The Storm God

Chapter 3484 The army has arrived!


Hal frowned, and said in secret, "They're already one step ahead of us, and the passage of the light room has also been opened, we have to stop them!"


Kilowog nodded and said: "Otherwise, once they control the light room, the consequences will be disastrous!"



Under the gesture of the two.

Aiya didn't dare to neglect, quickly controlled the spaceship, and flew in along the opened light room passage.

The defense mode of the light house is very special.

Except for the light house at the core, the rest of the outer area is all spaceship-sized or even larger meteorites, natural obstacles formed by the dense combination of meteorites.

If you want to pass here and reach Star OA, there is almost no way other than the password of the light room.


It can also be blasted directly.

However, the required firepower is not something ordinary people can possess.

Even the Red Lantern Corps did not dare to say that their own firepower would definitely be able to blast away, because the defense range of the Light Room is really too large, almost equivalent to a small galaxy.

Even if they have the liberators who blasted the planet, simply bombing from the periphery will not be effective.

So only the password can be sought.

And now...

They have obtained the password and opened the channel.

Batgirl and the others also passed through the passage smoothly, entered the light room, and blacked out all the defensive equipment inside, rewriting it as the defensive force of the Red Lantern Corps.

And for that.

Hal and the others didn't know it, so after flying in, before they could get close to the light room, they were attacked by the light room's defense force, and the entire spaceship was directly controlled by a beam of light waves, making them unable to move.

"Damn it!"

"They have taken control of the Light House!"


Hal yelled.

Aya quickly reported the situation: "The spaceship is under a lot of attacks. If you can't escape in time, the spaceship will disintegrate in a few minutes!"

"Let's go outside!"


Hal dare not neglect.

Since the spaceship can't move, they can only fly out to fight by themselves.

This is also more flexible.

The Batwoman and the others in the light room also immediately launched an attack on Hal and the others, wanting to take this opportunity to once and for all, but unfortunately, although they had a good location, they didn't have enough luck.

Although Hal and the others were deflated, relying on the great aura and luck of the protagonist, even if they were in an unfavorable situation, they could always turn danger into safety.

They first destroyed the light wave weapon controlling the spaceship, allowing the spaceship to resume operations, and then the cover spaceship Air France began to flee, and they followed suit.

Batwoman and the others, seeing this, only chased for a certain distance before giving up completely.


Their mission is to guard the light house.

When most of the Red Lantern Corps has been killed, they will be able to pass through safely, and then attack Star OA in one fell swoop, so they don't bother to pursue the escape of Hal and others.

As long as Guangwu is in hand, the other party can't help but wait for others.

Having said that.

But Hal and others will not give up.

After evacuating the passage opened by the light house, looking at the deep and difficult passage, Hal suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and said: "Aiya, the spiral light waves in this passage are released by the light house, right?"


Aya understood Hal's intentions immediately.

Wen Yan nodded and said: "Theoretically speaking, the origin of these light waves is the same as the power of our green light, so if our speed is fast enough, if we also become a light wave, we can flow countercurrently along the channel light wave, Fly directly to the interior of the light house..."


"This requires sufficient speed, and with your physical fitness, I'm afraid you can't meet this requirement. The only one who can do this is me, so only I can complete this task!"

"Just let me finish it!"


After speaking.

Aya didn't care whether Hal and the others objected.

It flew out of the spaceship directly, and then the power of green light exploded, turning into a ball of light, which directly merged into the light wave of the channel, and accelerated to an unimaginable level in a blink of an eye, and the reverse flow began to fly in.

at the same time.

The tremendous pressure caused by the countercurrent impact also immediately acted on Aya.

When Hal and the others saw this, they immediately worried: "Aiya, be careful, if it doesn't work, come back quickly, we can think of other ways!"


That's what Aya said.

But in fact, she didn't have any intention of backing down.

And as the speed got faster and closer, and the distance from the light house got closer, the pressure she endured became stronger and stronger, as strong as Aya's body, and at this moment, cracks began to appear to varying degrees.

Halton was startled, and quickly stopped him: "Aya, come back quickly, your body can't bear it!"


Aya said stubbornly, "I can do it!"


Inside the spaceship.

Halton slammed his fist on the table in frustration.

Seeing this, Kilowog teased: "Heh, you can't stand seeing others not obeying the rules, can you?"

"of course!"

Hal said angrily.

Kilowog said, "Really? Then how do you usually do it?"

Hal: "..."


Only then did he think about it.

It seems that I don't usually follow the rules.

It doesn't matter whether it's the ones formulated by OA stars or in teamwork. Hal's favorite thing to do is to adapt to the situation, which is a representative of unruly.


Facing the same unruly Aya at this moment, he, who has always been unruly, finally realized the deep sense of powerlessness, which is really ironic!

the other side.

Aya certainly wasn't acting recklessly.

In fact, she has precise calculations, and she can roughly estimate the pressure that can be encountered, and according to Aya's calculations, she can bear it.

Just a little adventurous!


In the end, Aya survived.

At the moment when her body was about to collapse, she finally managed to reach the end of the light room.

With the entry of the light wave, Aya was also very concealed, and did not attract the attention of Batwoman and others, until Aya sneaked in the past, and used her own program to change the defense mechanism of the light room to the green light mode again, and the bat Only then did the women realize something was wrong.


By this time it was too late.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Aya turned around and ran away.

Batgirl also turned around and ran away, because the defense mechanism of the light room has become a green light, and the red light is a threat to it, and it will be attacked.

But even so.

They won't let go of Aya, the damn artificial intelligence.

Because of her, the plan of himself and others has completely failed, so they want to catch Aya to vent their hatred!


At this time, Hal and others flew in.

Aya was in danger, so they naturally wouldn't sit idly by, and rushed to provide support.

The poor Batwoman and the others were immediately forced to suffer. The pure power of the red light naturally couldn't compete with the green light cannon of the spaceship, and they could only be crushed and fled in the end.


At this time, Atuo and his large troops had arrived near the light house belatedly.

"Damn it!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Hal immediately wanted to control the spaceship to turn back, but Kilowog said: "You go first, and I will hold them back, otherwise Star OA will be in danger!"


"It's nothing!"

Kilowog knew what Hal was going to say, but he smiled nonchalantly and said, "I'll be fine, this time I'll keep the lantern on me, as long as you move fast enough, I'm safe !"


Hal had no choice but to agree.

Then, Kilowog flew out of the passage with the lantern, and stood alone outside the defense of the light house, facing the siege of the Red Lantern Army, while Hal and others drove the spaceship to OA star.


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