The Storm God

Chapter 3496 The anti-supervision king debuts!

"Knew it!"

At the same time, Bai Xiaofei on the other side has also learned the general details of the OA star war through the vision of Hal and other people.

on this...

He could only say that it was all a trick.

In the final analysis, it is still more advanced for OA stars to play with people's hearts.

Zuo Kesi's stupid big head claims to be smarter, but he doesn't know that he has been clearly calculated by Apa from the beginning to the end.


None of this mattered to him.

Bai Xiaofei is satisfied with the current result anyway.

First, the fake alliance support soldiers he sent took the opportunity to fish for fish and harvested a lot of good things; later, they could watch a free show...

It's all about earning money!


After this battle.

Many members of the new green light of OA star, the dependence on the new version of the green light ring is also bigger and deeper, which makes Bai Xiaofei deepen his influence on them.

In other words, Bai Xiaofei has not activated the master control function.


Those Green Lanterns who have the new Green Lantern ring are afraid that they will be transformed into Bai Xiaofei's cannon fodder younger brothers, and they will go through fire and water for him, no matter how much they want.

Not to mention, he also took advantage of this to obtain the mechanical hunter's blueprint, upgrade and transform it, and perfected the sentry hunter.

It's all about earning.


Among them, Bai Xiaofei knew who deserved the credit.

Just like Little Red Razer.

Although there is some element of taking advantage, but there are so many Red Lanterns, why is he the only one who went to the archive?

Regardless of the reason, this is his own credit. Although Bai Xiaofei didn't say it clearly, he remembered it clearly in his heart.

As for the follow-up development of OA star, if there is no accident, it should be the emergence of the anti-supervision king, which is the highlight.

after all……

The Red Lantern or something is just an appetizer.

With Bai Xiaofei's ability, it would be effortless to destroy them, but the anti-surveillance king is different, that precipice is an existence at the multiverse level.

Even if it is weak, it definitely has the level of the strength of a single universe. If you can get him, that's real money!


for subsequent development.

Bai Xiaofei cared and cared a lot, as did Aya's handling of the aftermath.

And the little blue people of star OA did not disappoint him. After dealing with the threat of the Red Lantern Corps, they directly began to pursue Aya's responsibility.

Even Aya was involuntary at the time and was controlled by the enemy, but the little blue man didn't care about this and insisted on dismantling Aya.


All this is done in secret.

Hal, Kilowog and others didn't know about it, and even concealed it from them. Star OA also specially arranged other tasks to divert the attention of Hal and others.

For example.

Howl returns to Earth.

But he was surprised to find that there was another Green Lantern in the sector to which the earth belongs, and he was almost replaced...

Kilowog was appointed as the instructor of the new Green Lantern. He was not training the new Green Lantern all day long, or was entangled in various other trivial matters.

There is simply no time to take care of other things.

As for Razer?


He is the Red Lantern.

Even if you have turned from darkness to light, you have chosen the side of light.

But OA star is the base of Green Lantern after all, so it is impossible to let Razer, a Red Lantern, come and go freely, so after the war, he ordered Razer to return.

If Razer doesn't have a home planet of its own, then forget about the rest.


Just don't stay on the OA star.

For other things, as long as Razer does not commit a crime, everything is easy to discuss.

In a word.

Aya's matter was easily transferred.

after all……

Aya is artificial intelligence.

After Star OA gave the reason to conduct a special conference study on a special existence like Aya, Hal and the others left without thinking too much.

As everyone knows.

The so-called research of OA star is to directly dismantle it violently.

If you encounter something you don’t understand, especially the part that may pose a threat, just delete it directly...


Poor Aya.

Immediately, he was mercilessly tortured by the OA star, the scientific director.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei knew it well.

However, he did not immediately rescue him, because the heat is not enough now.

Because the scientific director of Star OA still has a lot of interest in Aya now, and one day, he will have no interest in her research at all, and then he will kill him.

And at that time, it was the best time for Bai Xiaofei to make a move!

that's all.

Time passed slowly.

While monitoring everything, Bai Xiaofei was not idle. After designing the Sentinel Hunter, he was not idle. After checking that there were no mistakes, he immediately started large-scale creation.

And the other side.

Hal also fell in love and killed each other with the newly appointed Green Lantern of OA on Earth. In order to fight for the sole management right, the two often stumbling each other.


The two get along very comically.

Either you tricked me today, or I tricked you tomorrow.

It can be said to be very funny.


Come back to tease.

Neither of them forgot the crucial question.

Be a righteous warrior yourself.


when something dangerous happens.

No matter what state the two of them are in, the first priority is always to save lives, even disregarding their own safety.

It is also because of this that the more they fight, the more they cherish each other.

at the same time.

On an abandoned planet in the universe.

The void suddenly exploded, and a terrifying crack in the multiverse was suddenly torn apart, followed by an incomparably majestic mechanical body, which flashed out of it abruptly.

"New universe?"

This mechanical body quickly figured out the environment he was in, and then scanned the abandoned planet under him. When he detected that there were almost countless mechanical parts and some special mechanical products here.

it laughed.

Immediately afterwards, a voice sounded mechanically: "Everything will belong to me!" After that, bursts of terrifying thunder waves were emitted from both hands, instantly dissolving countless ruins into endless particles.

In the end, all of them were swallowed and absorbed by the mechanical body and used as their own energy source.

Not only that.

There was also a strange wave spreading out of his body.

Wherever the fluctuations went, among the endless wreckage of the abandoned planet, some robots that looked very dilapidated, but in fact the main body parts were not seriously damaged, have directly recovered their ability to move.

The key point is that these gadgets are not ordinary items, but the first batch of mechanical hunters that OA star made and completely eliminated!


In this way, this mechanical body who had just arrived in this dimensional universe immediately gained a group of loyal fans through some special means.

And these little brothers are the first batch of mechanical hunters created by OA star before!

The deadliest thing is that, with the signal light wave of the mechanical body spreading uninterruptedly and endlessly throughout the universe, more mechanical hunters are being awakened and modified to fight and occupy themselves.


That doesn't include Earth.

Because the earth is under Bai Xiaofei's protection most of the time.

Without Bai Xiaofei's permission, it is impossible for anyone to go out, or everything outside to come in.

Unless the opponent's strength surpasses Bai Xiaofei's.

But obviously.

This mechanical body is at most similar to Bai Xiaofei's, so the special control sound wave he diffused did not break through Bai Xiaofei's defense.

All are blocked out of the dimension.


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