The Storm God

Chapter 3487 You decide!

Star Zamaron.

For the arrival of Hal and Thunder Snake, General Bao and others were very surprised.

The first reaction was that the other party came for revenge.


They were all on guard.

The sword is on the verge of breaking out.

Hal quickly raised his hands to show that he did not have any malice, and explained the purpose of his visit, saying: "Don't get me wrong, we are not here to seek revenge, but to ask for help..."


General Bao was stunned.

Find someone who has harmed you to ask for help, are you kidding me?

At this moment.

Giata stepped out.

Her status is different now.

After feeling the true love of human beings from Carol, Giata, a little girl, understood many concepts about love that she had never thought of before.


Her idea spread on Zamaron Star and gained countless users.

Now, the entire Zamaron planet is almost divided into two factions, one faction insists on the original style, love is possession, and continues to maintain the original style.

And the new faction is more supportive of Giata's new concept.

at the same time……

General Queen Bao is also included.

Coupled with the queen's status, most of the current Zamaronians have changed a lot. Otherwise, they would change to the previous style, and I am afraid that Hal and Thunder Snake will be arrested and turned into popsicles.

Closer to home.

Giata likes Hal.

So when I heard that Hal was here to ask for help, I couldn't help rushing over immediately.

For Giyata's sake, General Queen Bao did not make things difficult for Hal and Razer, and signaled the guards to put down their weapons and guards, willing to listen to Hal's intentions.

"It's like this..."

Hal glanced at Giata gratefully, and then began to briefly explain the current situation, emphasizing the threat of the Red Lantern Corps and the danger facing OA star.

Finally, it is pointed out that if something really goes wrong with Star OA, the peaceful situation in the universe that has been established with great difficulty may completely fall apart.

By the time.

Not only the OA star, but other civilization information, even the Zamaron star will be limited to the war.


This is not just a matter of OA stars.

It is also related to the safety of Zamaron, as well as the rise and fall and peace of civilizations on countless planets.

In the end, Hal not only brought up righteousness, but even used the slogan of love to call on General Bao and others not to stand by and stand by, but to stand up and help them!

Because this time it's big love!


have to say.

Hal's eloquence is quite good.

Coupled with the effect of the protagonist's halo, after saying a few words, Giyata, General Bao and others were speechless immediately, and they all fell silent.

Razer was on the sidelines, staring dumbfounded.

Good guy!

This kid Hal can really speak!

Not to mention them, even Razer himself said something wrong.


He was completely convinced.

Hal's eloquence is really awesome!

After a while.

General Bao spoke.

She looked directly at Hal, and said with a serious face, "Say it straight, Hal, how do you think we can help you?"

Halton was overjoyed, and said quickly after hearing the words: "It's very simple, didn't you use amethyst to summon my lover Carol last time? I want you to do it again, and this time, it's not Carol who came over, But I went there, because the earth is the closest planet to OA star!"

"In this way, I can rush to Star OA in time to stop the conspiracy of A Tuo and others."

"In short, we must be quick!"


He directly stated his plan.

Hal understands very well that the women of Zamaron advocate peace and do not want to participate in battles, so they have no intention of borrowing soldiers from here, just borrowing the way.

However, General Bao immediately shook his head when he heard the words, and said, "Sorry, I'm afraid this request cannot be fulfilled!"


When Hal heard this, he was immediately stunned.

what's the situation?

It worked fine last time, why not this time?

Seeing Hal was very puzzled, at this time Giyata stood up and explained: "Hal, the earth is very far away from our position, last time it was a fluke, it was the limit of our ability, this time We may not be able to succeed, so we can’t guarantee it!”

"So it is!"

Hal was stunned when he heard the words, but he followed up and said: "It's okay, try first, what if it succeeds, after all, this is almost the only chance we have now, I have to try it no matter what!"


See Hal being so persistent.

General Bao couldn't say anything more, so he could only nod his head, followed by using the power of the purple lamp to act on the amethyst, and using the love between Hal and Carol as a guide, he searched for the position of the earth in the universe. .

See this scene.

Without any hesitation, Bai Xiaofei followed the power of General Bao's purple lamp and connected her to the safe passage of the earth. Otherwise, with General Bao's ability, he might not be able to find the location of the earth in his whole life.


The scene of the earth is reflected on the amethyst.

Carol was walking on the street, she seemed to have just got off work, and it seemed that there was no change from before.

When Hal saw his beloved, he subconsciously smiled.


And Carol on Earth.

At this moment, he seemed to feel something, and suddenly turned his head to look back and forth, but found nothing. He couldn't help but smiled wryly to himself, he must have thought too much.

Star Zamaron.

General Bao looked very strenuous.

Some fine cold sweat began to appear on his head, and he said: "This time the luck is not bad. The love between the two of you is quite strong and tenacious. The power of the purple lamp that guided me successfully contacted her again..."

"But Hal, there is one thing I have to tell you, this channel, we have only used the transmission of the Purple Lantern, and have not used other Lanterns..."

"So I can't guarantee that there will be no side effects..."


Hal said it didn't matter.

For the sake of the peace of the universe, even if there are side effects, he will admit it.

next moment.

He nodded at General Bao.

After expressing his gratitude, he resolutely walked into the space crack channel opened by the amethyst, and returned to the earth directly from Zamaron star.

General Bao was also overjoyed to see Hal successfully crossing.

After that, the space link of the power of the purple lamp ended. After all, this thing is quite labor-intensive. The effort of this one is almost more tiring than her busy work for a month.

"Since Hal has succeeded, it's time for me to leave!"

Here, Razer directly offered to leave. After all, his mission was to be an undercover agent and stay by Hal's side. Now that Hal has left, there is no need for him to stay.

after all……

He is not very familiar with these purple lantern men.

In this regard, General Bao and the others did not persuade them to stay. Similarly, they were not familiar with Razer.

And this time.

Bai Xiaofei sent a message to Razer.

"Mix into the OA star!"


Razer was speechless for a moment.

It's easy to say, how do I get in? We must know that it is more than N trillion light-years away from star OA. Even if I make it there with all my strength, how should I explain it to Hal?

Could it be possible to tell him that he is an undercover agent?

"You figure it out yourself!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't care that much.

The way is thought out, as long as there is a heart, there will always be a way.

This is not to embarrass Razer, but a test of Bai Xiaofei's ability. After all, Hal is so eye-catching. As the nominal boss of my Red Lantern Corps, you can't perform too badly, right?


All right!

You are the boss!

I'm the younger brother, you have the final say!


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