The Storm God

Chapter 3477 The first generation of Lanternman!


A Tuo vented a bit, feeling a little better.

He glared coldly at Batgirl and the newly joined Legg, then waved his hand, signaling the latter to disappear before his eyes, lest he couldn't help but kill this little guy again.

And Legge is also very knowledgeable.

Seeing that the leader, A Tuo, seemed unwilling to see him, he obediently retreated without anyone urging him.

"Chief Atuo..."

After Legg left, Batwoman, who had already seen the leader's deep intentions, immediately asked, "The plan for Planet Patras failed, so what should we do now?"

in their plans.

Although the planet Patras is not that important, it can also provide them with certain assistance, such as killing several Green Lanterns such as Hal, and Razer who betrayed the red light.

It's just a pity that this plan didn't work out.

And now...

The leader's plan has reached a critical moment, so naturally he doesn't have much time to deal with those messy things, so Batgirl is very curious, what will the leader do next?


Atuo stared deeply at the space outside the castle, narrowed his eyes slightly, and tilted the corner of his mouth upwards: "I want you to perform a special mission..."

"Special mission?"

"That's right!"

The leader Atuo nodded and said: "According to the latest news I got, those guys from Star OA seem to have put the total energy battery of the green light in the light house. Our next goal is the light house!"

"As long as the house of light is destroyed and the total energy of the green light is mastered, the impact on the war on OA star will be self-evident, but it is not so easy to capture the house of light..."

Speaking of which.

A picture suddenly flashed on the monitor of the castle.

It was a magnificent and vast starry sky area, but unlike other starry skies, almost everything here was tightly wrapped and blocked by endless huge meteorites.

There is almost no way to cross this star field.


It is the protective layer of the light house.

Unless this protective layer is destroyed, no one can enter the light room.

The light house is the most important defense of the OA star. As long as the light house is destroyed, it will greatly reduce the difficulty in the duel with the OA star.


Ato will lock the target on the light house.

As Ato's capable officer, Batgirl naturally knows a lot of secrets. Hearing this, she couldn't help frowning and said, "Boss, I also know a little about this light room. I heard that no one can pass through without the relevant password. Don't you?" Have a password?"


A Tuo's face was a little ugly and he said: "This is the task I entrusted to you, get me the password at all costs, and then occupy the light room!"


Batgirl was speechless for a moment.

Xin said: "You really know how to choose tasks, let us do the most difficult ones, so what are you doing, the boss?"

Atuo seemed to see what Batgirl was thinking.

I saw him slanting a smile.


"Ignorance is terrible. As the boss, I naturally have to do more difficult tasks!"

"In short, you just obey orders!"


After speaking, he turned and left.

After Atuo left completely, Batgirl couldn't help but asked Zuo Kesi, "Zuo Kesi, what is the leader busy with recently, why does he look so mysterious?"

Although Zuo Kesi licked dogs, he was appreciated by A Tuo, so he knew many secrets.

Of course, Batgirl has to fawn over her in hopes of obtaining more relevant information, otherwise she will only know how to bury her head and work hard, and she will never have a bright future.

"Hey, I really know something!"

Zuo Kesi said with a smug smile: "Batgirl, I'm afraid you don't know yet. In the current universe, besides the Green Lantern Corps and our Red Lantern Corps, there is actually a Yellow Lantern Corps..."

"Yellow Lantern Corps!"

Batgirl was shocked when she heard the words: "It's the yellow light that created a catastrophe for Star OA before? My God! Isn't it suppressed? How could it be..."

"Hey Hey hey!"

When Zuo Kesi saw that Batwoman interrupted his speech, he was immediately very upset and said, "What's the matter with you? I haven't finished my sentence yet, are you still listening?"


Batgirl immediately apologized and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I was too impatient, Zuo Kesi, don't be as knowledgeable as me, tell me quickly, what is going on?"


Zuo Kesi was very satisfied with Batgirl's attitude, and said with a smile after hearing the words: "You know it's all old calendars, the Yellow Lantern Corps I'm talking about is not the guys from before, but the OA star who used to be called The new Yellow Lantern Corps led by Sinestro, the greatest of all Green Lanterns..."

"Not only that, according to the news from our spies, there seems to be some Green Lantern Warriors under his command, who are already Red Lantern Warriors. Apparently, that guy seems to have mastered some kind of special method to create mass creations that are completely different from ours. The Colored Light Warrior..."

"And what the leader means is that he intends to form an alliance with Sinesto, and then deal with Star OA together. We have received news before that Star OA has provoked a big boss..."

"Not long ago, we received a reply from Sinestro, saying that he can talk to us. Now the leader should be busy with the negotiation. After all, this is related to the development of the overall situation, so we must not be sloppy!"

"I see……"

Batgirl suddenly realized, and said in shock: "I didn't expect the leader to think so deeply. It's a pity that I only found out at this moment. I wrongly blamed him before..."


Zuo Kesi glanced at her, and said with a sneer: "Otherwise, why is Mr. A Tuo the leader, and we are younger brothers? This is the difference between us. It's not too late to know now. In short, just work hard!"


Batgirl nodded.

Then he asked: "Then Zuo Kesi, how much information do you know about the password of me?"

Zuo Kesi shook his head and said: "I don't know much, there are many rumors related to this, but whether it is true or not, you have to identify it, and now I can only pass on those rumors and information. Speed ​​up you..."

"this is okay too!"

Batgirl was overjoyed immediately, and said with a smile.


She obtained a large amount of information and data related to the password of the light room from Zuo Kesi, and happily left the Shad Meteor Castle, and led her team on the journey.


at the same time.

A certain star field in the depths of the universe.

On a planet named Odim, Gunther landed on this planet in a simple spherical spaceship that drove him away from the OA operation.

"The environment here is not bad, but it is very suitable as a base for Lantern."


Shortly thereafter.

The blue light floating in the cosmic starry sky seemed to sense something. It was originally flying towards the planet Odim, but it turned directly and flew to another planet.

And that...

It is exactly where the planet Mog was originally located.

Now it has been replaced by other planets, but it is difficult for ordinary people to find something wrong, because the environments of the two planets are so similar.

And on this planet.


Saint Walker is standing on the highest mountain on the planet.

Looking at the vast sea of ​​clouds below him, Walker's eyes were full of hope, and he murmured firmly: "No matter how difficult and difficult the future is, I will never give up hope!"

His strong belief makes him look very powerful.

And at this moment.


Behind Walker, a bright blue light suddenly appeared in front of Walker with the sun behind him, and as the gaping position turned to the front, a blue light ring flew out from it.

this moment.

Walker was deeply moved, subconsciously took the blue lantern ring, and put it on his hand. After a burst of bright blue light flickered, the first generation of Blue Lantern was born!


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