The Storm God

Chapter 3499 Hunter strikes!


With the activation of the blue light total energy device, a ferocious huge blue light wave visible to the naked eye burst out from the device immediately.


directly spread to the entire planet.

Even this is not over, the light wave continues to expand and spread, centering on the planet Odim, it spreads infinitely towards other regions in the universe.

This scene.

Walker was dumbfounded.

I thought: "What a strong power, no! That's not just a faint power, but a special kind of emotional power, which is the light of hope!"

"Is Ganther sending light of hope to the whole universe?"

"It's a bit unclear!"


Mog frowned unexpectedly.

Although under the influence of the radiation of the blue light wave, his green light ability has been amplified several times, but this kind of diffusion without any restrictions, is it really good?

Aren't you afraid of being used by someone with a heart?

"It's fine!"

Ganser seemed to see Mog's worry, so he smiled and comforted: "The blue light can strengthen the green light and eliminate the red light. Isn't this a good thing?"

"after all……"

"Green Lanterns are righteous people who maintain the peace of the universe, while most of the Red Lanterns are tyrants. Even if there are some people like Razer, they are only a minority after all!"

"Besides, I have also set the light wave. It will not completely eliminate their power, but it will only make them weaker."

"It'll be fine!"


Mog was silent.

There was something in my heart, but I didn't say it in front of Ganser, that is: "Aren't you worried that there will be some evil people in the green light?"

To know.

The willpower that Green Lantern values ​​has little to do with character.

Otherwise, there would be no Sinestro's rebellion, which shows that green lights are not necessarily good people.

Just like Appa!


After all, this is Ganser's trump card.

Regardless of whether it was for Ganser's face or his own undercover work, Moge finally chose to remain silent and did not say the hurtful words.


He didn't say it, but he didn't think that what should happen would not happen.

Out of a nearby starry sky that they didn't know about, a team of ten mechanical hunters was following the guidance of the light wave and heading in a certain direction.


Waves of blue light spread across.

This team of mechanical hunters was instantly affected by the blue light, and a layer of faint green flames began to emerge from their bodies.


And the internal intelligent program of the mechanical hunter also immediately detected his abnormal situation, and expressed his doubts about it.


The anti-surveillance king who controls them.

It seems that through some means, he learned about the situation here.

Immediately following this team of mechanical hunters, they immediately changed their navigation and flew directly to the planet Odim.

Obviously wanting to investigate the energy source of the blue light wave.

after all……

This thing can increase their strength.

If I hold it in my hands, I can maximize the strength of the mechanical hunter and use it better for me.

The anti-supervision king is not an idiot, so of course he will not let it go.


A team of mechanical hunters descended on the planet Odeum.

At this time, Ganser and others didn't know that the mechanical hunter had gradually awakened in the universe, was controlled by people, and began to do evil things everywhere.


Ganser, who had just boasted about Haikou, was immediately slapped in the face.

Looking at the mechanical hunter, whose body was covered with faint green flames and whose strength had been improved, Ganser was at a loss for words.


"Haven't they all been cleaned up? Why did they pop up again!"

"No, their target is the blue light!"

"Stop them!"


Gunther came back to his senses.

Seeing a group of mechanical hunters, they completely ignored them, and instead rushed directly to the total energy device of the blue lamp, and stretched out their arms one after another, trying to move it away...

Ganser was shocked immediately, and his face changed in horror.


Mog reacted the fastest.

Before Ganser could finish speaking, he rushed forward.

Before the person arrived, the ring in his hand released a very spectacular and huge green laser beam, sweeping away thousands of troops with one move, ready to fly these mechanical hunters.


The current mechanical hunter is not in an unusual state.

Under the increase of the blue light, their various stats have also been greatly enhanced, so they were not hit on the spot by Mog's attack.

Not only that.

They even advance and retreat in order.

A few mechanical hunters continued to be responsible for taking away the total energy of the blue lamp, and the remaining few stayed to deal with Mog, but the attack methods were a little bit worse.

In addition to conjuring a stick-mounted laser transmitter from their hands, these mechanical hunters can only fight hand-to-hand, and they can't shape their own green light power at all.


Even so, the mechanical hunter after the increase is quite powerful.

After all, their bodies are not flesh and blood, but mechanical bodies made of superalloy materials. Coupled with the amplified green light power protection, their defense is even more perverted.


Mog's laser beam bombarded them. Although it looked spectacular, the actual lethality was not that great.

on the contrary.

The dense green laser rain released by seven or eight mechanical hunters forced Mog to wake up a shield to defend.

After all, the attack power of these mechanical hunters is not low, especially after being boosted, so they should not underestimate the enemy.


The most critical factor is that Moge is now an undercover agent.

You can't expose too much strength in front of Ganser, otherwise the opponent will inevitably see some clues and suspect Moge.

That's why we worked so hard.

Otherwise, with the identity of his Gaia consciousness avatar, coupled with the high-authority green light ring specially given by Bai Xiaofei, not to mention all the combat power exploded, even if it is one-tenth, it will definitely be able to easily kill these mechanical hunters in seconds!


Seeing Mog's situation is a bit less than ideal.

Walker immediately became a little anxious, especially when he saw a few mechanical hunters who had already lifted the total energy of the blue lights into the air, and they were about to take it away.


The two Blue Lanterns couldn't stand anymore.

They also immediately went into battle. Walker originally helped Mog, but was stopped by Mog: "Walker, don't worry about me, I can handle it, stop them quickly, and don't let them take the blue light all the way." The energy is taken away!"


Walker hesitated.

But in the end, he chose to obey the orders of his elder brother, and immediately, together with the elephant-headed man Blue Lantern, caught up with several mechanical hunters in mid-air, preventing them from leaving Odium with the total energy of the blue lantern.

Although their attack power is not for large-scale battles, and they are better at small-scale precise attacks, they still have no problem dealing with mere mechanical hunters who lack attack methods.


In view of the attributes of the power of the blue light.

It is obviously not that easy for them to cause too much damage to the mechanical hunter after the increase.



It should be that the mechanical hunter has a slight upper hand.

After all, people are mechanical bodies with infinite energy, no fear of death, tireless exhaustion, and some are loyal to execute programs and orders.

But Walker couldn't do it.

They will be tired!

The strength of the blue light ring in his hand is also limited.

The longer the two sides develop, the more unfavorable it will be for them, especially when there are more mechanical hunters than them.

That's bad!


crucial moment.

Ganser hurriedly thought that Hal and others had sent out a distress signal.

Coincidentally, Hal and the others happened to be near the planet Odim, so after receiving Ganser's distress signal, Hal and others rushed over immediately.


Just rushed to Odeum planet.

Hal and others haven't left the spaceship yet, Hal, Kilowog, and Aya are all affected by the blue light, their strength has doubled, and raging green flames have emerged all over their bodies, greatly increasing their strength.

But Little Red Razer is a bit bitter.

The power of the red light was affected by the blue light, and the power plummeted instantly, making Razer feel as if his entire body had been hollowed out, extremely weak.


Razer is full of resentment.


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