is almost in ruins, with facilities destroyed by fierce fighting everywhere, looking extremely messy.

When Hal arrived, he saw that the hands and feet had been frozen by the purple light waves, leaving only one head exposed and almost unable to move, he couldn't help laughing: "Razer, it seems that you need help very much. ?”

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Razer was furious.


Immediately, Hal didn't delay any longer, and shot a green light, like a laser, directly cutting through the purple crystal, releasing Razer from it.

The three stood together, forming an iron triangle formation.

Aya explained: "Hal, Kilowogg is frozen, we have to save him!"


Hal nodded, "Where is he?"

the other side.

General Bao was about to explode.

Looking at the destroyed palace and the completely failed plan, his face became more and more terrifying.

She first gave her niece Giata a hard look, and then issued an order: "Stop them for me, absolutely don't let them leave!"


A group of soldiers immediately attacked frantically.

And outside the palace, there were more female warriors who came after hearing the news.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Hal and others had no choice but to retreat.

Razer and Aya are in charge of the rear.

Hal to the rescue.

Although the process was difficult, fortunately, it succeeded in the end.

Kilowog was successfully rescued. Although he had absorbed a lot of emotional power, there was nothing wrong with his body and spirit. At least when he was rescued, he was still immersed in his own happiness.

"I'm sorry to disturb your sweet dream Kilowog, but we have to leave now!" Hal shrugged, and said to Kilowog who was a little dazed and couldn't figure out the situation when he came back to his senses.


Kilowog looked bewildered.

At this time, Thunder Snake and Aya also fought and retreated, and came here.

Behind them, there are a large number of Zamaron star female warriors, and the wave after wave of purple attacks almost renders the entire sky purple.

Kilowog suddenly realized: "It seems that we are very unpopular!"


The two flew up quickly.

A group of four people fought and retreated, preparing to flee to the spaceship.

But at this time.


The void monster that had appeared before appeared again.

Just a face-to-face meeting directly trapped the four of Hal, no matter how hard they struggled, it was useless, as if the always terrifying monster of the abyss was bullying the four little mice, it was so easy and simple.

And just when Hal and the others thought it was over.

An unexpected person appears.


She actually used the power of her purple light ring to release a special light wave, and the monster seemed to like it very much. After being affected by the light wave, she immediately let go of Hal and the others, turned around and flew away.

Hal and the four were saved.


Hal wanted to say something.

But the army of General Bao and others who were about to be killed soon made him have to take back all his thanks, and Giyata just smiled at him.


A wave of purple light was released suddenly.

Giyata actually blocked the attack of General Bao and the others for Hal and others, allowing Hal and the others to successfully fly to the side of the spaceship, start the engine, and escape from Zamaron Star smoothly.


General Bao and others were killed.

Everyone surrounded Giyata tightly, and General Bao was even more angry: "It seems that I will teach you how to do things in the future, my niece..."


Giyata said with a firm face: "It should be me who taught you!"


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