The Storm God

Chapter 3501 Dark Matter Universe!


Looking at the void that was torn apart by the anti-supervision king, there was no trace of Hal, and Kilowog, who had the best relationship with Hal, suddenly cried out in grief.

Razer was also a little moved.


Aya was very calm at this moment.

She controlled the spaceship, and while fleeing from the planet at the fastest speed, she comforted Kilowog and said, "Calm down, according to my analysis, Hal should be fine, because the light just now was broken so badly." Not an ordinary space..."


Kilowog was quite sad.

As a result, when he heard this, he was immediately confused: "What do you mean?"

Thunder Snake was thoughtful, and his eyes lit up and said: "You mean, the attack of the anti-supervision king just now tore up the dimensional space, and Hal may have been bombarded and fell to other dimensional worlds?"

"That's right!"

Aya replied with a serious face: "After all, Ganser also said before that the creator of the anti-supervision king is a scientist named Kron in their clan!"

"Later, in order to prevent the anti-supervision king from threatening the universe, he used special means to exile the anti-supervision king to other dimensional worlds!"

"That is to say, besides our world, there should be other dimensional worlds. Although I don't know how the anti-surveillance king came back, but according to my analysis, its power should be a coincidence that opened up the dimensional space just now. barrier……"

"If Hal does it every time, he should have fallen into another dimension."


A wave of analysis is justified.

It was so frustrating that Kilowog couldn't find any faults.

After staying for a while, he said in a hurry: "Aiya, then you should quickly analyze and detect it. By the way, can you still detect it after leaving that planet?"

"Shall we go back?"


Razer was speechless.

Rolling his eyes angrily, he said, "Go back? Do you want to die? We don't have as much luck as Hal, so you have to go yourself!"

Kilowog: "..."

Ignore you!

He looked back at Aya.

Seeing that the spaceship had escaped from the mechanical waste planet, and the anti-supervision king did not chase after it, Aya breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he replied: "The test is very troublesome. It doesn't have to be in the same place, but it needs a certain opportunity and signal..."

"There's no rush for this!"


Kilowog was speechless.

Can't hurry?

God knows what's going on with Hal over there, how can you tell me not to worry.


And the other side.

Bai Xiaofei, who had nothing to do and put down his work, also watched the whole scene of the anti-surveillance king fighting Hal and others.

"Good guy!"

"Is the king's ability perverted too? When the light is emitted with one hand, no matter what it hits, it can all be converted into antimatter, and then absorbed into your body to absorb it as energy?"

"How did the little blue man come out with this thing early?"

"It's terrifying!"


Bai Xiaofei was shocked.

To be honest, he didn't even have this kind of ability, so he was really envious.

The key point is that the anti-surveillance king is not a person, but a machine, and the maker is the little blue man who didn't know many years ago...


The head part of this thing, and the space-time travel device that can travel to the beginning of the universe, this is the most awesome.

Bai Xiaofei was curious, how awesome was the little blue man back then to create such a mechanical device?

And it can also be exiled to other dimensional universes!

In contrast now...


Don't talk about dealing with the anti-supervision king.

Even a few mechanical hunters couldn't subdue them. The contrast between the front and the back is so great, it can be described as the difference between cloud and mud!

I heard that the little blue man gave up his power voluntarily?

Is that so?


Bai Xiaofei didn't quite believe it.

He even wondered whether the loss of strength of the little blue people was related to a series of accidents that year, not voluntary, but forced.

Otherwise, why did the scientific director spend thousands of years secretly unblocking his own power? If he had no other intentions, Bai Xiaofei wouldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death!


How it used to be is not important.

The key is now, after seeing the ability of the anti-surveillance king, Bai Xiaofei was convinced, and said in his heart that he deserves to be an existence at the multiverse level.

Sure enough, a giant crane!


In this version, the anti-surveillance king is a little bit hard. After decades of hard work, he was busy for a long time and was directly stolen by Aya...

There is no one left!

at the same time.

For Hal this hangs on the wall.

Bai Xiaofei was also quite speechless, other people would almost certainly die if they met the Anti-Prison King, but you are lucky, not only did you not die, but you also had an adventure...

This halo is gone.


Bai Xiaofei recorded a trace of special space coordinates revealed in the dimensional space barrier broken by the anti-supervision king at that time.

follow closely.

He ignored the follow-up actions of Aya and others.

After analyzing the accurate information of the coordinates, Bai Xiaofei smiled, and directly used the power of the law of space to enter that dimensional world in a flash.

If nothing else.

The dimensional world that Hal accidentally fell into should be the Yushou world where Steam Lantern is located, a broken universe that is about to be destroyed!

as expected.

As soon as it arrived, Bai Xiaofei felt the boundless darkness.

The universe is dark.

In the vast starry sky, there is no starlight.

It's like being in a world where you can't see your fingers, no matter how Bai Xiaofei uses his thoughts, he can't feel any existence.

Apart from……

Howl's ring!


"The destruction is really complete, there is nothing!"

"Anti-surveillance king, you can do it!"


Bai Xiaofei exclaimed.

According to the statement of the original plot, this world has been completely destroyed by the anti-supervision king. Except for the earth where the steam lantern man is, all the planets in other universes, no matter whether they are living or not, have all been destroyed. The anti-surveillance king was broken down into anti-matter energy and absorbed.

at last……

When preparing to kill the earth, human scientists used some kind of black technology to directly bombard the current dimensional world.

Then there will be follow-up things.

The anti-surveillance king just happened to fall near the mechanical waste planet, so he used a special wave signal to wake up the damaged and sleeping mechanical hunters in the whole universe, making him his little brother to serve him.

Not to mention that black technology device, whether it is reasonable or not, for this barren universe where all the planets are completely dead, and there is not even a trace of scum.

Bai Xiaofei was still quite interested.


this universe.

There is unimaginably rich dark matter everywhere!

You know, the vast majority of the universe is dark matter, followed by those planets, and now all the planets have been destroyed by the anti-supervision king and turned into anti-matter and swallowed up.

Naturally, only dark matter itself is left in this world, followed by an earth that has not been destroyed yet.

And the sun whose lifespan has come to an end for some reason.

Such an environment may not be useful for other people, but for Bai Xiaofei, it is the best environment for Hongmeng Dark System development!

after all……

The dark system was originally developed on the basis of the dark matter plane.

In ordinary cosmic worlds, the pervasiveness and distribution of dark matter varies with different environments, so the ability will be affected to some extent.

Available here.

But that problem doesn't exist at all.

Because the entire universe is almost all dark matter, the performance of Bai Xiaofei's Hongmeng Dark System here is more than N times that of other worlds.

This is like the 32G memory of a computer suddenly upgraded to 32T.

It's almost time to fly!


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