The Storm God

Chapter 3485 Aya is charged!

"Damn it!"

As soon as A Tuo arrived at the scene, he was choked with anger.

That idiot Batgirl actually lost the light house that she had so hard to get, just like that.

This moment.

He really has the heart to kill Batgirl.


Atto knew it too.

Now is not the time to punish the bats. The most important thing is to seize every opportunity to regain the initiative while Hal and the others have not completely controlled the light room!

Otherwise, if they can't get in, their army can only be blocked from the defense of the light room!

So far.

Atuo suddenly became anxious.


"You and I will go after Hal and the others. I will temporarily teach Batgirl to be responsible for everything here. As long as we can make a passage, the plan will not fail!"

"Drive the Shad, full speed and full speed!"


Atto ordered.


The big-headed Zuo Kesi naturally didn't dare to neglect or refuse. Hearing this, he immediately drove out the small spaceship of the Meteorite Fortress Shad, and rushed towards the passage of the light room.

As for Kilowog standing in front of the passage of the light house and preventing the interception?

Feel sorry!

They didn't pay attention at all.

Even though it is a miniature version of a small spaceship, this spaceship also has a combat power far superior to other spaceships. It was just a wave of red light cannon shots, and Kilowog had to get out of the way honestly.

Because of the tough result, it can only be death!


Seeing the mini spaceship chasing away, Kilowog was also very helpless.

He could only silently bless Hal and the others in his heart, and never be caught up by them. At the same time, he was not stingy with his own battery, and immediately gathered a pair of oversized weapons and equipment, facing the red light army outside the light room to defend, it was a crazy random shot.

Regardless of how Kilowog stopped the attack of the Red Lantern Corps.

the other side.

In the passage of the light house.

The technological capabilities of the miniature spaceships that Ato and the others were riding on were not inferior to Aya's spaceship at all, and even surpassed them in terms of speed.

it's not...

After a while, they chased after him.



Following Atuo's order.

Zuo Kesi immediately pressed the attack button, and the mini spaceship fired a salvo of artillery fire at the spaceship in front, forcing Hal and others to dodge back and forth.

In this way, the flight speed will naturally be affected.

The gap between the two sides is getting smaller and smaller.

"Get rid of him!"

Howl yelled.

Aya said: "No, we can't do it, this place is too narrow, it is already very difficult for us to just avoid it, and the speed has reached the extreme, we can't get rid of the opponent!"


"We can blow up the house of light. When the light wave of the house of light is a little bit small, the entire passage will shrink rapidly and then return to its original state..."

"The premise is that we can also escape!"


Halton was silent for a while.

Of course he understood what Aya meant, but Kilowog was still there.

What would he do if the light house was blown up?


The passage is too long.

At this moment, they are still some distance away from the exit.

If the light house is blown up prematurely, not to mention A Tuo and others behind, even they themselves may be buried in the countless meteorite defense layers of the light house.

So he hesitated.

And this time.


The spaceship was repeatedly attacked from behind.

On the monitor, information such as the damage of the spaceship and the safety structure diagram are displayed.

Aya was manipulating the restoration to avoid the attack of artillery fire, while calculating the remaining length of the passage, and monitoring the control situation on the other side of the light room, because if the distance was too far, they would not be able to control it.

And the other side.

Atuo also has his own little thoughts.

Seeing that the distance was getting farther and farther, he immediately ordered Zuo Kesi: "Launch liberators at intervals!"


Zuo Kesi performed the operation excitedly.

In this way, without the knowledge of Hal and others, the mini spaceship behind would drop a Liberator every time it flew, and it never stopped along the passage of the light room.

"it's OK now!"

As time goes by.

Hal and the others were finally about to reach the exit, and Aya quickly reminded: "The light house can be blown up now. According to calculations, Atuo and the others behind are very likely to be trapped in it!"

"Then blow him up!"

Hal didn't hesitate any longer.

Hearing this, he frowned immediately, and immediately ordered.


Aya didn't hesitate either.

After obtaining Hal's approval, he immediately pressed the detonation button.

next moment……


The light house at the core exploded.

And the light waves released suddenly stopped in an instant, gradually dissipating from the inside to the outside, and the most direct manifestation was that the meteorite defense layer of the light house began to shrink rapidly from the inside to the outside.

This moment.

The original light room passage became the last straw for Hal and others.

If they can't fly out before the light room's defense layer shrinks completely, then they will be completely squeezed and trapped in it, never seeing the light of day!

Including Ato et al.


A Tuo realized something was wrong, and hurriedly urged.

Zuo Kesi said bitterly: "Boss, we are already at the fastest speed, and we can't improve any further!"

"Go away!"

Atuo didn't care about it at all.

He walked over directly, kicked Zuo Kesi away, and even started to drive and control the mini spaceship by himself, without firing the cannon fire, but chose to directly crash into it.

The miniature spaceship and Aya's spaceship suddenly looked like bumper cars, and fierce collisions and competitions exploded in the ever-shrinking narrow passage.

But unfortunately...

After all, they were lagging behind, so in the end Aya's spaceship took the lead.

At the critical moment when the channel finally shrank, they successfully flew out, but A Tuo and others were a little bit worse, and were directly trapped and fixed in the meteorite defense layer of the light room.

From the outside, from a distance, it looks like a Pangdang planet composed of countless meteorites, but the diameter of this planet is a little too large, almost equivalent to the size of other galaxies, very abnormal and vastness.

"We made it!"

Seeing this, Hal and the others were overjoyed.

However, before they were happy for two seconds, a terrifying explosion suddenly pierced through the defensive layer. The incomparable huge impact suddenly hit Aya's spaceship like a stormy sea. Turned over several rolls!

Fortunately, the spaceship was strong enough. Although it was a little bit embarrassed, it didn't disintegrate and collapse after all, which protected the safety of Hal and others very well.

Then, when they recovered from their bewilderment, they discovered to their horror that the defenses that had been extremely tight just now had been directly blown out of a ready-made passage by the liberators left by Atuo along the way.

after all……

The Liberator is an interplanetary bomb.

The power is enough to destroy planets several times larger than the earth. Dozens of them are lined up in a row. The destructive force formed by all the explosions is definitely enough to blast a passage and destroy the defense layer of the light house.


Hal and others also discovered the mini spaceship that chased him and others just now.

"It's Ato's spaceship!"

Everyone was overjoyed immediately, and said in their hearts: "Although the passage was blasted, the safety of OA star has become precarious, but if Atuo can be caught, it can also reverse the direction and even the ending of this war to a certain extent! "

Who made Atuo the leader of the Red Lantern Corps!

"Let's go and see!"

Hal was excited, and quickly flew out with Razer.

As everyone knows.

All this is Atuo's trick.

Hal and Thunder Snake had just left, and Red Lanterns such as Atuo and Zuo Kesi flew out from the corner of the hidden meteor fragments, embedded in Aya's spaceship, and controlled the program with a special black technology, Instantly controlled Aya's actions.

Poor Hal and Razer still don’t know why, it’s hard to find when they enter the dilapidated spaceship, and when they finally find the control room, they are shocked to find that the entire spaceship has been set to time. Self-destruct program.

"Oops, this is a trap, run!"


The big bang broke out again.


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