The Storm God

Chapter 3483 Open the light room!

Koruga star.

Sinestro was depressed.

Because his subordinates have been busy for a long time, but there is no effect at all.

Seeing more and more time, and the army of the Red Lantern Corps had almost arrived near the light house, Atuo kept urging himself, asking himself the password of the light house.

Sinestro was helpless.


He could only contact Bai Xiaofei.


"The thing is like this, that Atuo wanted more benefits, but he was shocked by our strength, but he put forward a condition..."

"If we can't get the light house password, we..."


He explained the ins and outs of the matter.

Bai Xiaofei immediately understood.

Then he said with a smile: "I understand, your consciousness, you can't find the password, so you want my help, right, so as not to lose too much in future negotiations?"


Sinestro blushed a little.

Sighing: "The time is really tight. I heard that Ato has captured a key person. If we can't get the password before the other party interrogates the password, we will lose!"

"So I……"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

He didn't hang up the communication, but directly called Little Red Thunder Snake again.

Razer didn't connect right away.


It's a bit inconvenient now.

However, he was the first to leave a message for Bai Xiaofei: "What is it?"

Bai Xiaofei replied: "The light house password!"

"Hold on!"

Without any hesitation.

Soon, Razer sent Bai Xiaofei the password of the light room.

Bai Xiaofei ended the contact with Thunder Snake, and directly passed the password of the light room to Sinestro, and then said: "This is the password of the light room, pass it to Ato quickly, because I guess that eagle clansman won't be able to hold on." It's been too long, and the rest will be left to you, I'm busy with research now, and I don't have time to take care of other things."

The meaning is very simple, I want to be the shopkeeper.


Sinestro was a little surprised.

He didn't dare to say anything: "Sir, after this, the Red Lantern Corps of the OA star will fight against the Green Lantern Corps of the OA star. For such a big event, we, as allies, have to think about it. It's such an important matter, and you don't care about it." Do you want me to do it?"


Bai Xiaofei said as a matter of course: "There is no need to doubt people, and there is no doubt about employing people. Since you are now appointed as the temporary commander of the three armies, then all matters are naturally up to you!"

Sinestro: "..."

this moment.

He feels valued.

There is an impulse and consciousness to die for a scholar and a confidant.


Sinestro said solemnly: "Okay! Mr. Bai, don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter beautifully for you, and there will be no mistakes!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded and said, "That's it!"



After the communication is over.

Without any hesitation, Sinestro immediately contacted Atuo, passed on the light room code he had just obtained, and assured him that it was absolutely true.

Even though he hasn't tried it yet, Sinestro firmly believes that this password must be true when he is a newcomer to Bai Xiaofei! Absolutely no fakes!


A Tuo was a little shocked and surprised immediately.

what's the situation?

It just said that there is no password.

How long has it been since then, why did you suddenly find the password?

Could it be that you were kidding me before?


Atuo silently gave the password.

Without saying any nonsense, he hung up the phone directly, and then immediately contacted the Batwoman fleet at the forefront, and sent the code of the light room to verify the authenticity.


The fleet at the forefront of the light house sent back a message, saying that the meteorite defense at the outermost edge of the light house had opened a passage, and the password of the light house was true!

Atuo: "..."


It turned out to be true!

At this moment, Atuo's mood was very complicated.

To be honest, he was very reluctant that the code sent by Sinestro was true, because it meant that the Red Lantern Corps would lose more benefits in the subsequent covenant.


In the overall consideration.

However, A Tuo very much hoped that the code was true, because his fleet had basically assembled, and the army was about to reach the front line of the light house. What was missing was the light house code!

If the password is not obtained for a day, the situation of the battle may change dramatically.

And now...

Password is real.

This made him very depressed. It seemed that that part of the benefits was destined to be lost!

No matter!

Since it's all doomed, don't think about it!

Go all out to fight!


Atuo texted Batgirl.


the other side.

Batwoman is torturing Bethrock, the king of the eagle tribe, who was captured, asking for the password of the light room. Compared with the gentle methods of Hal and others, Batgirl is the standard queen.

I won't just talk to you!

It's just beating!

Want to make a condition?



And Bethrock also acted very tough.

But at this moment, Batgirl suddenly got a message that Sinestro had sent the correct password for the light room, and the defense of the light room had opened the channel.


Batgirl was shocked when she heard this.


I actually lost!

Damn it!

Even though he was almost close, he was actually given the lead by the opponent!


Batgirl found Beth Rock again.

Seeing the anger on Batgirl's face, Bethrock thought that the other party had finally lost his patience and wanted to negotiate terms with him, but he hadn't spoken yet.

Batwoman said directly and coldly: "Bethrock, I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it. Now it's too late for you to say it, because we don't need you anymore!"


Beth Rock was stunned.

what's the situation?

What do you mean you don't need me anymore?

real or fake?


It must be fake!

They said that to lie to me.

I have only been cheated by Hal and others for the code of the House of Light. In this world, besides me, only Hal and others know the code of the House of Light, and Hal is the mortal enemy of the Red Lantern Corps!

How could they give the password to the red light...


this moment.

Bethrock suddenly realized that he seemed to have overlooked something.

For example, next to Hal and the others, there is a Red Lantern Man. Although the other party seems to have reformed himself, he is a Red Lantern Man after all. Could it be that he is the password for the Light House...

have to say.

Beth Rock really guessed right at this moment.


No prize!

And he really had no chance.

After Batgirl finished speaking, she directly used her red light power to manifest a red flame whip, and beat Beth Rock mercilessly.

With just a few blows, Besrock's body was torn apart and bloody.

Unlike before, after playing for a long time, the skin didn't break a bit.

Mainly torture.


That's a real killer!

Besrock regretted it, he wanted to beg for mercy, he wanted to survive, and he wanted to surrender.

It's just that Batgirl didn't give him this chance at all. A wave of red light was released, which immediately blocked Bethrock's mouth, and then his attacks became more and more ruthless and heavier.

After a while.

The poor Bethrock, the king of the Eagle Clan, was finally completely silent.

And Batgirl has had enough of venting.

Just at this time.

Her small spaceship has also flown to the fleet.

And some key generals in the fleet have already brought some Red Lanterns into the light room through the tunnel opened by the light room, and are deploying defensive forces.

After Batgirl arrived, she also flew in quickly.

And until then.

Hal and others were long overdue.


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