The Storm God

Chapter 3502 The real savior!

"It's earned, it's earned!"

Bai Xiaofei was excited.

Looking at the entire universe, almost ninety-nine percent is dark matter, and the whole person is excited: "This is simply a universe born just for me!"


He began to think of a way.

How can I completely take this dark matter universe into my own possession.

According to the development of the plot, with the efforts of Steam Lantern and others, and the help of Hal and others, the last intelligent planet in this universe.

That is the earth.

Will be merged into the world of Green Lantern someday in the future.

At that time...

This universe will completely become a land of no man.

Even the core doesn't exist, it's like a barren land, whoever comes can own it, it doesn't matter whether it is occupied or not.

Because there is no other existence here at all.

Just dark matter!


It's a waste of money.

"very good!"

The more Bai Xiaofei thought about it, the happier he became, and he couldn't help laughing out loud: "I got such a big benefit for nothing, I'm so lucky!"

"I just don't know the green light, when will they act?"

"Do we have to wait for the sun to go out?"


I pondered for a moment.

Bai Xiaofei finally decided to go to the earth of this world to see.

Although in the anime, the earth in this world seems to be very backward, as if it is in the age of steam, but it happens that such an era has invented incredible super technology!

And with this kind of technology, he sent such a terrifying existence like the anti-supervision king to another dimension world!

This is very unreasonable!


Bai Xiaofei didn't care if it was reasonable or not.

Existence is reasonable.

It doesn't matter what settings or something, as long as it works.

next moment.


Bai Xiaofei's figure disappeared.

And when he reappeared, he was already on the earth in this dark matter universe, his eyes were dead, and people dressed in strange clothes were everywhere.

as well as……

It looks weird, some scary outdated mechanical products.

The head of these mechanical products is a large display device, and there is an old man's face inside, acting as the face of the mechanical products.

According to the setting, the earth in this world seems to be ruled by this old man, and many people dislike him.

As everyone knows.

The person who really defeated the anti-surveillance king was not the Steam Lantern Man, but the old man that everyone hated the most.

Without this old man, the earth would have been destroyed long ago.

That is.

The old man is the real savior.

The Steam Lantern Man was just a coincidence, it happened to be at that moment, and the people mistakenly thought it was the savior.


Bai Xiaofei didn't care about these things.

The main purpose of his coming here is to see the special black technology invented by that old man. If this can be copied, maybe Bai Xiaofei will have the ability to open the dimensional world in the future.

This is very exciting.

at the same time……

Bai Xiaofei's powerful perception ability also sensed Hal's existence immediately after his arrival.

After all, his green light ring was designed by Bai Xiaofei, and the longer Hal used it, the more assimilated it became.

As one of the developers and creators of Green Lantern Energy, Bai Xiaofei wants to sense Hal's existence, which is not easy at all.

And except Hal.

Beside him, Bai Xiaofei also sensed two other humans.

They are a man and a woman, the woman is nothing, a very ordinary woman, but the man is a little different.

In Bai Xiaofei's perception, although the other party's equipment is ordinary, the energy it uses is the very familiar power of green light.


The technological means used by the other party are very special.

Although it looks relatively primitive, it can use the green crystal containing the power of pure green light as an energy source, and smoothly transform it into the attack power of the equipment.

All in all it was amazing.

In the normal world, this is almost impossible.

Still the same sentence, existence is reasonable, no matter how others make it, anyway, it can be used, it can be used, it is awesome!

What's wrong?

Just say you don't mind and it's over.


Who is Bai Xiaofei?

In just a moment, through perception and detection, Bai Xiaofei almost completely understood the design and principle, and then completely lost interest.

"Although the idea is a bit strange, compared to the design principles used by OA Star to create mechanical hunters, it seems too backward!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head.

He quickly gave up his interest in continuing to explore, and instead focused on the conversation between Hal and the two.

Through the conversation, he learned that the three of them were planning an operation.

The purpose, of course, is to deal with the iron-blood policy rulers here, that is, the creators of those mechanical products, the savior who really saved the world——Duke Nigel.

Hear here.

Bai Xiaofei felt that these people were really ignorant.

It's fine if you don't understand anything, and you only believe in what you see in front of your eyes, and you don't listen to other people's explanations at all.

So is Jill, the Steam Lantern Man, and Catherine is a big fan.

It's okay if you don't like to use your brain.


You are an insider!

Why don't you tell Catherine the truth, tell everyone that Duke Nigel is the real savior?

Don't you think that you are the biggest original sin for people to behave like this?

In short.

Bai Xiaofei felt aggrieved for Duke Nigel.

After all, he is the savior of the world. He finally saved the world, and it’s nothing if he doesn’t get praise and glory, but he still has to take the blame and be scolded by the whole world as a liar...


Who can stand this?

If it's me, I'll be blackened too, okay? And even though they've been blackened, they haven't launched any bloody and brutal suppression methods from the beginning to the end, okay?

Everything is just your random resistance.

But what about Duke Nigel?


Even if it is misunderstood.

People all over the world don't believe him, but they have been working hard to find a way to deal with the problems that the earth will face next.

It's fine if you don't help, but you still want to destroy it?

Really annoying!


Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to listen to what they said anymore.

Hiding directly, he thought of Duke Nigel's residence and flew over.

The residence of Duke Nigel is easy to find. It is a tall tower with a full name, and the top is a device similar to an observatory, but it is actually a device for firing cannons.

What's more, Bai Xiaofei's perception is extremely terrifying. It is not easy to find Duke Nigel's location in this city.


Just flew into the tower.

Bai Xiaofei was immediately startled by all kinds of dazzling alternative technology system devices, especially these devices were still used to deal with anti-surveillance kings.

He immediately became interested and couldn't help but began to explore and observe for a while.

not for a while.

Wearing a certain round hat and bearded Duke Nigel appeared in the control room at the top of the tower.

Duke Nigel's expression was very worried, as if he was worried about something.

While walking, he murmured to himself: "Time is too tight. With our current means, I'm afraid we won't be able to wake up the sun. In this way, everyone will die..."


Bai Xiaofei's voice suddenly sounded.

at the same time.

His figure also appeared out of nowhere, which directly shocked Duke Nigel, and then subconsciously ordered the surrounding mechanical creations to attack Bai Xiaofei.

"Who are you?"

Duke Nigel exclaimed.


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