The Storm God

Chapter 3480 Goodbye Gao Gan!

After the cooperation is negotiated.

Sinestro and Atoshitas didn't stay long, because both parties still had a lot of things to deal with. As for the many follow-up cooperation matters, everything will be discussed after the cracking code of the light room is obtained.

Otherwise it's all nonsense.

that's all.

The two parties temporarily parted ways and went back to their respective homes.


After returning to his home planet, Kruga, Sinestro immediately recruited the most capable generals under his command, and asked about it, but the younger brother told him that someone might know the code to crack the light room.


"It's called Thomson or something."

The younger brother was not sure: "I just heard that this green light once entered the light room, but then disappeared inexplicably. There are clues about him, and there are various versions of rumors, but it is unknown which one is true. gone."


Sinestro was silent.

Because of this rumor, he had also heard it, but he didn't take it seriously before.

But it's different now.

The cracking code of the light house represents the interests of alliance and cooperation.


In any case, he had to get it.

Afterwards, he handed over the mission to disperse the manpower as much as possible, and search for news about the missing Green Lantern in the civilizations of the major galaxies in the universe.

If anyone can provide relevant real and effective clues, there must be serious injuries.

And at the same time.

Atuo also returned to his base camp.

However, even after forming a cooperation with Sinestro and having the other party help to find the solution to the light room, he did not bring Batgirl back and cancel the mission.

after all……

This represents interests.

If he can find the cracking code of the light room by himself, then he will be able to get more benefits in the follow-up negotiations, instead of being led by the nose by Sinestro as he is now.

Even if Batgirl didn't complete the task, that's nothing, it's nothing more than wasting a little time and manpower, and he, Atuo, can afford these costs.

And now.

What makes A Tuo more concerned is how the Red Lantern on Sinestro's side was born?

To know.

Atuo is the original Red Lantern.

Although the method he uses is rather special, it is also unique.

Could it be...

Is it the legendary Lantern Beast?

All right!

As the leader of the Red Lantern, Atuo naturally knew of the existence of the Lantern Beast.

It's just that, in his red light energy, there is no Lantern Beast Blood Slaughter Bull, but by chance, he felt a trace of the power that belongs to Blood Slaughter Bull, which created the Red Lantern Corps.

since then.

A Tuo also sent people to look for the blood of the lantern beast and slaughter the cow.

But unfortunately...

The universe is vast, and if you want to find a lamp beast in this endless galaxy civilization, it is even more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

Following A Tuo, he discovered that whether there was blood butchering the cow did not seem to have any effect on the red light, so he naturally didn't pay much attention to this matter in the follow-up.

But today, after seeing the Red Lantern on Sinestro's side, Ato couldn't help wondering whether the people on Sinestro's side found the blood of the Lantern Beast and slaughtered cattle, so they created their own Red Lantern Legion.

No wonder he thinks so.

Because apart from this possibility, Atuo really couldn't think of anything else.


Atuo seemed to be asking.

However, considering that the two parties have just started to cooperate, if they express their own needs eagerly at this time, it is likely to put themselves in a more passive situation.

So, Atuo finally held back.


this matter.

But he won't stop there.

Since it's not clear, let's come to the dark. Anyway, the matter of blood slaughter must be clarified.

And that can only belong to you!

Think here.

Ato immediately began to deploy.

On the network of the Dark Universe Alliance, he posted a reward mission to spy on the secrets of the Red Lantern Corps on Kruga, and the reward was the right to manage a galaxy under the Red Lantern Corps!

This reward cannot be underestimated.


Almost immediately, it attracted the attention of countless people.


at the same time.

OA star.

Appa and others are not vegetarians either.

Regarding the attention drawn to the light house, they did not know from what channel, but they soon received the news, so Apa immediately contacted Hal and the others.


Hal et al expressed doubts about this.

Apa explained: "According to the latest clues I got, the rumored Green Lantern seems to have been imprisoned in Astrade Prison, and you are the most suitable candidates outside the Prison, so I hope you can go to Astrand Prison. Check it out at the German Prison, is the news accurate or not?"

"If it is true, then get the password, and then enter the light room one step ahead and destroy it. In this way, it will be impossible for the Red Lantern Corps to invade Star OA!"


Halton frowned: "Isn't the total energy of the green light still there? If we destroy it, then how can we..."


Hearing this, Apa said angrily, "Since I asked you to destroy the light house, I already have countermeasures. You just follow orders and do as you please, and don't ask other questions!"


The communication ended immediately.

Hal and the others were speechless and depressed for a while, this little blue man's temper was still as bad as ever.


Who let others be the boss?

The first level of officials crushes people to death, let alone the immediate boss.

For the sake of his own duty and the safety of countless lives in the universe, even though Hal was very upset, he still had to obediently follow Appa's order and fly to the Estrand Prison.


However, as soon as Hal and the others arrived, they were immediately angered by the temporary warden Gao Gan: "You bastard, didn't you say that someone will take my place soon? How long has it been!"

Gao Gan was very angry.

after all……

Temporary warden is no easy job.

Although on the surface the warden seems to be the tallest boss here, in fact, Gao Gan is suffering to the extreme, because he is the only one in the entire prison!

The warden is just a title, he is a polished commander!

He has to do all the dirty work by himself!


After reacting.

Gao Gan regretted it, and felt that he had been tricked by Hal.

But he can't just give up.

have no choice.

You can only pay attention to what you do.

After all, Hal said that after a while, OA Star will send someone to replace him, so that he can get rid of this drudgery and be released without charge.


Gao Gan waited and waited and waited and waited.

It has been more than N days, but there is still no movement on the OA star.

On the other hand, Gao Gan is working as a cow and a horse in the Estrade Prison, and he is almost exhausted. This makes Gao Gan wonder if Hal is fooling himself. He used to complain or something. Now that he finally saw Hal, Gao Gan naturally wanted to complain and vent.


Regarding this, Hal was also a little confused and puzzled. Seeing the resentment and anger on Gao Gan's face, he said in surprise: "Hasn't the OA star sent anyone over? This... I don't know what's going on!"

He expressed his aggrievedness.

Because, Hal has really told the person in charge of AO star about the situation in the Estrade Prison. As for why the other party didn't send someone to replace Gao Gan...

Hal really didn't know why.


None of this matters.

The most important thing now is to quickly find the rumored Green Lantern and learn from him the code to crack the House of Light, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!


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