The Storm God

Chapter 3495 Stupid big head!


Zuo Kesi simply became the leader of the Red Lantern Corps, sat at the position of leader with peace of mind, and was in charge of negotiating with the people from OA star.


Although he ate some "meal" from the other party, he still had to fight for the interests that should be fought for. After all, it was also related to Zuo Kesi's own interests.

Otherwise, once you go too far and lose your support, it will be hard work.

after all……

Zuo Kesi is not Atuo.

He is not only the first red light, but also super powerful.

When A Tuo was the leader, almost no one objected to it, but Zuo Kesi was different, he had to make some achievements.

Otherwise, even if OA Xing supports him now, it's useless. After returning, someone will stand up and challenge Zuo Kesi's position as the boss.

Think here.

Zuo Kesi suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Don't look at this guy's big head, small limbs, and his appearance seems ridiculous, but in fact Zuo Kesi still has something.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been Ato's right-hand man.

After all, dog licking is dog licking, but his mind is still very good. For example, now, facing the negotiation conditions proposed by OA star Apa and other little blue people, Zuo Kesi is very clear about what is going on.


On the point of maintaining peaceful coexistence and maintaining the same strategy, Zuo Kesi tried his best to fight for the benefits due to the Red Lantern Corps.

If OA Xing disagrees, then shoot and break up!

In short.

The attitude is very tough.

It even specifically mentioned that Apa, the little blue man, must go to the planet of the Red Lantern Corps to apologize publicly and preside over the future restoration and team building management.

As for the others?


It can be lowered a little bit, or not at all!

After all, the anger of the Red Lantern Corps was mainly due to the massacre that year, and OA star let it go, which caused today's situation.

If Apa, the culprit, can personally go to the Red Lantern Corps, apologize publicly, and take charge of the restoration work, everyone will not be unforgivable.

After all, things have passed for so many years, and what everyone is asking for is just a result. Anyway, the people of those years can't die in vain!

In short.

The attitude of OA star is very important.


What Zuo Kesi and the others didn't expect was that after a moment of silence, just when everyone thought Appa would refuse, the other party actually agreed.


Zuo Kesi was stunned.

He looked at Appa in shock, not daring to reply: "Do you know what you're talking about? I mean, are you really sure you want to agree to my terms?"

Having said that.

But in fact, Zuo Kesi was so excited that he didn't want it.

After all, this is almost impossible. If Zuo Kesi really completes it, then his status in the Red Lantern Corps will be completely imprisoned.


Well, if you have the ability, you can ask the people from OA to apologize to the Red Lantern Corps' site and preside over the restoration work!


You know, this is something that even the leader A Tuo failed to do, but in the end I, Zuo Kesi, did it!

For this credit, everyone has to say a word!


Appa looked serious.

He said seriously: "Of course I know what I'm doing. That incident back then was actually a stain in my heart. Since I have the opportunity to correct it, I will naturally not refuse!"

Speaking of which.

Apa suddenly changed the topic, and talked about the army of the Red Lantern Corps. He demanded: "You must immediately evacuate the OA star and the defensive zone near the light house, and guarantee that there are no special circumstances, and you have to attack other planets. Civilization, destroy and interfere!"

"no problem!"

After getting an affirmative answer, Zuo Kesi looked very happy.

Hearing this, without even thinking about it, he just nodded and said: "This is no problem, as long as you agree to our request, everything will be easy to talk about!"

"after all……"

"We're not militants either. There was nothing we could do before, and I wasn't the one who led the Red Lantern Corps at that time!"

"Now I have the final say on everything, I promise it will be fine..."

"As long as you do what you say!"


Batgirl and the others were silent.

In fact, they were quite satisfied and recognized this result. After all, the Red Lantern Corps didn't have many demands, and the main thing was an apology from OA.

If the OA star can make up for the mistakes and contribute human, material and financial resources to help restore the no-man's land where the destroyed Red Lanterns live, then it is not impossible to forgive what the OA star did back then.

after all……

The dead are gone, and no more can be asked for.

The important thing is the people who have survived now. If OA star can really follow the agreement and do what it said, I believe those who died unfortunately can also be rested in peace, right?


Apa said with a smile: "This time we will definitely do what we say!"


That's how it ended.

Both parties are very satisfied with the negotiation results.

And as the winning side, OA star also did not detain Zuo Kesi and others very generously, but only arrested A Tuo alone.

In short.

They all blamed Ato.

As for Zuo Kesi and others, nothing happened, even Star OA gave them a lot of subsidies so that these people could leave as soon as possible.


For those that are snatched.

However, Apa repeatedly asked that Zuo Kesi and others must be exchanged.

To this.

Zuo Kesi was very helpless.

He said truthfully: "I'm sorry, we really didn't do this. It was formed by the person Boss Ato found before to form an alliance and get a partner. As for the origin of the other party, we don't know very well, and we are very innocent to say it!"

The implication is, don't ask us for this matter, you can go to Atuo, it's useless to look for us, we are also very aggrieved, okay!

If they hadn't done this, how could we have lost so thoroughly and quickly.


Nothing matters now.

At this moment, Zuo Kesi just wanted to leave OA star quickly, and then take his credit back, so that he could be completely imprisoned as the leader of the Red Lantern Corps.

Otherwise, who knows if these little blue people will backtrack?

If he regretted it, then he and the others would be unlucky to be arrested just like Boss Ato, Zuo Kesi and the others didn't want to do that.


After getting what you want.

So he took his battleship directly and left OA star quickly.

As for whether OA star will backtrack?

This is nothing to worry about.


Zuo Kesi also kept a cautious eye.

The army stationed outside the defense of the light house will not evacuate all of them for the time being, but only a small part, leaving a way out for themselves.

If Star OA backtracks, the remaining warships will attack Star OA again. Although many opportunities may be lost, it is still a big threat to Star OA.

Zuckers believed it.

As long as the people of star OA are not sticks, or deliberately want to provoke a war, they will generally not make mistakes and do things that go against their promises.


After Zuo Kesi and others left.

Appa's complexion immediately sank, and while thinking about how credible what Zuo Kesi said just now, he walked back.

There was a guardian next to him and asked him, "Are you really going?"

"How can it be!"

Apa replied with a sneer: "I was just deceiving that stupid head. Once they leave, our side will be prepared, so why not be afraid of them?"


"It's nothing!"

Apa waved his hand, and said without doubt: "At that time, just send someone there. Even if you are so stupid that your head is dissatisfied, don't worry. I don't believe that other Red Lanterns will stick to this matter!"

"The key is to help them rebuild their homes and do well!"


Everyone was speechless for a while.

Xin said, it is really worthy of your Apa style, we should have thought of it a long time ago, I just hope that there will be no real troubles by then!


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