The Storm God

Chapter 3490 Ato was stunned!


Green Lantern Hal is like a godsend.

Although the state is not as good as the buff bonus of the blue lantern, but at this moment his will is extremely firm, that is to defeat the Red Lantern Corps, and then go home to date Carol!

The others are all paper tigers!


Under the blessing of invincible belief.

Although Hal's fighting power didn't increase much, the effect of the power of the green light was more than several times stronger than usual.

This is not.

At this moment, he was outnumbered, and he was fighting against the Red Lantern Man, who was known for his strength, but in the end he was not at a loss.

On the contrary, it is incredible to be able to wait for an opportunity to sneak attack!

"come on!"

Seeing Hal's bravery, one of the little blue men immediately became more confident and excitedly spoke out to cheer him on.

Although Apa didn't express anything, the look of hope in his eyes was very obvious, and everyone could see the light released from his eyes.


Now they are facing this problem.

Zuo Kesi had already released the power of the red light and turned into a scarlet whip, and he was about to attack Appa and other little blue men.


On the nick of time.

However, Hal miraculously appeared in front of Zuo Kesi, and used his stalwart body to block Zuo Kesi's attack.


The red whip hit Hal's body, but it seemed to be tickling.

Hal didn't receive any harm, but Zuo Kesi was so frightened that he backed away again and again before the others made a move.

As if foreseeing some terrible monster.


"Impossible, how can you be so strong?"

"I do not believe!"

Zuo Kesi panicked.

Especially when he turned his head and saw that he was fighting with Hal just now, but now they were all lying on the ground, the registered Red Lanterns who had passed out.

Zuo Kesi, who was almost left alone, suddenly became frightened.

Without any hesitation.


Zuo Kesi sent out a distress signal.

at the same time.

In the science and technology building of Star OA, Atuo, the leader of the Red Lantern who is plundering wantonly, is very satisfied and extremely happy.


Zuo Kesi called for help from the red light ring in his hand.


Atuo was stunned for a moment.

I feel a little like, although Zuo Kesi is a bit stupid, but his fighting power is not low, and there are several Red Lanterns around, how could he ask for help?

Could it be that something happened?

"what happened?"

Ato made the connection.

The red light ring immediately projected Zuo Kesi's image.

When Zuo Kesi saw that Boss Atuo had connected, he was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly asked for help: "Boss, Hal is here, he is too strong, I can't stop it..."

The words are not finished yet.

The camera was directly shifted to the other side by Zuo Kesi.

And there...

It was the place where several Red Lanterns lay unconscious.


See this scene.

A Tuo's face suddenly became angry, and he couldn't help scolding: "A bunch of trash!"


He quickly hung up the communication.

While ordering a few red-lantern boys to continue to search for important supplies, he himself rushed over as quickly as possible.

Hal here.

He also seemed to be waiting for Atuo's arrival on purpose, so he didn't attack Zuo Kesi immediately, no matter what Apa ordered, it was useless.

And Hal's rhetoric is also very simple: "He is just a small soldier. If you want to solve the root of the problem, you must face A Tuo directly!"


"It's nothing!"

Hal said firmly: "Don't forget, you made the mistake back then, don't you want to continue the mistake?"

Appa was speechless.

no way.

Who made Hal stand on the side of righteousness at this moment?

What happened back then was indeed the fault of Star OA, and this blame cannot be shaken off no matter what. Now that they are facing revenge from the Red Lantern Corps, it can only be said that they planted the karma themselves.

The only way to solve it now is to follow Hal's suggestion.

Deal with it at the source.

And Ato...

It is the root of all problems.

As long as you can convince A Tuo to give up the hatred and choose to forgive, there is still room for you to change everything, otherwise the two sides can only fight to the end.

Appa is also very clear about this.

Although he is a tough man and likes to be hawkish, his goal is the same as Hal's in this situation.

It is to completely solve the problem of the Red Lantern Corps.

Otherwise, even if the crisis of OA star is lifted, the threat of the Red Lantern Corps still exists in the entire universe!


He was willing to trust Hal and take the risk.

After all, apart from Hal, there is no other Green Lantern to rely on. If you don't believe him, should you test yourself?

get rid of!

This is not realistic at all!

Although the little blue people used to be very powerful, but because of the accident that year, they all sealed their own power, and now they are just ordinary people with a little bit of super power.

And it is impossible to unblock their power without thousands of years.

In short.

They can only stand on Hal's side.


Zuo Kesi was speechless.

Seeing Hal's look of being convinced of himself, he was so angry that his teeth itch.

But it's a pity that they can't beat the opponent at all.


He can only bear it!

Zuo Kesi swore secretly, don't let me take the opportunity, otherwise I will definitely chop you up and make your life worse than death!

I swear!


at this time.

Ato finally made his grand debut.

This guy is worthy of being the big villain Boss in the early stage, but the way of appearance is different.

As soon as he arrived, he directly knocked down several nearby buildings, including the top of the building where Hal and others are now.


The construction quality of the OA star is quite good, even if part of it is damaged, it is not wobbly, and it still looks very strong.

The only unlucky ones were the red lantern men lying on the ground.

When A Tuo came on the stage, almost all the debris and dust that collapsed fell on their side.

Hal and the little blue man have hardly received any influence.

Just watching this scene, Zuo Kesi was very speechless, and said in his heart: "Boss, are you here to help us, or to help them..."


Atok ignored these small details.

He and Hal were old acquaintances. They had fought against each other in Castle Shad before, but it was relatively short, and Hal escaped in the end.


Facing Hal again.

A Tuo couldn't help burning with interest, and even this excitement once overwhelmed the hatred for OA star.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei just wanted to say, halo effect!

But any other villain boss would not do this.


It's clear that the winning ticket is in the hands of everyone, okay, but I have to learn from Thanos, chattering with the Women's Federation, and in the end I will suffer from a precipice!

I really thought you were the main character!


as expected.

The following drama is almost completely copied from the original plot.

A Tuo and Hal, the two of them are here, and they have launched a life-and-death contest. Hal is obviously just an ordinary green light, but he can fight against A Tuo, the first Red Lantern, and the leader of the Red Lantern Corps. Instead of falling behind.

This is outrageous!

Even if Hal's will is strong, but the total amount of your ordinary green light is so large, there should be a limit to the power it can exert, right?

It's just like hanging up.

It's been several times.

Hal was obviously beaten to the ground, but in a blink of an eye, he was about to stand up again, and he responded to A Tuo with a stronger and fiercer attack.

Ato was stunned at the time!


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