The Storm God

Chapter 3476 You can't run away!


"This feeling is really cool. I feel like I'm full of magic electricity, and my whole body seems to have inexhaustible strength. Let's fight ten Red Lanterns!"

"Hal, did Gunther do all of this?"


The Red Lantern Corps fled.

Laige failed completely. The troops on the planet Patras who surrendered to him, seeing this, also honestly gave up resistance and chose to surrender.

The whole situation is one-sided.

at this time.

Kilowog flew over the Liberator.

Excited to Hal and Queen Ellande, Hal shook his head and said, "I don't know, but I think it must have something to do with him..."


The three looked at the sky.

The blue light curtain is like a blue laser, embellishing this piece of sky in a dreamy and magnificent way.

However, this phenomenon didn't last long. Following the blue light, it automatically flew out of the spaceship and flew into the vast cosmic starry sky, and then completely disappeared.

at the same time.

The divine power and flames on Hal and the others also disappeared.


"Is it back to normal?"

"So weak!"

Everyone missed it for a while.

After experiencing such powerful and incomparable power, returning to the usual ordinary, it will inevitably make everyone feel uncomfortable, and at this moment...


A rushing voice suddenly came from inside the Liberator.

Halton's expression changed drastically.

"not good!"

"The Liberator is going to be detonated. We have to dismantle it. Even if it can't be dismantled, we have to move it to another place, otherwise the planet Patras will definitely be destroyed!"

"Let's do it together!"


Without any hesitation.

The three immediately flew to the point of the liberator.

Seeing that the Liberator was about to explode in a short time, Hal and the others realized that it must be too late to dismantle it, so they seemed to move this thing away.


Liberator is too big.

It was too heavy, and with the three of them's current strength, they couldn't move at all.

crucial moment.

Little Red Razer and Aya also rushed over.

"Let's help too!"


Hal nodded.

He suddenly thought of a way.

With conventional power, it is naturally difficult to get rid of this big guy, but it is like treating this thing as a giant rocket, and oneself and others are flames?

Maybe it can be jetted into the air and transferred away.

Do whatever comes to mind.


Hal immediately aimed the ring at the ground.

The power of the powerful green light was released instantly, like a terrifying spray of flames, immediately produced a terrible reverse thrust, which was transferred to the liberator through Hal's body.

Just relying on his own strength, he still couldn't take the liberator away.

"Good way, we will come too!"


When Kilowog and the others saw this, their eyes lit up immediately, and they followed suit one after another, aiming the ring or the direction of energy release at the ground.


Four huge and terrifying green pillars of fire and a blood-red beam of light were released from the liberator's position, and the powerful and unparalleled reaction force instantly pushed the liberator up into the air.

Just like a rocket, the speed is getting faster and faster.

In the blink of an eye.

The Liberator was pushed into outer space by Hal and others.

Afterwards, a group of people left one after another, and after the unblocker left a certain range of the planet Patras, he lost the effect of gravity, and relied on the force inertia imposed on it by Hal and others before, rushing forward To the depths of space.

follow closely……

After a while.


A terrifying explosion erupted.

Even on the planet Patras, countless people can clearly see that it came from a big explosion in the depths of space. After all, it is an interstellar bomb, which is specially used to destroy planets.

Even if it explodes in space, it will cause a huge impact and impact at close range.

Fortunately, Hal and others are strong enough.

When the Liberator exploded, it was already far away from the planet Patras, so the shock wave of the explosion did not cause distance impact and vibration on the planet Patras.

Even if there is some impact, it is far stronger than the entire planet being blown up.

To know.

Planet Patras has a population of 2 billion.

This action by Hal and others is equivalent to directly saving more than 2 billion people, and the power of this planet can be said to be immeasurable, but it is a pity that this world does not seem to pay attention to that stuff.

So there is no such thing as heaven-sent merit.


even so.

Bai Xiaofei could also see it clearly.

After this incident, Hal and the others were tainted with great luck. This power can ensure that they can turn danger into safety and turn danger into good luck in many cases.

To a certain extent, it made up for the loss of merit.


This moment.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care about these things.

What he really cares about is the special phenomenon caused by the energy released by the blue light before.

In the setting of Green Lantern, the emotion represented by the blue light is hope, and this power has the effect of strengthening the green light of will and eliminating the power of red light.

Think about it too.

What is the source of anger?

Much of it is injustice, resentment, extremes, etc.

But what if it gave you hope again? Then this angry emotion will naturally be alleviated to a certain extent, thus fundamentally weakening their source of strength.

As for why the power of green light can be increased?

Perhaps it is related to will!


This thing seems to be awesome.

Of course, the power is only limited to the time when he just appeared in the world. When the Lanternman comes out, his performance will be improved. In the words of Saint Walker Walker, the Lantern is better at precise small-scale attacks. The power of light, and green light, is almost a panacea.

in short.

It is equivalent to the nanny in the team.

The fighting power is limited, but it can greatly increase the fighting ability of the teammate Green Light.

And this green light is not limited to Green Lantern, just like Aya, creations that use green light as a source of energy and new energy, including the robot hunters previously created by Star OA, etc., can all be affected by the increase in blue light.

As for the interference with the power of other colored lamps?

Feel sorry……

It's not detailed in the anime.

But according to Bai Xiaofei's guess, the effect should be extremely weak.

Just like when someone wanders in the abyss of despair and suddenly sees a little bit of hope, his heart may be shaken, but he will never give up his current plan suddenly.

on the contrary.

If you are a person with a strong will, with the blessing of the power of hope, you can easily get a boost.

This is awesome and buggy!

to be honest.

At that time, Bai Xiaofei really wanted to jump out immediately, get the blue light over, and study it carefully, but considering the subsequent development of the plot and the creation of the total energy of a larger blue light, Bai Xiaofei finally held back.

What are you afraid of?

Anyway, Saintwalker Walker and Mog are his younger brothers, so why worry.

Just be patient.

blue light...

You can't run away!

Seeing that brand-new blue lantern, under the control of a certain force, fly to a certain corner in the depths of the universe by itself, Bai Xiaofei smiled secretly with deep eyes.

And the other side.

The temporary headquarters of the Red Lantern Corps, on the meteorite spacecraft Shad.

When the leader, Atuo, heard that the plan had failed and suffered heavy losses, he immediately became furious. He punched and kicked the big-headed Zuo Kesi to vent his anger.

Zuo Kesi expressed his depression.

I didn't do this task by myself, it's none of my business if I failed, why did you hit me?


He dared not say anything.

He could only endure it silently, and licked his face and said that the most convincing thing about the leader, Atuo, is his violent temper, which can be said to be the most vivid interpretation of flattery and dog licking!


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