The Storm God

Chapter 3489 The calculation is clear!

at the same time.


Hal, who successfully traveled to the earth through the space gate opened by the power of the purple lamp of General Queen Treasure through Zamaron Star, but lost a lot of memory due to side effects.


This has nothing to do with Bai Xiaofei.

The original plot was like this, including this teleportation, Bai Xiaofei also opened the door to convenience, it can only be said that all of this is fate.


Fortunately, the earth that Hal crossed and came to is next to his lover Carol.

Carol only talked to Hal for a few words, and immediately realized that something was wrong with Hal, he even forgot his identity as Green Lantern!

This is very abnormal!


Carol took Hal directly to the place where he used to work.

And in the private storage cabinet in the changing room, I found a lantern with a green light. These things were all told to Carol by Hal himself when he was on Zamaron Star.

Unexpectedly, it is actually used now.

Afterwards, Carol grabbed Hal's right hand with the ring and pointed it at the green lantern. The bright green light was instantly released, turning into billowing energy and flowing into Hal's ring.

at the same time.

The ring also spontaneously released its own default functions.

In an instant, Hal transformed into a Green Lantern state, not only that, but the influx of willpower also stimulated Hal's brain, making his affected memory recover immediately.

"I'm Hal the Green Lantern!"

Hal finally returned to normal, and his heroism returned to his body.

The green light dissipated.

Carol looked at Hal's current appearance very satisfied, and Hal also looked at Carol with a look of gratitude, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Carol, without you..."


Carol waved her hand and interrupted: "Don't be nasty, now is not the time to talk about this. What's going on with you? Why do you suddenly come back with amnesia? Could it be that something big happened in the universe?"


Hal nodded and explained: "It's like this, the people of the Red Lantern Corps, they blew up the defense of the light room and controlled Aya..."

"In short..."

"The current situation is very bad. I must rush to OA star as quickly as possible to turn the tide, and the earth is the fastest transit point!"

"So I have to go!"

"terribly sorry!"

At the end, Hal looked guilty.

Carol expressed that she understood Hal's current mood very well, and said with a smile: "Don't say sorry to me, you hurry up and save the universe, I'll wait for you to come back here, don't miss the appointment!"


Halton was encouraged.

After kissing Carol passionately, he turned into a green light, flew away from the earth, and rushed towards OA star.


during this process.

Bai Xiaofei opened the door for him a lot, otherwise, with Hal's ability, it would be impossible to leave the earth in this life.

And he didn't do it because he was bored.

Bai Xiaofei just wanted to see the famous scene of Hal's fight with Atuo, and it was rumored that Hal's will was incomparable, anyone would be able to get down.

Do not know is not true?


Koruga star.

Sinestro wasn't idle either.

According to his covenant with Atuo, the latter helped provide them with a large amount of OA star loot, and they paid a certain price.

Just like support!


Naturally, it was impossible for Sinestro to do this support in person, and Atuo's face was not that great.

Sinestro just sent some of the new Red Lantern Warriors to mix into Atuo's army.

In this way, he can fulfill his promise, and Lai Lai can also monitor whether A Tuo has cheated, raped or played tricks.

And now.

The Red Lantern Corps that Sinestro photographed to support the Red Lantern Corps was already mixed in with the Red Lantern Corps fleet, and successfully passed through the blasted passage of the Light House.

Currently thinking about rushing to OA star.


It's all calculated.

The Blue Lantern who helped Kilowog was Saint Walker Walker, and the special Green Lantern was naturally Mog, the incarnation of Gaia.

Their purpose of helping Kilowog is not out of good intentions, but to control the specific personnel who enter the OA star.

Just like just now.

Only Sinestro's Red Lantern Corps fleet could "lucky" pass, while the others simply didn't give any chance.

Almost who comes and who dies!

In this way, even if Atuo wanted to play tricks, he would not have the ability, because most of the people in the past were from Sinestro!

If A Tuo dared not fulfill his promise, these Red Lantern Warriors would naturally turn their backs, bypassing A Tuo's obstruction, and go to Star OA to snatch the spoils by themselves.

Anyway, the people from Star OA don't know the difference between these red-lantern men. No matter how violent the trouble is, Atuo is to blame.

In short.

Sinestro calculated clearly.

Even the influx of the Red Light Razer was completely within his plan and supervision, but Sinestro didn't explain it.

Seeing that Atuo had successfully invaded Star OA and began to search for important combat items, Sinestro couldn't help but shook his head with a sigh.


"Star OA is really depraved. He was invaded by a few Red Lanterns so easily. It seems that I was right to leave him!"

"I wonder if Ato can snatch those secrets out?"


Sinestro muttered to himself.

at the same time.

OA star.

Zuo Kesi and others worked very hard.

Under the cutting and bombardment of the power of the red light regardless of the cost, all the checkpoints where Apa and others were located were finally breached.

Several Red Lanterns immediately started a fierce battle with the octopus-like Green Lantern who was protecting Appa and other little blue men.

have to say.

The opponent is still quite strong, even though he is a technological talent, but in a real fight, he is very powerful with a lot of hands.


It's useless for him to be strong alone.

The power of a green light lies in its comprehensiveness, while the power of a red light lies in its strength.

Facing the joint attack of several Red Lanterns, although this octopus-like Green Lantern could not lose the wind for a short time, it was only temporary after all.

As time passed, the situation became more and more unfavorable to him, not to mention that the other party still had a big head, Zuo Kesi, who hadn't made a move yet.


In the end, Zuo Kesi made a false move to attack Appa and other little blue men, but in fact it was a trick to lure the Green Lantern into distraction. The Green Lantern was finally fooled and beaten to the ground.

Although he didn't die, he was seriously injured. At least temporarily, he lost his combat effectiveness and could no longer protect the little blue people.


before coma.

But he received a special signal message.

And after the trick, the Green Lantern also used the momentum of flying upside down to lie on his multi-function console without a trace.

Finally, while still conscious, he pressed a button controlled by one of the organs...


The protective layer on the top of the head suddenly opened.

Facing this sudden scene, Zuo Kesi and the others couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and all backed away, putting on a posture of guard and vigilance.

They thought that a large number of Green Lanterns came to save people, but when the dome was fully opened, only a familiar figure was revealed——

Green light Hal!

"It's you!"

Zuo Kesi froze for a moment.

Immediately, he didn't dare to say anything: "Hal, you alone dare to come over and stop us? It's simply beyond your control!"

"Get rid of him!"


Zuckers ordered.

The Red Lantern Heroes beside him rushed out immediately after hearing the words.

As for Zuo Kesi, he flew towards Appa and other little blue men, ready to make a quick decision and completely control these leaders.


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