The Storm God

Chapter 3475 The blue light is here!

OA star.

Appa sneered.

He doesn't care about a mere planet Patras.

Because as a guardian, what he has to consider is the safety of the entire universe. For the sake of the overall situation, he sacrificed a small planet. Anyway, Apa thinks this deal is a good deal.


What he said just now was false.

In fact, if Appa wanted to, and at some cost, he could still send a group of Green Lanterns to the planet Patras in time.

But he didn't do that.

After all, Hal was recruited by Ganser, and Appa hated Ganser, so naturally he didn't like Hal very much, and Hal, this guy, didn't listen to him very much, so there was nothing to discuss.

He would be happy to use the Red Lantern's hand to kill Hal.

Just a green light...


If you die, you die.

With so many people in the universe, it is very easy to get supplements!

Worry please!


And the other side.

After Ganser was expelled, he was brought back by Seide, who was secretly manipulated.

on this...

Gunther expressed guilt.

Because Said did so, she would also bear huge guilt, and thus be expelled from OA star together, but Said said that she didn't care about it at all.


Gunther was silent for a moment.

Then he changed the subject and said, "At this time, Hal and the others should be in trouble. While we are still here, let's help them out. We can only rely on them in the future."

"You have a way?"


While talking, the two flew towards Seid's residence.

There are many instruments and equipment inside, some of which are general, while some are more personal.

Ganser's backhand is relatively hidden, but because it uses general-purpose equipment for camouflage, it can be remotely controlled even with only general-purpose equipment.

And with Ganser's operation.


Planet Patras.

On the unmanned spaceship, Aya and Razer are fighting with several Red Lanterns on the top of the spaceship in order to protect the spaceship. Although they have worked very hard, they are ultimately outnumbered.

Another battlefield.

The other Red Lanterns also freed their hands.

Three or five of them dealt with Hal together, making it difficult for this brave warrior to parry. In the end, several people rushed up, locking the neck and controlling the hands and feet.

One of them reached out to Hal's right hand.


The other party wanted to take off his green light ring.

As long as the ring is taken off, the Lantern Man will instantly lose his power and become an ordinary person. If the opponent succeeds, then Hal will lose.

at the same time.

Planet Destroyer Bomb Liberator top.

Queen Ellande and his younger brother Legg are also at war.


El Lauder is a woman after all.

Even if he becomes a Green Lantern, he has not received any formal training at all, and most of the time he is a queen and has little time to exercise, so the combat effectiveness he can display is really not good.

On the other hand, his younger brother Legg was different.

Laige worshiped force since he was a child, so he exercised regularly. With the red light ring, his strength improved by leaps and bounds. Among the colored lights, the power of the red light has a huge advantage in terms of strength.

Almost two for one.

The gap between the two sides is so obvious, the result of the duel can be imagined.

as expected.


After a while.

The elder sister Ellande was directly smashed by the double red light blade of the younger brother Laige's green light shield, and directly bombarded Erlande, making her temporarily lose her fighting power.

Legge rushed over, lifted his sister up, and shouted: "Did you see, you are such a waste, you can only fail, and I am the only master of the planet Patras..."

At this time...

No one noticed.

Oh no!

It should be said that except for Bai Xiaofei, no one at the scene, including Aya, noticed that the green lantern used to charge Hal and Kilowog in the spaceship had actually undergone some kind of change. .

I saw a strange blue light flashing across the surface of the lantern.

follow closely……

The energy inside has also changed dramatically.

at the same time.


Centered on the spaceship.

A huge blue energy, turned into a ring-shaped shock wave, immediately diffused and enveloped a range of tens of kilometers, and under the influence of this blue light, Hal, who was restrained, was unable to parry. Lovog, being lifted up by Legge, almost lost consciousness, looking at Ellande who was about to be thrown to death by the liberator...

Several Green Lanterns, including Aya who is powered by the power of green light.

In an instant, it was as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

The power endowed to them by the power of the green light multiplied countless times in an instant. The originally ordinary combat uniforms were like burning green flames, which immediately made the Red Lanterns feel a huge shock. threaten.

Not only that.

Those Red Lanterns, I don't know why.

With the sudden appearance of that blue light, their power, as if being sucked away by something, actually began to drain away...

Compared with the sudden rise of Green Lantern, it's like one ebbs and another!


"What the hell happened, how did they..."

"It doesn't feel good!"


As a woman, Batgirl is quite intuitive.

as expected.

Don't wait for her to finish speaking.

Batgirl was shocked to see that Legg, who had the upper hand just now and even won the victory, was defeated by his sister Ellande in the blink of an eye.

I saw Queen Ellande, with green flames rising all over her body at this moment, so majestic and domineering, the light emitted by the ring, embodied in her huge arms, easily threw Laige away.


Queen Ellande suddenly arrived, condescending, and the ring once again released an incomparably thick and huge green light ray, wrapped in a world-shattering power, with an unstoppable invincible momentum, instantly blasted Laige to the ground. on the ground.

The earth instantly cracked, forming a huge pothole, as if it had been smashed out by a meteorite.

Not just Legg.

The rest of the Red Lanterns are pretty much the same.

Hal seemed to be descended from the gods, one move at a time, the green ray turned into a huge green light cannon at this moment, and no red lantern man could stop the place where the terrifying huge green cannon column passed, and all of them were defeated.

Even Aya, because of the influence of the blue light, turned into a light man emitting endless green light. The powerful and terrifying power of green light instantly broke the power of the surrounding Red Lanterns .

The only unlucky one is Razer.


He is a red light.

Although it is not the same as the red light of Batgirl and others, the original power is almost the same, so the influence of blue light is also greatly reduced in an instant.

The key point was that he was flying in mid-air, fighting fiercely with Batgirl.

As a result, the sudden loss of power made him miserable, as if the battery had run out, and fell from the sky on the spot. On the other hand, Batgirl lost her power because of the blue light, but she had wings.

Still able to fly.


crucial moment.

Aya is still reliable.

Flying over directly, when Razer was about to fall to the ground, he caught him, and this allowed Razer to avoid the tragic end of the air crash. Thunder Snake rolled his eyes speechlessly and said: "This is really the first time in the world!"


Batgirl saw that something was wrong.

Without any hesitation, he immediately ordered to retreat, so as not to be wiped out by these abnormal green lights.

Luckily, a few of them still had wings to fly, and Hal, too busy dealing with the rest of the remnants and the threat of the Liberator star bomb, didn't come after them.

Otherwise, maybe this Red Lantern Corps will be wiped out.


The general was also shocked by the weird and gorgeous blue light curtain around him, his face was full of excitement and disbelief, and he followed Yang Tian and shouted: "Did you see it? This is the light of God, God is protecting us!"

Immediately, it was recognized by countless soldiers, and they cheered together with the general.


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