The Storm God

Chapter 3479 Handsome Red Lantern Corps!


Atuo said to the tall, strong-looking alien creature behind him, whose head looked like a dinosaur's head, "Then you will take the lead!"


Abang went out immediately.

In fact, he was one of the most powerful fighters under Atuo's command.

Belonging to Atuo's pro-guard.


Nor will it be brought.

And the current contest is the first confrontation between the two sides.

Therefore, Abang understood the meaning of the boss very well, and he must win the first kill, otherwise the boss may be at a disadvantage in future negotiations.

Think here.

Abang suddenly became excited.


A roar.

A red flame immediately burned on his body.

The whole person looks terrible.

"Who are you coming?"

Abang looked arrogant, looked at the green and fat contestant who was almost hair-like, and said arrogantly: "Or, you can come together!"


Sinestro sneered at that.

Xin said: "Ignorance, later you will know how terrifying these seemingly thin people are."


The current green fat is not in the state after transformation.

After continuous upgrades and improvements by Bai Xiaofei and Bai Cass, these cloned fat green fighters are now able to control their power freely like Bruce Banner.

Especially after wearing the red light ring and becoming the Red Lantern, they immediately have several different forms, namely the ordinary form, the green fat form, the red light form, and the green fat + red light form.

And now.

The two cloned green fats brought by Sinestro belong to the form of ordinary people.

Therefore, those who look thin and weak will inevitably be looked down upon by the other party.


Along with a cloned green fat came out.

And directly sent his own red light form, the crimson flame, when it was displayed in a more exaggerated and domineering way than the other party's Red Lantern Man, the other party was shocked immediately.

Not only Abang, but even A Tuo's eyes widened.


He couldn't believe it.

Looking at the Red Lantern Man who seemed to be stronger than himself after the transformation, Atuo's jaw almost dropped.


The movement here has not stopped.

After the cloned fat green man turned into a Red Lantern, he immediately transformed again, and in a blink of an eye, he became a terrible warrior with both the power of the green fat and the power of the red light, burning the terrifying crimson flame all over his body. .

That breath!

That attitude!

That look!

Abang was overshadowed in an instant!

Even, they completely crushed the other party, because the other party was like a chick in front of an eagle in front of the red light and green fat at the moment, and the difference between them was too much.


Then, before the other party could react, the cloned green fat let out an astonishing roar.

People haven't moved yet.

Just this roar caused a terrifying energy storm.

Like a crimson tornado, it rushed directly towards Abang, and Abang, who was terrified to death, had to use the power of the red light ring to defend and dodge.

But then...


A gigantic fist hit him hard in the stomach.

Then, before Abang could react to what was going on, his whole body, like a cannonball, flew upside down, and was finally embedded in a hill a hundred meters away.

There was no movement for a long time.

And here...

The cloned green fat man who played in the battle had already withdrawn his transformation and red light form, turned back into the appearance of an ordinary person, and silently returned behind Sinestro.

As if he had done an insignificant thing, his face was calm and calm, without any pride.

This made A Tuo dumbfounded and horrified.


Atuo's younger brothers dug Abang out from the inside of the hill.

In fact, Ah Bang's injury was not serious, the key punch was too powerful, and he was knocked out at that time, otherwise he wouldn't have been silent for so long.


This is the result of Lu Fatty keeping his hand.

Otherwise, at the moment of the attack, what was thrown was not a fist, but a weapon or something. Even if Ah Bang had the power of the red light as a protection, he would have to cool down on the spot.

So far.

Several members of the Red Lantern Corps, including Atuo, suddenly became serious.

At this time, Sinestro's voice came again: "Chief Atuo, I'm sorry, these people under me are not very sensible, and the shots are not big or small, but they have already kept their hands, otherwise your It's not as simple as being in a coma, you see..."

The implication is that we have already kept our hands, and you can't help but fight.

How about it?

Still need to learn from each other?


Atuo suddenly blushed.



The result is so obvious, what a fart!

It would be embarrassing to fight again!


He immediately turned Sinestro down.

It's just that the competition is small, but the content of the subsequent negotiations is a big deal.

Now that he has lost the competition, Ato's situation will naturally be even more difficult, so he is thinking about what to do to maintain his own interests, at least to get back some money.


He really came up with an idea.

A Tuo said: "It's okay to cancel the previous request, but you must agree to another simple request, which is to help us get the code to crack the light room!"

no way.

Circumstances are stronger than people.

What can Atto do? He is also very desperate!

His Red Lantern Corps is large in scale and large in number, and even has countless space carrier fleets. The only thing it lacks is the key force targeting OA star.

And Sinestro is undoubtedly this special power.


It is the defensive offensive of OA star.

The first difficulty is the defensive layer of the light room, so Athos can only use this almost non-required requirement to show his sense of existence after much deliberation.

Otherwise, I promised the other party everything, but I didn't get any ready-made benefits. Wouldn't it be too embarrassing?


The cracking code of the light room is also very special.

Because even many Green Lanterns don't know, let alone outsiders, at least for the Red Lantern Corps, this is quite a headache.

If Sinestro could really help solve this problem, it would save Ato and the others a lot of trouble and time, which is not insignificant.


After hearing this, Sinestro's expression also changed slightly.

In fact, this issue is really not that big from the standpoint of both parties, but the problem is that it is difficult to handle this request, because even if it is Sinestro, who was once known as the greatest green light of OA star The existence of one of the heroes, and I don't know what the cracking code of Guangwu is.


Everyone has lowered the requirements so low, and Sinestro couldn't raise any more stringent conditions, so if he thought it would be troublesome, he should make it a little bit more troublesome, as long as he used some strength, it should still be possible.


Sinestro agreed.

that's all.

The two parties were very happy and signed a formal cooperation alliance agreement. Sinestro will be responsible for finding out the cracking code of the light room and providing certain technical and strength support.

And the Red Lantern Corps headed by Atuo must seize and provide them with a certain amount of special equipment and resources that meet the requirements when they capture OA star.

to be honest.

It's a typical tool man. It's not easy for Sinestro and others to grab things from OA star, but if the Red Lantern Corps did it, there would be no problem.

Although the results are similar, the nature is completely different.

after all……

Things are "bought" by others.

It's not a robbery.

Even if OA star came to the door, Sinestro and others have enough reasons to shirk responsibility and directly blame the Red Lantern Corps, and the long-cherished wish of the Red Lantern Corps and OA star itself is that OA star was at fault first.

In this way.

This has become a special closed-loop infinite loop.

In short.

Want to trouble me?

No way!


The premise is that the Red Lantern Corps can really capture the OA star and snatch everything that Sinestro needs, otherwise everything will be useless.


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