The Storm God

Chapter 3493 Sentry Hunter!


Bai Xiaofei is studying Hal's will, why it is so strong, just like Xiaoqiang, when it is strong, it will be strong.

At this time...

Razer contacted him out of the blue.


Bai Xiaofei wondered: "At this time, shouldn't he be searching for things on OA Star? Why did you suddenly think of contacting me?"

"Is there a major discovery?"


Think like this.

Bai Xiaofei decisively connected the communication.


In front of him, Razer's modified face appeared. If it wasn't for the ring on Razer's hand, which had Bai Xiaofei's unique imprint, Bai Xiaofei really wouldn't have recognized that it was Razer.



Bai Xiaofei nodded lightly, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Is such that."

Razer explained: "I searched a lot of treasures in the collection of OA star, and among them I think the most important is this..."


He showed Bai Xiaofei a scene.

Looking at the unclear design drawing, Bai Xiaofei's spirit was shaken immediately, and he became interested in it instantly. He said joyfully, "Could this be the design drawing of Mechanic Hunter?"


Razer nodded.

Then continued: "It's just the original version of the design, it looks a bit old, and there is a certain gap with the mechanical hunter we know..."

"It doesn't matter!"

But Bai Xiaofei said: "As long as it is complete, you can send it to me immediately, and the other things will stay with you for the time being, and we will talk about it later..."

"All right!"

Razer nodded.

Then he immediately used the teleportation ability of the ring to directly transfer the mechanical hunter's design to Bai Xiaofei.

After passing.

He was about to open his mouth to say something.

At this time, Bai Xiaofei, who got the design drawing, was completely attracted by it, and he didn't have the heart to talk to Razer at all.

One sentence: "That's it, I'll do the research first, and I'll talk about other things when I have time..."

The communication ended immediately.


Razer was immediately depressed.


I haven't even spoken yet!

You hang up?


It's just too difficult!


Bai Xiaofei here.

"Good guy, this design is simply amazing. It is self-sufficient in energy, and combines combat power and defense. Even ordinary materials can be terrifying!"

"If it is replaced with special materials such as vibrating gold or dark iron, is it still okay?"

"The only downside is that she looks too ugly..."

"This has to be changed!"


Someone turned into a mad scientist directly.

He has no scruples about how little brother Razer will feel now, and at the same time, he doesn't care much about the result of the battle on OA star.


Bai Xiaofei has already got what he wants the most.

With this mechanical hunter's blueprint, even if it's just the initial version, many of Bai Xiaofei's designs and associations can be realized.

For example.

The combination of sentinel and hunter!

If the mechanical hunter's energy design concept is combined with the cloud intelligent online system of Sentinel that can replicate and restrain the enemy's ability...


That just makes one's scalp tingle!

Do whatever comes to mind.

Bai Xiaofei has never been an inkblot person, after having the blueprint of the mechanical hunter, after some research and development.


He started to innovate.

Bai Xiaofei first changed the manufacturing materials and appearance design of the Mechanical Hunter to make it more in line with his own aesthetics.

And the new version of the mechanical creation looks thinner, unlike the original version, which looks naive, like a big monk without a neck.

This design was specially modified by Bai Xiaofei in combination with the Sentinel's slender and domineering appearance. It retained the Sentinel's tall and agile body characteristics, and at the same time changed the strongest attack method to the chest.

Similar to Iron Man's energy blaster.

Because Bai Xiaofei always felt that his head was easily targeted.

at the same time……

Modifications have also been made to the hands and feet.

The original Mech Hunter, silly, would just stand still and shoot emotionlessly with a stick-like gun-like weapon.

However, this version designed and modified by Bai Xiaofei is not the case, the hands, feet and limbs can launch laser weapons to attack like Iron Man.

The eyes and mouth of the head are no exception.

Not only that.

After combining the abilities of Sentry.

The brand-new mechanical hunters also have the feature of transforming, copying, and restraining the enemy's ability. Even without those fancy attack methods, they are the strongest weapons in themselves!

As for the amount of ability, as well as its strength, it all depends on the level of authority Bai Xiaofei gives it to open and use.

If the Sentinel Hunter's cloud connection system is directly connected to the data controller of the Hongmeng Dark System, then it will have all the ability data that Bai Xiaofei has.


In view of material and energy issues.

Sentinel hunters still can't fully use some of the more powerful abilities.

For example, space ability, time ability, even some special deformation ability, psychic ability, and some regular power related to the four forces of the universe, etc. These sentinel hunters may not be able to control them in a short time.

Unless Bai Xiaofei can upgrade their system to a more perfect and powerful point, but this is obviously not so easy to accomplish.

And even if you can.

I'm afraid that by then, the sentry hunter will no longer be a sentry hunter, but some other special transformation.

Although the result was good, it was somewhat inconsistent with Bai Xiaofei's original design intention.

after all……

Bai Xiaofei creates Sentinel Hunter.

The main function is to be used as cannon fodder and conventional combat units, not the elite route.

The real elites can only be living people like the Dragon Emperor Shihuang and Sinestro, who have the opportunity of great luck and the power of wisdom.


If it is a special existence like Aya, White Cass, or the Majin Buu, the bio-modified Sharu, it is also completely possible.

But that's clearly unlikely.


With Bai Xiaofei's scientific and technological ability, I'm afraid he can't do it for the time being.

Even if it is done, the experiment will not be carried out lightly, because the danger in it is too high, and it will be a tragedy if it gets out of control.

in comparison.

Bai Xiaofei still prefers machines more.

Loyal and loyal, easy to control, even if it is broken or gone, it will not feel too distressed, because if you do it casually, you can replicate it again.

Closer to home.

In short.

After a long day of work.

Bai Xiaofei is quite satisfied with his design this time, and the first-generation sentinel hunter he created fits his aesthetic standards very well.

at the same time……

The combat power of the sentinel hunter is also quite good.

The core of its energy, Bai Xiaofei did not fully use the power of the green light, but gathered several different energy sources as a comprehensive reserve.

For example, the power of the red light, the power of the yellow light, the power of the blue light, the power of the green light, the isotope power of the infinity gem space rough stone...

Etc., etc.

In this way, during the battle, they can be combined into corresponding patterns and formations according to different enemies, and give Buff support to each other to enhance combat power.

In short.

Compared with the original Mechanical Hunter, Bai Xiaofei's Sentinel Hunter is much stronger, a cliff can easily single out N many Mechanical Hunters!


The sentinel hunter stood there without moving, no matter how the mechanical hunter attacked, he would not break the skin. After all, its manufacturing materials were not ordinary goods.

Bai Xiaofei directly uses superalloys such as dark iron, which can be described as indestructible, and also has a very abnormal self-healing ability!

Such a guy, even if he meets a real boss, he has to weigh it, let alone a stupid mechanical hunter!

The two are not on the same level at all!


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