The Storm God

Chapter 3488 Invasion oa!

Razer is not stupid.

In the end, he still figured out a way. Although relying on himself is not enough, he can use the Red Lantern Corps.

after all……

Razer is also a red light.

As long as he uses the power of the ring to change his appearance a little, he can easily blend in with the Red Lantern Army.

Atuo's fleet, there are so many Red Lanterns, it's impossible for everyone to know each other, right? Just confuse one and pretend to be the other.

as expected.

Razer flew cautiously all the way to the Red Lantern Corps army, and using the power of the Red Lantern, he easily achieved his goal.

But there was one thing that made him quite depressed.

There were not many people who came through the passage, and the person he was pretending to be seemed to be quite attractive.

This led to people asking him this and that every day.

Razer is getting bored!


from these populations.

Razer also learned the good news that Kilowog did not die, but was rescued by a blue waiter at a critical moment.

Not only that.

In addition to the Blue Lantern, a stronger Green Lantern also appeared on Kilowog's side. With his own strength, he was able to withstand the gunfire of more than a dozen space battleships!

If it weren't for this, the Red Lantern Corps wouldn't have fought for a long time before rushing over with so few people. The opponent is really too powerful!

"Blue Lantern?"

Razer's first reaction after hearing this name immediately remembered the scene that happened on the planet Patras.

The ability of the blue light is almost fatal to the Red Lantern, and it can easily eliminate the effect of the power of the Red Lantern. Just ask, are you afraid?


According to the Red Lantern Man, the Blue Lantern Man's ability limit seems to be quite huge, it is very good at manifesting things, and its attack power is also small.

If the green light is comprehensive and can attack in almost every way, then the blue light is the most restrictive.

It can almost only shoot light waves and carry out small-scale precise attacks.

If this is not the case, I am afraid that the Blue Lantern Man only needs to turn on the blue light and wander around the fleet of the Red Lantern Corps to eliminate all the energy of the red light.

But that green light was a little too much.

He alone is even more powerful than dozens of Green Lanterns. Not only is he unparalleled in attack, but also superhumanly ferocious, and his battery life is also extremely abnormal.

The most critical.

Staying by Lan Lantern's side, this person's Green Lantern power can also be multiplied several times, making the opponent almost like a human-shaped fortress.

Originally, the opponent was able to force more than a dozen warships by himself, but with the increase of the blue light around him, it would be even more awesome.

It is absolutely not a problem to single out dozens of warships!


Another Green Lantern.


Based on the situation at the time, there was only one green light for Kilowog.

Kilowog has the energy reserve of the lantern by his side. No matter how strong the attack is, it is just a shotgun for a cannon.

What about that person?

What the hell, under the increase of the blue light, it was directly upgraded to an interstellar bomb.

No space battleship can get close to each other.

Otherwise, you will surely die!


The power of a green light blasted by the opponent casually is a terrifying blow comparable to a super meteorite, and it will kill you if you touch it!


Who the hell dares to rush forward.

After witnessing the terrifying power of the other party, the fleet of the Red Lantern Corps immediately began to perfunctory.

Although they hated OA Xing very much, they also knew very well that the only way to live now is to be king, otherwise, if they die, they will have nothing.

Including hate!

Only a few particularly tough and persistent fleets were lucky enough to pass through the blasted passage of the light house when the other party was not paying attention.

Then Razer picked up a leak and got in directly.

"It's fine!"

Have been together for so long.

To be honest, Razer still has some affection for Kilowog. Knowing that the other party is safe and sound, Razer secretly gave a sigh of relief.

Regardless of the situation of the offensive and defensive warfare on the defense layer of the light house.

OA star here.

After a short warp space travel.

Aya's spaceship finally appeared near OA star, and when it was just approaching OA star, it received a contact communication from the ground.

"Explain your identity!"


asked the ground.

Aya was controlled and couldn't answer independently.

Waiting for someone on the ground, after asking twice, the controlled Aya finally revealed her identity under Zuo Kesi's operation.

Not only that.

He even conducted video communication and authentication with the Green Lantern of the ground-based observatory. Seeing that it was Aya, the other party was indeed one of his own, so he didn't think too much about it, and immediately let her go.

that's all.

Aya's spaceship successfully landed on OA star.

And under the guidance of the ground-based observatory, it landed very smoothly on the top of the building that is very close to the holy tower where the guards discuss important matters.

Because Aiya Xuancheng, I have very important information to tell the guards, and the time is tight, no delay!

In the face of Aya, as well as Hal and others' new positions, the Green Lantern on the ground observatory side didn't think much about other things, and almost let the green light go all the way.

As everyone knows.

Now in Aya's spaceship, the people aboard are not Green Lantern Hal and others, but Atuo, the leader of the Red Lantern Corps, and Zuo Kesi and other Red Lanterns.

His trust, as well as letting go, is simply to lure wolves into the house!


When the guards of Apa received the news and rushed here to meet Hal and the others to obtain relevant information, they saw that the people who got off the spaceship turned out to be Red Lantern Atuo and others.

A group of people were suddenly dumbfounded.

"red light!"


"Damn it!"

Appa immediately realized that he had been fooled.

They want to run.


It's too late.


A Tuo grinned, seeing the frightened expressions of the guards, the little blue people, he looked very excited and excited.

Follow without saying a word.

A red laser beam directly blasted over, directly blasting a little blue man into serious injuries.

Originally, this wave was to hit Apa.

after all……

He was the commander back then.

The person A Tuo hates the most is A Pa. But at the critical moment, the little blue man suddenly stood up in front of Apa, protecting Apa with his own body.

at the same time.

The tech-talented Green Lantern also immediately assumed a fighting stance, manipulating several light blades with his almost octopus-like multi-arms while blocking Red Lantern's attack.

While covering the retreat of Apa and other guards.

Not only that.

He also activated many organs of this technology building very cleverly, and temporarily blocked A Tuo and others with numerous checkpoints.


They themselves are trapped in it.

If you want to send a signal to tell others that the red light is invading, and you are on full alert, it is impossible for the time being.

Because Ato directly destroyed the communication device very deftly, and at the same time built a huge red isolation barrier.

Apa and others were completely trapped in it like birds in a cage.

In accordance with the requirements of the alliance with Sinestro, Atuo took several people to other places on OA star to search for loot.

And Zuo Kesi led the digital Red Lanterns to continue to break through the checkpoints of the building, trying to catch Appa and others as soon as possible.

Then use these people as hostages, while threatening other Green Lanterns, they can also wait for the arrival of other follow-up troops of the Red Lantern Corps.

In short.

Atuo and others progressed very smoothly.

With intentional calculations and unintentional calculations, using Aya as a cover, he successfully invaded the OA star, and restrained Apa and other leaders.


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