The Storm God

Chapter 3481 Price rises on the ground!

Hal immediately explained the purpose of his and others' visit, and immediately diverted his attention away. When Gao Gan heard it, he was really tricked, and frowned, "So you are here to find him..."

"Come with me!"

Gao Gan just happened to know about the situation of the green light.

Hearing this, he immediately turned around and led the crowd to the inside of Estrand Prison, saying as he walked, "I've also heard the legend about the green light, but why are you looking for him?"

"Could it be..."

"You also want to enter the light room, or what purpose do you have?"

"It doesn't matter. In short, I just want to bring you to that person. As for other matters, you can solve them yourself. Having said that, Hal, please contact OA star again to see when you can send someone over..."

"I really don't want to stay here any longer."


Gao Gan complained.

Although he is a bit stupid, he is not stupid at all.

Knowing that Hal might not have lied to him, he took advantage of the steps Hal had found to give the other party a face, otherwise it would be completely meaningless to continue arguing.


Hal nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'll tell OA Xing later!"

And behind him.

Aya could barely hold on anymore.

Because the place where Gao Gan brought them has a lot of citrine.

And these citrines have a very serious effect on weakening the green light. Hal and Kilowog can barely bear it, but Aya, who is almost entirely composed of the power of the green light, can't bear it.

Without any choice.

Little Red Razer, who was not affected by the citrine, could only temporarily take Aya out of the prison and return to the spaceship.

The task of finding someone and obtaining the password fell directly to Hal and Kilowog. The two also expressed their understanding, and followed Gao Gan to move on, and soon came to a recovery room.


The recovery room or something, that's what it used to be called.

In fact, it was a place specially used to imprison and torture people. The Little Red Razer before, as well as Hal and Kilowog, had tried it in the recovery room.

The memory is especially fresh!


Soon, the door of the cell was opened.

But the scene that came into view surprised Hal and Kilowog. The person who was tied to the torture device in between had completely turned into a skeleton...

That is.

The Green Lantern who knew the secret of the House of Light is already dead!

Kilowog walked over, took off the green light ring on the skeleton rack, and put it on his hand. The reason why it didn't fly away to find a new owner was because its energy had been drained by the citrine in the prison long ago.


And with Kilowog's actions, the skeleton frame completely fell apart.


But because of this, a clue was revealed. On the device on the right hand part of the skeleton frame that was tied up, there was a line of words: "If you want to know the password, release Bess Rock first!"

"Who is Beth Rock?"

Kilowog and Hal looked at Gao Gan curiously.

When Gao Gan heard the name, he was taken aback immediately, and immediately showed a look of fear and fear, explaining: "Beth Rock is the king of the Eagle Clan, and most of the Eagle Clan are space pirates. , ferocious and brutal, very terrifying!"

He explained.

Reluctantly leading Hal and Kilowog to the prison where the Eagles were held, Hal expressed indifference and said, "What you know is just hearsay."


He saw the door of the cell, which seemed to have some observation holes.

So he stretched his eyes over, wanting to see what was going on inside.


Just when I saw a group of eagle clansman cheering in battle, I was immediately noticed by one of the eagle clansman, and then threw a javelin directly over it.

Fortunately, Hal reacted quickly enough, otherwise the javelin would have pierced his head.


Look at this completely pierced stone gate.

Hal swallowed his saliva, looked at Gao Gan and said in embarrassment: "Maybe it's not all fake."

Gao Gan: "..."


at the same time.

the other side of the universe.

Batgirl brought a space fleet driven by the Red Lantern Corps to the edge of the House of Light.

"Release the light house code!"


A series of invisible special radiation ripples were immediately launched from the space fleet.

It's just a pity.

Although the light wave was emitted, it turned out to be useless!


Batgirl was so angry that she slammed her fist on the instrument and roared, "Bastard, it's a fake password again, send someone to kill that guy!"


The younger brother replied in fear.

And this time.

Zuo Kesi's influence suddenly appeared on the spaceship's communication equipment.

He laughed and said to Batgirl: "Free High Speed ​​gives you the latest and reliable news. Green Lantern Hal and the others seem to have gone to Estrade Prison, where you may get something..."


Regardless of Batgirl's reaction, Zuo Kesi ended the communication.

"Estrade Prison?"

Batgirl was curious.

While thinking about it, he asked his subordinates to pull out information about the prison in Astrade, and one of the rumors immediately attracted Batgirl's attention.


"So that Green Lantern, was it rumored that he was imprisoned in Estrade Prison?"

"In that case, let's try our luck!"


Batgirl made a decision immediately.

However, she didn't lead the entire fleet to Estrade Prison, but drove over in a small spaceship with a dozen subordinates.

after all……

The light house is a place of contention.

Even if there is no password now, it is good for large troops to be stationed here.

Wait until you get the password later, and then try to crack it, otherwise the army will easily follow her back and forth, which will consume a lot of resources, not a little bit more.


Astrade Prison.

Hal and Kilowog finally saw Bess Rock, but the former king of the eagle clan was now a prisoner and tied to a boulder.

And this guy is very cunning.

He knew that Hal and Kilowog came to him to ask for the code of the light house, so he used this as a bargaining chip to threaten Hal and Kilowog to help him defeat the traitor and regain the throne.


Kilowog, who seemed tall and burly, overturned directly.

After seeing Beth Rock's cunning personality and the strong physical fitness of the Eagle Clan, Hal secretly kept his mind on it, and finally succeeded in defeating the opponent by outwitting him.

And Beth Rock regained his freedom because of this.


He doesn't seem to intend to keep his word.

Just when Hal squinted his eyes and was about to use some tricks, Little Red Razer and Aya on the spaceship suddenly told him that other spaceships were detected approaching.

From the looks of it, they seemed to be members of the Red Lantern Corps.


Halton frowned.

People from the Red Lantern Corps? This is too bad, it seems that the other party has also received the news, this is to come here to find the password of the light house, if they know the password, the consequences will be disastrous!

While his face was solemn, Hal immediately had an idea in his heart.

next moment.

He pretended not to notice and told Kilowog the news.

Kilowog exclaimed naturally, and then Bess Rock knew that he had become a favorite, so he became even more unscrupulous. He raised the price on the spot and raised even more excessive demands and conditions with Hal and others .

Kilowog was so angry that he rolled his arms and wanted to beat him up!


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