The Storm God

Chapter 3478 Speak with facts!

"This is the power of hope?"

After becoming a Blue Lantern, Walker was very excited.


Soon, this excitement quickly faded, because after carefully feeling the power of the blue light, Walker was surprised to find that although this power suits him very well, it is not very strong.


It seems difficult to realize some of your wishes.

I can't help feeling a little disappointed.

At this time...

Bai Xiaofei's figure suddenly appeared.

"Mr. Bai!"

Walker was taken aback.

Apparently, he did not expect that Bai Xiaofei would pay a sudden visit at this time, and after recovering, he hurriedly saluted.

Bai Xiaofei waved his hands and said, "No problem!"


He looked at the blue light, and said in his heart: "Sure enough, did you still come to find Walker the Holy Walker? It should be because of the hope that Walker never gives up..."


Bai Xiaofei grabbed the blue light.

Lan Deng seemed to sense something, it wanted to escape, but it couldn't break free from Bai Xiaofei's strength.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care how Lan Deng struggled, the terrifying and vast spiritual force invaded Lan Deng's energy world in an instant, and then he was shocked to find that there was no Lantern Beast Yaoshihuang inside.


Bai Xiaofei was suddenly surprised.

what's the situation?


So how does it work? Could it be that Ganser did something wrong?

Like a green light?

To know.

Lanterns are transferable.

At the same time, even if there is no Lantern Beast, you can use the power of the source to create the same green light.

Even when the total energy is exhausted or an accident occurs, the remaining green light rings can also recharge it and re-ignite the original power.

Bai Xiaofei guessed that the blue light in front of him should be a lantern similar to the green light.

It's just that the energy inside has undergone a special transformation, from the green light at the beginning to a blue light directly. As for the ring given to Walker...


The ring itself is not important.

Because they are all energy creations, the difference is that the ring exists more in substance.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei was speechless for a moment.

Then he let go of the blue light, because Bai Xiaofei had lost interest in it.


when you let go.

Bai Xiaofei didn't forget to borrow a small part of the original power from it, as his own research sample, maybe according to the attributes of these original powers, he can develop similar blue lights himself.

After all, it's not like he hasn't done this before.


Lan Lan seemed to feel threatened.

After Bai Xiaofei let go, he directly left Saint Walker Walker and flew away on the spot.

Walker was stunned.


Is this the lamp of hope?

What about morals!

Walker's heart was full of surprise and disappointment.

He is hesitating whether to take off this blue ring, and turn to seek other more reliable powers.

At this time...

But Bai Xiaofei smiled at him, and said: "Don't worry, the power of the blue light is actually very strong, the key depends on how you use it, you should study it here first, I'll upgrade it later..."


Walker was stunned for a moment.


Can I still upgrade?


He wanted to ask something.

However, Bai Xiaofei didn't give him this chance at all, and before Walker could react, Bai Xiaofei's figure had completely disappeared before his eyes.

Walker: "..."


the other side.

After returning to their temporary residence.

Bai Xiaofei started researching non-stop, and the researched objects, in addition to the part of the original power of the blue lamp just intercepted, also included those amethysts obtained from Zamaron Star...

It is clear.

He wanted to take this opportunity to develop his own Blue Lantern and Purple Lantern Corps.


What is the specific result.

This depends on the final results of the experimental research.


at the same time.

Koruga Star, Sinestro's office.

He was dealing with official business, but suddenly a message came from the communicator, and the sender of the message was the current leader of the Red Lantern Corps—Atoshitas.


Sinestro was a little surprised.

At this time, the other party sent a message to himself. Could it be that he agreed to our conditions and was ready to cooperate?

Open the message, and the content inside is displayed immediately.

That's a video.


very simple.

Just as Sinestro had guessed.

After careful consideration, Ato has agreed to all the conditions put forward by Sinestro, but he also has a request, that is, when attacking OA star, must let Sinestro, the greatest Green Lantern ever, , the current leader of the Yellow Lantern Corps, Boss Sinestro, personally came forward to help.

To this.

Sinestro hesitated.

It's not that he still has any feelings for Star OA, but that his work is really busy, not only to manage the Yellow Lantern Corps, but also to be in charge of the new Green Lantern Corps and some of the Red Lantern Corps.

It is really tiring to have all the three major armies under the name of Sinestro.

But Atuo let him do it himself.


Isn't this difficult for the strong?

So Sinestro hesitated a little. After all, the problem now was that Ato wanted to beg them, but Sinestro didn't bother with Ato's Red Lantern Corps at all.

Sinestro only needs to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and he can reap considerable benefits.


He is fully qualified to bargain.

However, considering Bai Xiaofei's request, it seemed that he wanted to study the original version of the power of the red light, and in the end Sinestro endured the thought of refusing, and returned to A Tuo and said, "Let's meet and discuss it! "


Ato replied faster.

Almost seconds back!

at the same time……

The two agreed to meet on a certain planet in sector 666.

As for how many people will you bring?

It doesn't matter!

To this.

Sinestro didn't care much either.

Because with his current ability, ordinary players don't need to pay attention at all.

So, after thinking about it, Sinestro only waited for a few elite soldiers to go. Besides him, the yellow light boss, there were two red light green fat men, and the new green light soldiers.

A total of five people.

And when Sinestro arrived.

Ato had already arrived and had been waiting on that planet for a long time.


Atuo didn't bring many people with him.

There are only a dozen Red Lanterns, but each of them is the elite of the elite, and looks very difficult to mess with. At the same time, Atuo himself is also very strong.

after all……

They are the first generation of Red Lantern West.


The two sides finally met for the first time.

As for the task of Sinestro, Atuo still attaches great importance to it, not only because Sinestro is now the leader of the Yellow Lantern Corps, but also because the other party was once known as one of the greatest Green Lanterns on OA Star.

These various identities all illustrate one thing——

Sinestro is not easy to mess with!


This meeting.

Atto wasn't playing any tricks.

He really came here to negotiate with Sinestro with full sincerity.

Sinestro also saw Ato's thoughts, so he smiled slightly and said: "Chief Ato, I have already felt your sincerity, but sincerity alone is not enough, because the power behind me, Powerful beyond your imagination!"


Atto expressed some doubts about this.

Sinestro smiled, pointed to the two green fats behind him, and said, "You have also seen that I also have Red Lanterns under my command, since you are suspicious, that's fine, why don't we let them compete with each other?" ?”

This shows that it is necessary to speak with facts.


Atuo did not refuse.


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