The Storm God

Chapter 3491 Collection!


Atuo was beaten and flew out.

The sturdy body was directly inserted into the wall, forming a "big" shape full of cracks, the kind that couldn't even be buckled off.

"This is impossible!"

Atoka was inside the wall, his face was shocked, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he shouted: "How could you be so strong?"

"Nothing is impossible!"

Hal was quite a gentleman, he didn't take advantage of this moment to attack, but flew in mid-air, explaining: "Because I have a reason to defeat you!"


When A Tuo heard this, he immediately became angry.

Must beat my reason?

That's it?

So what is my hatred for OA star?

The next moment, boundless anger and resentment filled Atuo's body and mind, and the power of the red light ring seemed to be stimulated by something.

A crimson flame began to burn on his body.

Just like how Hal and Kilowog were affected by the buff of the power of the blue light before, they are almost exactly the same, the difference is that one is green, while Atuo's is red.

And with the rise of the red flames, Atuo's power also increased several times in an instant, and the wall that was the owner of him exploded in an instant.

The entire building even shook for a while due to the impact of the explosion, but finally calmed down.


Atuo seems to be possessed by Shura.

Red flames were rising all over his body, his eyes were red, he stared at the stunned Hal, and roared: "It is impossible for you to defeat me, because I am the embodiment of anger and hatred, and you are just a tool of Star OA!"


Red light released.

The small water gun before has now directly become a sky cannon.

That terrifying and strong red beam of light was extremely frightening to look at, even Hal didn't dare to take it head-on, he could only dodge again and again, and was instantly forced by A Tuo into a terrific embarrassment.

The surrounding buildings and facilities are in bad luck.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into ruins. If it weren't for the little blue people, who still have some superpowers and can use protective shields to protect themselves, they are not really ordinary people. I'm afraid they would have been crushed to death by the wreckage.

Don't see you.

Were the comatose red lantern men next to them crushed into meatloaf by a boulder? It was too late for Zuo Kesi to save him!

"Oh my God!"

Looking at the big duel between the two sides.

Zuo Kesi was shocked to the extreme, and quickly retreated to the side in fright, but this guy was more conscientious, and when retreating, he did not forget to drag out those fainted Red Lanterns.

It was that guy just now, who was more unlucky, everything happened too fast, it wasn't that Zuo Kesi didn't want to save him, but it was too late.

See this scene.

Hal blamed himself very much in his heart, although he was not the main culprit, but he died indirectly because of him, so he felt very uncomfortable.


The next moment, Hal was not dodging left or right.

Instead, they flew directly into the sky, preparing to attract Atuo to other places that were relatively wide and did not have many buildings.

Otherwise, if this continues, God knows who will be unlucky next?

The enemy is okay, what if it is the little blue man?

"Don't try to run!"

And Ato was furious.

IQ also dropped significantly, and he was really fooled.

Seeing Hal flying into the sky, he gave up on the little blue man without any hesitation, and instead chased Hal and flew out together.

This made Bai Xiaofei quite speechless.


Anger drives people crazy!

Crazy makes people stupid!

These words are really not false at all!

Ato is the perfect example!


I didn't put all my hopes on A Tuo, even if there was no A Tuo here, there were other Red Lanterns who could help me complete the task.

It was A Tuo's departure, and the original great advantage, of course, disappeared in an instant.

Even if the battleship of the Red Lantern Corps came, it might be difficult to enter the OA star smoothly and search for what he needed.

No matter!

Count as much as you have!

This thing can't be forced, after all, the water inside is too deep, and some big boss will pop up if you don't know it, let's just let it go!

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly laughed.

Then it was passed on to the Red Lanterns who mixed into the Red Lantern Corps, and a message was sent - search as much as possible, don't force it!


Everyone responded one after another.

Among them, even Little Red Razer was included, because Bai Xiaofei also sent him a message, which meant that he was also involved in this mission.

As for what to search for?

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't say it clearly, but Razer can more or less guess something.

What is the most important thing about OA star?

One, total energy!

Second, the knowledge base!

Three, seal!

The first is obviously unlikely.

And the knowledge base is all recorded in the Oua Book, which is also very difficult to get rid of, but you can check it on the spot...

As for the third point?


Razer is not very clear either.

He just remembered that when he was in the Red Lantern Corps, Zuo Kesi once said that the OA star had made good things, but in the end, due to some reasons, they were sealed and buried.

Just like the mechanical hunter who destroyed most of the cosmic civilization before.

It is one of the most famous.


The rest is probably the many technologies of the OA star.

It's not easy to take this thing away, at most, it's just some books and ready-made finished products.

In short.

Either way, grab something.

And for his own future, Razer immediately began to use his brain and began to think hard. After all, he was with Hal and Kilowog and had a lot of contact with the Green Lantern Corps. Learn about OA stars.

Let him calculate the OA star with such an insider, the result can be imagined.

it's not...

Almost instantly.

Razer knew what to grab instead.

And this time.

The two fleets of the Red Lantern Corps have also sailed near the OA star. Then it was immediately resisted by the OA star defense mechanism.

A large number of unmanned fighter planes built by Green Lantern Technology quickly lifted into the air, forming a defensive network and blocking the fleet.



Without any hesitation.

The Red Lantern Corps doesn't want a green light, and asks nonsense like who you are and what you are here for, so just do it right away!

The war broke out in an instant.

Taking advantage of the time when the fleet and the defense mechanism of Star OA started to exchange fire, Razer and many other Red Lanterns were broken into parts and directly descended on different areas of Star OA, and began to fight on their own, wantonly destroying and plundering.

Razer flew directly in front of a special building.

This is a collection tower of OA star.

On the surface.

There is nothing special about the collection tower.

There are not many guards, they are not taken seriously, and they don't seem to be very important.

But in fact, Razer had heard from Kilowog with a big mouth that many important treasures of OA stars were sealed and buried in this collection tower.

For example, many Green Lanterns, some special weapons and equipment of the cosmic and interstellar robbers who worked so hard to defeat.

A large part was thrown into the archives.

Of course.

This collection is not so easy to break into.

The reason why the outside is so simple, there are not many guards, in addition to paralyzing outsiders and wanting to keep a low profile, the most important reason is that there are extremely strong green light defensive barriers and organs inside.

It is impossible for ordinary people to break through its defenses.

But it's a pity.

Razer, the Red Lantern, is no ordinary person. His red light ring was given by Bai Xiaofei, and it was the kind with quite a lot of authority.

If he exerts all his strength, let alone this small collection, I am afraid that the entire OA star can be easily crushed into scum by Razer.

as expected.

Using the power of the red light, Razer quickly broke through and smashed all the defenses and organs with ease, and successfully entered the core basement treasure house of the collection.


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