The Storm God

Chapter 3503 Win over the Duke!

"I'm here to help you!"

Bai Xiaofei said with a smile.

As for the so-called attacks of those mechanical creations? Hehe, to ordinary people, it might be a little threatening, but in front of Bai Xiaofei...

That's a joke!


As soon as a thought came out, Duke Nigel didn't see any movement of Bai Xiaofei, but was shocked to find that all his mechanical creations stopped moving.

It's as if it has been immobilized, or has no energy at all.

He just stood there in a daze, motionless.

No matter how Duke Nigel did not control or order, he was extremely sure that these mechanical creations had not received any damage, and the energy source was absolutely fine, but they just couldn't move!


Duke Nigel was shocked.

He looked at Bai Xiaofei, who appeared to be harmless to humans and animals in disbelief, his eyes widened in horror, and he said blankly, "You, what did you do just now?"

"It's nothing, it's just to reduce misunderstandings."

Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "Duke Nigel, don't you think we can talk better without their involvement?"

"Like these devices, and how to save your world?"

"I have no malicious intentions!"


Speaking of which.

But Bai Xiaofei's eyes raised slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the frozen humanoid mechanical creations instantly turned into countless parts like magic.

Seeing this scene, Duke Nigel was stunned.

But at this moment.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

With Bai Xiaofei's thoughts moving again, those countless parts suspended in the air returned to their original state in an instant.

Not only that.

From the eyes of Duke Nigel, he could tell at a glance that this mechanical creation that had been disassembled into parts and then reassembled seemed to be more powerful than before.

Although the appearance has not changed, there has been a fundamental change inside.

He can feel it.

after all……

Duke Nigel is the creator of these mechanical creations.

Whether these things have changed, he can almost tell the clues at a glance, even if it is an internal change.

If it weren't for the stranger Bai Xiaofei, Duke Nigel would have liked to start researching on the spot, to see what is different about this mechanical creation.

At this time...

Bai Xiaofei spoke again.


"You see, if I want to do something, you have no power to resist at all, so take it easy, Duke Nigel."

"I'm here to cooperate with you!"


Duke Nigel was silent.

It seems that considering Bai Xiaofei's words, there is some credibility, after all, his mentality is very abnormal now, and he is completely stimulated by Jill.

Even the original intention of creating these mechanical creations, I almost forgot.

Bai Xiaofei was not in a hurry either.

Just standing there, waiting for Duke Nigel's reply, after all, he is a genius, and should be given enough respect.


Duke Nigel had a decision.

His face changed slightly, from heavy to relaxed, and even showed a wry smile, and said to Bai Xiaofei: "Well, I think we can indeed talk, if you can really help me!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

He said with a smile: "The biggest problem facing your world right now is that the sun is about to end, and the other stars have been destroyed and swallowed up by the anti-supervisor king, so the entire universe will follow the extinction of the only sun." And to perish..."

"Am I right?"


Duke Nigel was shocked, apparently he did not expect Bai Xiaofei to understand his own world so clearly.

Even the anti-supervisory king knows it.


"Yes, I have seen the anti-surveillance king!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled and nodded, and replied: "He is wrecking havoc and destruction in another dimensional world right now, and I came to your world through the dimensional rift he pierced through..."


Duke Nigel immediately understood Bai Xiaofei's origin, and asked curiously: "Then I don't know, this respected strongman, why are you here?"

he is very smart.

Naturally know that there is no love for no reason in the world.

If he is so awesome, he still came to look for him, he must have taken a fancy to something, otherwise why didn't he look for someone else?


Duke Nigel wanted to know why.

This is also convenient for thinking and considering the degree of cooperation between the two parties. If Bai Xiaofei really came here with good intentions, then everything is easy to talk about.

But if there are ulterior motives, it is death, and Duke Nigel will not give up resistance, this is his belief!

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care either.

Wen Yan explained with a smile: "Since you asked, I won't tell you. In fact, I came here for this universe."


Duke Nigel suddenly looked confused.

For this universe?


There is nothing in this universe except the earth and the sun that is about to go out. Well, is it possible that you came here for this nothingness?

As everyone knows.

He really guessed right.

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei saw through his thoughts, and explained with a smile: "Duke Nigel, you are a scientist, I believe you should know that most of the universe is composed of dark matter, right?"


Duke Nigel nodded.

Then he seemed to think of something, and dared not say anything: "Could it be that the purpose you said is the dark matter that is almost everywhere in this universe?"


Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied with Duke Nigel's reaction and performance, nodded and said: "That's right! I have a technology that requires a lot of dark matter to operate, and your universe, which is about to end, is undoubtedly the best material for me." !"


Duke Nigel's eyes widened immediately, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

Immediately, he seemed to think of something again, and his face changed suddenly: "But, if you want a dark matter universe, what should we do?"

The other party's appetite is really too big.

When you open your mouth, you are a universe. Who is you? In the eyes of the other party, is there really any use value for a mere earth?

The other party should not come to destroy the earth, right?

Think about it.

Duke Nigel was frightened for a moment.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care what he was thinking, and said with a smile: "Duke Nigel, you can rest assured about this. To me, it doesn't matter at all to save a mere planet!"

"As long as you do your best to cooperate with me and develop and research technologies that can open the world of dimensions, I guarantee that you and your planet will never have any problems, and will even become better than before!"

"For example, directly transfer your planet to my universe, so that no one will be able to harm you from now on!"


Bai Xiaofei set out his own conditions.


Unlike Hal's approach.

With the help of the power of the green light, Hal forcibly tore open and expanded the dimensional rift, and then directly transferred the earth of this world to the world where Green Lantern is located, like emptying out his pocket.

But Bai Xiaofei wanted to directly take this planet for himself.

And all this.

The purpose is to win over Duke Nigel.

Although the development of science and technology in this world's earth is very different and slow, it can be seen that the ability to develop weapons that open the dimensional world can be seen under such conditions.

If Duke Nigel is given better conditions, God knows what powerful things the other party can create.

For such a talent, incorporating a planet into his own small world, this deal, in Bai Xiaofei's opinion, is a good deal anyway.

He wouldn't have done this if he hadn't been worried that Duke Nigel would be reluctant to part with Earth.


If Duke Nigel doesn't want to.

Bai Xiaofei would not force him, the worst would be to collect Duke Nigel's blood DNA sample, and then make a perfect clone!

Anyway, it's not like he hasn't done this before!


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