The Storm God

Chapter 3494 Zuo Kesi is superior!

OA star.

While Bai Xiaofei was researching and developing the Sentinel Hunter, the battle here was almost coming to an end.

In the end, Ato was still defeated.

Hal was just like cheating, repeatedly exploded, but with his incomparable willpower, he defeated Atuo with a little bit of green light power.

Became one of the heroes who saved the OA star.

at the same time.

Zuo Kesi and other Red Lanterns were shocked when they saw the leader, Atuo, placed in the hands of an ordinary Green Lantern.

Morale dropped by more than a thousand feet in an instant.

after all……

In the Red Lantern Corps.

The leader, Atuo, is almost a god-like existence, which is the belief of almost all Red Lanterns, but now this god-like boss has lost!

And the person who defeated him was just an ordinary Green Lantern who had just joined the OA star!

That's incredible to say!

not to mention……

As time goes by, a large number of Green Lanterns are coming from all directions in the universe, and the situation is very unfavorable for the Red Lantern Corps.

So far.

Zuckers this big head.

After a moment of silence and hesitation, he directly decided to retreat quickly, because if he didn't leave, he might really be unable to leave.


Didn't you see that the OA stars are starting to dispatch warships?

Moreover, the number of Green Lanterns is also increasing. If there is any further delay, it is estimated that they all have to explain here.

Although with Green Lantern's belief, it is impossible to kill people directly, but being caught is also very uncomfortable. Zuo Kesi doesn't want to go to jail!

In short.

The battle between the two sides became more and more intense.

Although Zuo Ke wanted to run away, the Green Lanterns obviously didn't intend to let them go just like that. After all, these guys have robbed many treasures of OA star.

Apa has an order to take those things back at all costs!

Although most Green Lanterns don't know what it is, an order is an order, and the superiors have said so, what can they do?

It must be strictly enforced.

The essential……

It's still such a special time.

As the saying goes, a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. By the same token, a Green Lantern who doesn't want to do meritorious service is not a good Green Lantern.

With such a good opportunity, some Green Lanterns who just joined naturally want to fight for it and perform hard.

Not afraid of death at all!

Compared with the Red Lantern Corps, the morale plummeted, and they wanted to escape, and with ulterior motives, the gap was hardly obvious.

Naturally, the army was defeated like a mountain.


It is worth mentioning that.

Those Red Lanterns who supported the Red Lantern Corps and belonged to Bai Xiaofei's command had gained a lot from this trip. While others were busy fighting and fleeing for their lives, they were fishing in troubled waters and making a fortune!

Even if the situation is not good in the end, the Green Lanterns rushed back in large numbers.

These younger brothers can also return instantly through the red light exclusive transmission channel that Sinestro specially opened for them.

Not only things were brought back, but people also returned home safely.

Just very comfortable!


The pursuit of OA star is doomed to be futile.

When Zuo Kesi and the Red Lanterns were struggling to encounter a large number of Green Lanterns chasing and intercepting them, and were trapped in a tight siege, these supporters sent by Sinestro had already returned safely with a full harvest. home.

And this situation quickly attracted Zuo Kesi's attention.


He also immediately realized that he had been tricked.

The so-called alliance, on the surface, came to help, but in fact it was taking advantage of the fire to fish in troubled waters!

At critical moments, none of them can be relied upon!

All gone!

All those who remained were their own people, and most importantly, the number of their own people was too small, not even one-tenth of it!

Compared with the large number of Green Lanterns who came, they are simply a vulnerable group. Apart from having two warships, there is no advantage!


This is the OA star!

People's Green Lantern's base camp, two warships in front of people, it's not good enough at all, especially after the other party has already shown off the interstellar cannon.

"Stop hitting, stop hitting!"

"We surrender!"


Zuo Kesi was about to cry.

Looking at the dozens of interstellar cannons lit up on the ground of star OA, all aimed at the battleship he was on, he was immediately frightened.

He doesn't want to die!


Immediately surrendered very unscrupulously.

Of course, Zuo Kesi is not a coward who doesn't care, he has already made a decision, if Green Lantern stops here, then surrender is surrender, survival is the most important thing!

But if Green Lantern wants to kill them all...


Don't blame him for being cruel!

In the worst case, both parties will die together, so don't even think about it!

To know.

There are quite a few liberators on the two interstellar warships, and one shot of the liberators can blow up a planet with a diameter about three times that of the earth.

The OA star is no match for the Earth, so it is conceivable that one shot from the Liberators would be more than enough to blow it up, not to mention dozens of shots!

If Zuo Kesi is pushed into a hurry, he and Green Lantern will die together!

No one wants to live!


And Star OA is obviously not an idiot.

Although Apa was very angry and even went crazy for a while, when the balance of the battle gradually moved towards their side, he had already started to recover slowly.

Especially seeing Zuo Kesi's two warships, which seemed to have a big killer like the Liberator on them, they didn't dare to mess around.


Don't think about it!

So, without any hesitation, he immediately ordered a ceasefire.

The Green Lanterns naturally followed his example. As soon as the order came out, almost everyone stopped their actions, while the Red Lanterns, eager to survive, naturally did not dare to act recklessly.

Seeing that the Green Lanterns stopped firing as expected, Zuo Kesi and the others secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that they finally survived.


A group of green light elites surrounded them.

The high-level Red Lanterns headed by Zuo Kesi were all brought to the headquarters of Star OA to prepare for relevant negotiations after the war.

after all.

Although the Red Lantern Corps was defeated.

But the threat is still there. You need to know that there are thousands of warships on the defense side of the light house, trying to attack and approach here.


Zuo Kesi still has a certain bargaining chip.

Although Star OA hated the destruction these guys brought to Star OA and the huge threat they posed to the entire universe, they also took away many dangerous items...

But at this moment.

Appa and the others had to sit down and negotiate with Zuo Kesi and the Red Lanterns.

As for the leader Atuo, forget it!

This is the culprit.

Regardless of the considerations, it is impossible for OA Xing to let Atuo go and let him negotiate with him on behalf of the Red Lantern Corps.

The meaning of Apa is very simple.

Now that the Red Lantern Corps has no Atuo, then another new boss will be supported, preferably this person is more beneficial to OA star.

And Zuo Kesi's brain is very in line with Apa's requirements.


Zuo Kesi changed suddenly.

From a flattering villain next to Atuo, he was directly promoted to the new leader and boss of the Red Lantern Corps.

To this.

Zuo Kesi was very surprised and pleasantly surprised.

Of course, he also saw that Apa's move must have ulterior motives.

However, that doesn't matter, after all, the current situation is here, what can we do if we disagree? The other party will definitely replace another person.

Instead of this, it is better to get the benefits first.

To know.

The majesty and majesty of the boss.

Zuo Kesi knew and understood Zuo Kesi very well as the former leader's boss Atuo's queen punching bag, so his longing for the position of the boss was extremely strong.

And now.

This position is almost at your fingertips, without paying any price!

Of course he won't give up!


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