The Storm God

Chapter 3492 Design drawings!

"So many things!"

Entering the main hall of the collection, Lei Snake was shocked when he saw the dazzling array of treasures inside, followed by great joy.


He began to plunder.

The red light ring that Bai Xiaofei bestowed on him has very high authority, not only because it has stronger energy, but also can command other red light rings...

It also has more functions that other rings do not have, such as analysis and scanning, item identification, collection and storage, and so on.

And now.

These functions come in handy.

As long as the red light ring is scanned and analyzed, it is shown to be above the excellent grade, and Razer doesn't care what it is, just pretend it and it's over.

Even tattered pieces, as long as they meet the requirements, they will be taken away!

The rest of the rubbish will continue to be left to the OA stars to eat ashes.


In the storage space of Razer, there are a lot of treasures densely packed, almost piled up into a hill.


And just then.

Razer was taken aback suddenly, because he saw that when the ring scanned a piece of dusty paper, it also gave a prompt that met the requirements.

This made him very curious.


That's just a piece of paper, why does it meet the requirements?

Thunder Snake flew over curiously, then took a breath, and immediately widened his eyes.

On the big piece of paper where the dust was blown away, there were a few large characters, which translate to——

Mechanical Hunter blueprint!

Although it is only the most preliminary design draft and not the final finished design drawing, its value is still immeasurable!

"It turned out to be this thing!"

Razer immediately understood why this piece of paper met the requirements.

In all fairness, this is what the boss Bai Xiaofei wants most. It is estimated that all other things in this collection are not as important as this design drawing.

"Take it!"

Razer was even more excited.

I thought to myself, I have made such a great contribution this time, how can the boss reward me? If I propose to ask the boss to help revive Irina now, will the boss agree?

Probably not!

after all……

This opportunity was entirely facilitated by the boss, Sinestro, and the Red Lantern Corps, and he just happened to meet it at the right time.

If it were any other person, he would probably be able to succeed.

To put it further.

I just picked up a leak.

This kind of credit is not enough to offset the reward of the boss, not to mention my request is the most difficult one...

That's all!

Get things in your hands first.

When sending it up, ask the boss for his opinion. If it doesn’t work, then continue to work hard. For Yilanna, it’s worth paying any price!


Razer is out of ink.

Do a quick sweep to loot the good stuff.

After grabbing the collection, go to other places, such as libraries, science and technology laboratories, etc., but almost none of the key locations are missed.

en route.

Razer also encountered some obstacles.

However, with his strength, there is no Green Lantern who is his opponent, even the new Green Lantern.

after all……

The current Razer is in a disguised state.

With full strength, the combat power is more powerful than Ato N many levels, and the general green light is in front of them, just like a child.

Search easy thief!

At the same time, on the other side of the battlefield.

Hal, however, seemed to be on the hook. He fell down again and again, but stood up again and again, and every time he rose up, his green light power became more pure and stronger.

In the end, Leng directly caught up with Atuo's level.


The two sides fought again.

There is no bells and whistles, the ring powers of both sides do not have any actual combat tricks, it is the most far-sighted force collision!

You punch, I punch!

You kick, I kick!

It's tough!

Do not retreat!

It depends on who can't hold on and collapse first!

However, the aftermath of the battle between the two was extremely powerful and exaggerated. Most of the surrounding buildings collapsed and collapsed.

This is because they are far away from the lively city.

Most of the unlucky ones are barren hills.


Even so.

Their battle scenes are still watched by many people.

Just like Bai Xiaofei.

Just like the little blue people of OA star.

There are also Zuo Kesi and others from the Red Lantern Corps. Although they did not come to the scene in person, they all used their own means to monitor the specific situation of the two people fighting.

And when I saw Hal stand up again and again, and his strength was further improved, and even in the end he was able to directly become stronger than Ato, without falling into any disadvantage.

Appa and the others on the OA side were immediately excited.

Cut seam at this time.

The other Green Lanterns also came from afar after receiving the news that the OA star was in trouble, which made the little blue people very excited and excited.

The hawkish Apa even directly issued an order to counterattack in an all-round way and completely wipe out the Red Lantern Corps.

But unfortunately...

At this critical juncture, a group of little blue people suddenly came here and told Apa: "It's not good, our archives, as well as important buildings such as the Science and Technology Building, have all been attacked by the Red Lantern Corps. robbery……"


Appa was shocked.

His face was almost red with anger, and with his blue skin, it gave people a purple look as if angry.

You know, there are many super-dangerous and important dangerous items in the cache, such as the blueprint of the mechanical hunter...

If this thing is obtained by unscrupulous people, and then use blueprints to create large-scale, it will be a catastrophe for the entire universe!

The importance of other buildings such as the Science and Technology Building to OA Star is also self-evident, but now they have all been invaded and robbed...

Appa is sure that this is definitely premeditated!

"Damn it!"

"All Green Lanterns, send me out, drive those damned Red Lanterns out of Star OA, no matter what the cost!"



Appa is crazy.

After all, the consequences of revealing something are too serious. Even if he is the nominal boss of the guardian of star OA, he cannot afford such a price.

So at this moment, he can't control the decisive battle between Hal and Ato, because it is not important at all, the most important thing now is the safety of OA star.

And stop the continued looting of the Red Lantern Corps!

And this time.

Appa finally reacted.

Why did Atuo give up his hatred for himself and others, and was easily attracted by Hal? It turned out that the other party wasn't dazzled by anger, but had premeditated it!

It's ridiculous that I and others laughed at each other's stupidity at that time!

in the end……

It was me who was stupid!

Simply hateful!


Zuo Kesi also quickly noticed the actions of Apa and others.

He is very strange.

what's the situation? Why did those Green Lanterns stop chasing us all of a sudden? Could it be that other enemies have descended?


Could it be the big troops of our Red Lantern Corps coming?

He quickly opened the communication to search and inquire, and got a reply very quickly, and the person who got through was a little brother Zuo Kesi was familiar with——Batgirl.

Batgirl informed Zuo Kesi of the current general situation, saying that many Red Lanterns are robbing important resources near OA star...

I see!

Zuo Kesi suddenly realized.


Without any hesitation.

He immediately took a few Red Lanterns back to a battleship closest to OA star, so as not to be retaliated by the mad Green Lantern.

After all, Zuo Kesi knew very well what such an action meant to OA star, and he didn't want to take the blame for others for no reason.

Especially these people are not on their own side.

That's even worse.


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