The Storm God

Chapter 3500 Hal is gone!

"Razer, you stay in the spaceship!" Seeing how weak Razer looked, Hal and others could only persuade him to stay.


Razer nodded.

He can't help it, otherwise he can only expose his true strength.

But now is not the time.


I can only stay obediently.

What's more, with the strength of the three of Hal and Moge, it should be enough to deal with these mere mechanical hunters.

that's all.

After arriving at the planet Odeum.

The three of Hal immediately joined the battle, and with their help, Mog's pressure was immediately relieved a lot.


That was a loss in numbers.

With the power of the blue lantern on both sides, with the addition of Hal and others, when the number of mechanical hunters is no longer dominant, the balance of victory will naturally easily tilt to the side of Ganser and others.

after all.

Mechanic hunters are just programmed machines.

But Hal and the others are intelligent creatures, both in terms of combat experience and adaptability, they are far superior to each other.

not to mention.

Ganser, the guardian, was not idle either.

While the mechanical hunters were restrained by Hal and others, they directly summoned a familiar good partner on the planet Odim.

A huge indigenous creature that resembles a dragon.

Swallowed the blue light into his stomach in one gulp, and then went straight into the ground, taking back the buff of the blue light's power temporarily.

And without the blessing of the power of the blue light, the mechanical hunter is no longer the opponent of Hal and others, and the key point is that they have also received the order again.


The few surviving mechanical hunters.

He had no intention of fighting, and seeing how brave Hal and the others were, he gave up and left.

Hal and the others didn't pursue them either. After all, there were too many mechanical hunters, and it was completely useless to pursue such a few.

not to mention.

They were still more worried about Ganther.

After all, the aftermath of the attack just now can sometimes affect quite a large area. I don't know if Ganser was injured?

"I'm fine!"

Ganser came out from a place of dust with a disheveled face, and said with a wry smile: "Thanks to your help this time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!"


Hal shook his head and didn't take this matter to heart, but asked curiously: "Mr. Gunther, is that blue light..."


long time ago.

Hal wanted to ask Ganther.

It's just that too many things happened later, and Ganser was expelled from the OA planet. This time it was completely a coincidence that it happened.

Hal also didn't expect that after Ganser left OA star, he actually made a blue lantern. He finally had a new insight into the guardian's ability.

He secretly said in his heart: "This means that Ganser has no bad intentions. If the other party wants to dominate the universe or something, wouldn't he suffer?"

I won't say anything else.

The turmoil caused by the Red Lantern Corps alone is enough to explain the problem.

at last.

Hal couldn't help but asked Ganser: "How many kinds of abilities are there in this emotional spectrum? Can any of you guardians create them?"


Gunther first answered Hal's last question.

Then he explained: "According to the known information, there are seven kinds of abilities in the emotional spectrum. In addition to the power of will of the green light controlled by OA star, there are six other kinds. Not everyone can control it. and possessed..."

"It was also a coincidence that I came into contact with the documents of a certain ancient civilization relic, and only then did I master the power of hope of the blue lantern..."

"I see!"

After listening to Ganser's explanation, Hal and others understood the many mysteries involved, and then said: "If you put it this way, now that there are green lights, red lights, blue lights, purple lights, and yellow lights, you can The orange light and the blue light didn't appear?"


Gunther nodded.

Then he explained: "The universe is vast and infinite. Although we are guardians, we are not omnipotent. We don't know much about the mystery of the power of the other two emotional spectrums, so we can't give you much help..."

He knew exactly what Hal meant.

It's nothing more than wanting to use the power of other emotional spectrums to deal with the threat of mechanical hunters. After all, that thing is against all creatures with emotions.


Gunther was helpless.

It took a lot of effort to create the total energy of the blue light, but in the end it almost caused disaster, and even became an enemy!

He must not dare to mess around in the future.

At least.

Before there is enough self-protection power, it is better to keep a low profile as much as possible, otherwise, if nothing else, just aiming at increasing the ability of the mechanical hunter is enough to make the opponent move their troops, and even attack Ou at all costs. Dim star.

To this.

Hal also expressed his understanding, and did not force it. After all, the current situation has not reached the point where it cannot be dealt with.

When a group of people are communicating and discussing solutions.

Aya quietly left the crowd, saying that she wanted to get part of the mechanical hunter's wreckage into the spaceship and study it carefully.

Hal and the others didn't care and let her go.

As everyone knows.

At this moment, Aya has another purpose.

In addition to studying the structure and procedures of the mechanical hunters, and the reasons for the mutations, I still want to try to see if I can convince them.

After all, to some extent, Aya and them are the same existence.

As an intelligent life form, Aya certainly doesn't want to see the mechanical hunter continue like this. If the mistakes can be corrected and everyone coexists peacefully, wouldn't everyone be happy?

What a dream.

The remains of the mechanical hunter activated by Aya, after communicating with Aya, directly regarded Aya as an enemy.

And to say categorically, Aya is not of the same kind as them.

Still have to do it.

at last……

Razer couldn't take it anymore.

A red laser shot directly blasted the opponent into scum.

Razer looked at Aya, who was in a daze, and reminded: "I advise you not to waste your energy in vain. Didn't the boss already say that? You are different. Every existence like you is a special case! "

"Those mechanical hunters are the tools to be used, just like the spaceship under our feet, it is completely different from you, don't try to change them."

"It's completely impossible, unless you can directly eliminate the source!"


He left after speaking.

But Aya was stunned in the same place, and kept thinking about a sentence in her mind: destroy the source, destroy the source...


Hal and his party left the planet Odeum.

After all, they still have tasks to do and cannot stay in one place for a long time.


Their luck is very good.

Following the detected fluctuation signal, he flew directly to a garbage planet full of mechanical waste, and found a large number of dilapidated mechanical hunters.

And the anti-surveillance king hidden in it!


It's a big fight.

Facing an opponent at the level of the anti-surveillance king, Hal and the others were naturally no match at all, and they were at a disadvantage almost instantly.

In particular, the king of anti-surveillance took action himself, with one hand capable of transforming any matter into anti-matter and absorbing a terrifying burst of light.

Everyone immediately encountered a huge crisis.

And this time.

Hal exploded again.

The power of will exploded again. In order to give Aya and others a chance to escape, Hal, relying on the power of the green light alone, wanted to rebel against the light of the king.


There's no after that.

Almost instantly, Hal was beaten.


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