The Storm God

Chapter 3482 Intelligence competition!


Kilowog was furious.

At that time, he wanted to leave by hand, but Beth Rock looked confident, and he didn't take Kilowogg's threat seriously, and said with a cold snort: "You can do it if you have the ability, but you have to think about it." It's clear, if you make me angry, you don't want to know the secret of the light house!"


"Okay, Kilowog, leave this matter to me!" Seeing that the fire was almost over, Hal immediately stood up and smoothed things over.

On the surface, he agreed to all kinds of unreasonable demands made by Beth Rock.

But in fact.

As early as when Kilowog got angry with Beth Rock, Hal had already secretly contacted Little Red Razer and Aya, and informed them of his plan.


While Hal was dealing with Beth Rock.

Little Red Razer flew out of the spaceship and came to a certain recovery room in Estrade Prison, brought a head-mounted mind controller to the spaceship, and handed it to Aya for some modification.


When Hal and Kilowog invited Beth Rock out, while the other party was not paying attention, Aya directly put the modified mind controller on Beth Rock's head in an instant.

that's all.

Beth Rock, who thought he was cunning and unparalleled, fell directly into the pit dug by Hal.

In the phantom virtual world of the mind controller, all his cunning tricks have succeeded, not only making the Green Lantern play around, but also obtaining many benefits from the Red Lantern Corps.

In the end, he even got rid of both sides, robbed a spaceship by himself, escaped, and came to the vicinity of the light room alone, and then relied on the correct light room code to open the passage...

But at this moment.

Just when Bess Rock's sweet dream was having a good time.


Aya suddenly took off the mind controller.

Then poor Bess Rock woke up from the dream, he looked at the complacent expressions of Hal and others, and the mind controller in Aya's hand, and he understood what was going on almost instantly up.

Bess Rock was furious immediately: "Damn it! You self-proclaimed righteous guys, you can't think of being so vicious, and you use the mind controller to trick me..."

"Feel sorry!"

Hal shrugged his shoulders, and said with a sneer: "You were the one who tricked us first, we just treated others in the same way, as you said, if we can fool you, then it's us." It's my job!"

"And now, we've done it!"


Bess Rock was speechless for a moment.

He really said this, but at the time he thought that he was invincible, at least in terms of resourcefulness, so he was so proud of himself that he said that sentence.

But what a dream.

How long has it been, and the other party has played tricks on me!

It just doesn't make sense!


In addition to anger.

Bess Rock also understood that since he fell, he had to obediently admit defeat.

After all, in terms of force, I am no match for these people, not to mention that the other party has a large number of people, and if I act recklessly, I will only be unlucky.

For now.

We can only strive for the conditions mentioned earlier.

Think here.

Beth Rock suddenly changed his face.

She flattered and said, "Haha, you guys are really amazing. Dear Mr. Hal, do the conditions we mentioned earlier still count? As Green Lanterns, you can't go back on your promises!"


Hal nodded and said: "We always keep our word, but the premise is that your request is considered reasonable, that is to say, we can only give you freedom now, and the others..."

"Feel sorry!"

Speaking of which.

Hal dropped a recording device in his hand.

He smiled and said, "We have obtained the cracking code of Guangwu. If you are not satisfied with this condition, then our transaction will be terminated..."

And what termination means, Beth Rock is very clear, continue to stay in the cell!

How is that possible!


He could only grit his teeth and admit defeat.

However, Bethrock secretly vowed in his heart, don't let me find a chance, otherwise it will be up to me how I will take revenge!

that's all.

Hal and others, who got the code of the light room, are about to leave the prison and leave immediately by spaceship.

Otherwise, when the people from the Red Lantern Corps come, they won't be able to leave.


They were still a step behind.

Batwoman and the others, after the spaceship approached a certain position, directly abandoned the spaceship and chose to fly over by themselves, because it was more concealed and difficult to be detected.

In fact, it is true.

Just like now.

With the arrival of Batgirl and others, Aya's spaceship did not detect any whereabouts.


When Hal and others came out of the prison.

When he was about to board the ship, he was directly attacked by Batwoman and other Red Lanterns.

Although the number of people from the Red Lantern Corps was a little less this time, they were still far above the three of Hal. The key point was that the geographical conditions of the Estrand Prison were very unfavorable to Green Lantern.

Because citrine weakens the power of green lights, but has no effect on red lights.


Reckless is definitely not the solution.

But the clever Hal quickly came up with an idea after seeing Bethrock, whose eyes were rolling wildly and who was beating some evil intentions.


He lied that he had figured out a way.

And this method requires the help of the Eagle Clan, so I came to ask Bethrock, can he, in the name of the King of the Eagle Clan, gather all the Eagle Clan in all the prisons to deal with the Red Lantern.

after all……

This is good for everyone.

On the surface, Beisi Rock is very cooperative, but in fact he has his own Xiao Jiujiu.

He quickly gathered his people together, but Bethrock didn't ask everyone to help deal with the Red Lantern as Hal said, but changed his mind and began to use everyone to attack the cell, choosing run away.

The eagle clansmen who were aroused by their emotions and sense of crisis had no idea what was going on, and were immediately used by their king, Bethrock.

They were so many and powerful that they directly punched a big hole in the cell, and then flew away collectively.


The physique of the eagle people is so strong.

Without using any props, just relying on one's own physical fitness, one can freely breathe, fly, and even shuttle in the cosmic starry sky, otherwise he would not become a well-known thief in the universe.


Bethrock had no idea.

He thought that he had tricked Hal and the others again, but in fact, Hal had learned his mind from a fall, and had already guessed his thoughts, including his use of the Eagles to escape.

When Batgirl waited for the Red Lantern to rush into the prison, Hal and the others hid in a hidden corner, only to see the empty prison and the big hole just opened above their heads...


Batwoman and others were fooled.

Immediately, he chased out of the big hole in a hurry, and launched a pursuit to Bethrock and others.

But Hal and the others walked out from the hidden corner leisurely, without any psychological burden or pressure, and returned to their spaceship smoothly.

In the second intelligence competition, Hal still beat Bethrock.


Hal and others dare not neglect.

Immediately, he drove the spaceship and flew towards the light house at high speed.

And the other side.

Beth Rock and other Eagle Clan members were immediately pursued by the Red Lantern Corps not long after they escaped from Estrand Prison. They are flying by their own bodies, and the soldiers of the Red Lantern Corps either have spaceships or red light rings, one can imagine which one is stronger and which is weaker.


Not for a while.

Basrock was captured by Batgirl.


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