The Storm God

Chapter 3473 Please enter the urn!

"That's it?"

Looking at the scenes that happened on Zamaron Planet, Bai Xiaofei seemed a little speechless, and said in his heart: "Oh, women, you are really petty. There are so many people, but you can't stop four of them..."

How weak!


That monster suspected to be a converted octopus is really terrifying!

Green Lantern Hal, Red Lantern Razer, both are new rings, plus Kilowog, and Aya, four powerful fighters, even the Purple Lantern can't keep everyone, but they are easily defeated by it crush...

What a mighty power this is!


Such a terrifying monster can be bewitched and controlled by any purple lantern man with the power of the purple lantern. What a messy setup!

What a mess!

No matter what other people think.

Anyway, the current Bai Xiaofei, after reading it, looks a little confused.

Thinking: "Could it be because of the trauma of the year and the younger age that Zi Deng can easily appease and control? But this is too outrageous?"

"You are a lantern beast!"


"What's so special about this?"


Bai Xiaofei couldn't figure it out.


He couldn't help it, and directly opened the space and landed on Zamaron Star.

When the monster left before, Bai Xiaofei's consciousness marked it, so Bai Xiaofei knew that the monster didn't leave, but was resting somewhere on the planet.

After arriving on Zamaron Star.

Bai Xiaofei didn't go looking for those Purple Lantern Heroes, but went straight to the monster's resting place while hiding his figure.

And where the monster rested, there were also countless purple crystals, and there was a man in each crystal, which was obviously the so-called nourishment.

at the same time……


Only Bai Xiaofei can feel that these purple crystals have a common feature, that is, they transport all the emotional power they absorb to the same place.

"Where is the palace?"

Bai Xiaofei looked into the distance, and said puzzledly: "Strange, the total energy of the purple lamp is not a lamp, but a huge amethyst, which is a bit unexpected!"

The Eye of Primordial Meng unfolded.

This allowed Bai Xiaofei to easily see through some of the essence.

He found that there were actually two special skeletons sealed in the huge amethyst. Judging from the appearance of the skeletons, they seemed to be from the Eagle tribe, and they were a man and a woman, and they seemed to be in love with each other.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to be sealed together in the gesture of embracing each other.

Not only that.

In this piece of amethyst, there is still a vast energy that is as deep as an abyss.

After careful taste, it is exactly the same as the power of the purple lantern ring, but it is purer and thicker than the purple lantern ring power of General Bao and others.

Contrast that.

The power of the purple lantern of General Bao and others is like a little kid.

Not worth mentioning at all!


Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaofei suddenly understood something, and said with a dark smile, "Why is the total energy of the purple lamp on Zamaron Star not a lamp? It turns out that it is because of the unswerving love between men and women of the Eagle Clan..."


He set his sights on the monster.

to be honest.

This monster does look somewhat similar to a modified octopus. Bai Xiaofei is not sure if it is true, after all, the setting of the anime has been changed a bit, and this manga was cut off for a follow-up...

This makes many things and many pits come to an end.


Bai Xiaofei also had no way of knowing.

However, one thing is certain, that is, the IQ of this monster is really not high!

It's like an imbecile, easy to fool.

at the same time.

It's powerful.

It's right to think about it, the guy who can toughen the spaceship with his body, can he not be strong?

It's just a pity that my brain is not very good, so that a large part of my own strength is wasted. It's no wonder that General Bao and others only use it occasionally, rather than as a regular combat power .

It's not that they don't want to, it's that they can't do it at all.

This is also easy to understand.

after all……

It may be easy to fool an imbecile into doing things once or twice.

But if you want to let it work for you for a long time, then you may be the one who will have a headache at that time, because the other party is very likely to screw things up because of low energy!

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei immediately lost interest in this monster.

Anyway, it has been on Zamaron Star all the time, and can't go anywhere else. There will be opportunities to study it in the future, so let's put the experience on the amethyst here.

To know.

In some respects, this thing is equivalent to the crystal of Krypton, and it takes a special technological path.

I don't know if it's the specialization of technology, or the special ability of the power of the purple lamp. In short, Bai Xiaofei is very curious. If this thing is combined with Krypton's crystal technology, what will it evolve into?


Amethyst can be used to teleport.

Does the citrine, which also has the power of a yellow light, have any other special functions?

Maybe you can do some research.

next moment.

Bai Xiaofei was not polite.

A large number of amethysts were excavated directly and brought to Bai Cass.

Bai Kaston was very distressed, and there was an extra research job, that's all, let's continue to open a clone program to help with research, one sheep is chasing, and a group of sheep is also chasing!

And all this.

General Bao and the others were completely unaware.


They are listening to Giata's "justification".

That brand-new theory of love has refreshed the three views of many people, including General Bao.


He was going to punish her severely.

As a result, it ended without a problem, and Giata gained higher respect because of it.


at the same time.

On the other side, Hal and others who escaped from Zamaron, before they had time to review the thrilling journey, they suddenly received a call for help from the planet Patras.

The person who sent the signal for help was none other than the Green Lantern Queen El Lauder.

She stated that she received threats from the Red Lantern Corps...

It's not over yet.

Communication was completely cut off.


Hal and the others were shocked.

To be honest, with their current abilities, they are basically giving away.

However, considering Ellander's safety, they finally decided to see what the situation was. If the crisis on Planet Patras was really beyond imagination, they could only contact OA star and request to send More Green Lanterns are here to help.


Aya controlled the spaceship and entered the warped space.

Soon, the group flew to the planet Patras, found a place, lurked secretly, and entered the palace. Hal and the others thought that their actions were unnoticed, but they didn't know that everything about them had been seen by Legge long ago, because this was the ambush and trap they set up to deal with Green Lantern.

To know.

There are at least a dozen Red Lanterns on Planet Patras at the moment.

Not to mention, Legge has also become the new king of nearly 2 billion people on the planet Patras, almost controlling the power and army of the entire planet, and everything is at his disposal and controlled.

In addition, it is no wonder that Hal and others are not at a disadvantage if they do mental calculations without intention.


Not everyone surrendered to Legge.

For example, the general who competed with Queen Ellander and lost in the end, but declared his allegiance, was the queen's diehards. At the critical moment, their appearance helped Hal and others resolve the crisis.

It's just that their strength is a small force after all.

The power controlled by Bileg, as well as the large number of red light fighters who descended, were completely useless. Not to mention, the Red Lantern Corps also sent people to control the spaceships of Hal and others.

This is tantamount to directly cutting off the connection between Hal and others and the outside world.

What does it mean to invite you into the urn and close the door to beat the dog?

This is!


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