The Storm God

Chapter 3504 Do a big thing!

"My own universe?"

Duke Nigel was shocked.

Even though he had already overestimated Bai Xiaofei's ability to the greatest extent, he was still shocked when he heard Bai Xiaofei say that he could actually transfer the earth to the other's universe.


What is the origin of this person?

Even the vast universe seems to be his plaything, and the earth moves as soon as it is said, who is he?


Is he still human?

Such a terrifying existence, why do you want to cooperate with yourself?

Develop technology that can open the dimensional world?

Just me?


Duke Nigel felt very confused.

He himself didn't know that he was so awesome that he was even favored by such a boss, but...

Could it all be wrong?


I have to be clear.

So, coming to his senses, he began to explain the situation.

It probably means that I don't understand the technology you are talking about at all. Big brother, are you making a mistake?

I'm a mere mortal, but I can't stand such jokes!

"No mistake!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a smile, and said: "The light technology you used to drive away the anti-surveillance king before has a similar ability. Although it is relatively low-level, it has already touched the relevant threshold."

"You only need to further strengthen and simplify it on the basis of the original, and you don't need to worry about the rest!"

"Whatever you need, just tell me, I will satisfy you!"


Duke Nigel was shocked on the spot.

It turned out to be that technology?

Oh My God!

So the technology is so awesome?

I don’t know what to say, but since this boss has said it, then it must be, use my favorite research as a trade, save the earth...

No matter how you look at it, this deal is very cost-effective!


this time.

Duke Nigel, without much hesitation, agreed to Bai Xiaofei's request almost immediately, and said, "Well, what should I call you?"

"Feel sorry!"

Bai Xiaofei heard this.

Immediately smiled wryly and said: "Look, after talking for so long, I actually forgot to introduce myself, it really shouldn't be!"


He coughed lightly.

With a straight face, he seriously introduced himself to Duke Nigel: "My name is Bai Xiaofei, you can call me the boss, or you can call me Mr. Bai!"


Duke Nigel tried to shout.

But immediately felt that this seemed a little inappropriate, so he immediately changed his words: "I feel a little disrespectful, forget it, I'll just call you Mr. Bai!"

"what ever."

Bai Xiaofei looked indifferent.

After the deal was concluded, the two of them seemed less strange and alienated, especially after Duke Nigel voluntarily signed the contract that Bai Xiaofei presented.

From now on, Duke Nigel is a researcher under Bai Xiaofei's command, a formal one with high authority and status.

You can enjoy a lot of heaven-defying resources just after joining.


Longevity version of Ice Phoenix holy water.

Even Bai Xiaofei made a special move to remove all kinds of impurities in Duke Nigel's body, allowing him to undergo a radical change.

In particular, it allowed his physical condition to directly return to the peak period.

after all.


Generally, they don't leave the door and don't go out. Most of the time is spent on research and development, and they rarely have the opportunity to exercise themselves.

Being reborn and regaining youth is also one of the benefits that Bai Xiaofei gave to Duke Nigel, after all, he is a bit old now.

To this.

Duke Nigel was very grateful and excited.

After witnessing the ability of the boss with his own eyes, Duke Nigel's admiration for Bai Xiaofei is like a torrent of water.

Just for a moment.

Bai Xiaofei felt the pure and huge power of faith from the opponent.

That is to say, Duke Nigel has completely devoted himself to Bai Xiaofei's camp without any second thoughts.

Bai Xiaofei was also very satisfied with Duke Nigel's performance.

The acquisition was successful!


Bai Xiaofei told Duke Nigel about the plan of the three of Hal.

Duke Nigel is now very clear about his position, he is no longer the previous ruler, but the younger brother under Bai Xiaofei's command.


It is said that he has not made a decision.

Instead, he asked Bai Xiaofei, "Sir, what do you mean?"

"Pretend not to know!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "For some things, I still need their help. Although I can do it, it's a little bit less effort."


Duke Nigel agrees.

Then he followed Bai Xiaofei's instructions, doing what he should do on weekdays, as if he didn't know that he hadn't met Bai Xiaofei, and knew the plan of Hal and others.

Of course.

That's only on the surface.

But in fact, he has been accepting Bai Xiaofei's guidance for the past few days, learning and mastering more new knowledge systems.

after all……

The earth in this world is too backward in technology.

Most of them are still in the age of steam. Although Duke Nigel is a genius, relying on such abilities, he can develop unexplainable dimensional weapons, but it is too general and low-level after all.

Only by accepting brand-new knowledge and various systems can he display his talent to the fullest and make the best use of it.

And thanks to Bai Xiaofei's help, the current Duke Nigel has returned to his peak youth, whether it is physical strength, mental strength, or mental strength, he is in the best state, and even surpassed it.


Learn and progress quickly.

In just a few days, Duke Nigel integrated a lot of knowledge with what he had learned, and many wonderful ideas sprouted in his mind. If it weren't for the inappropriate timing now, I'm afraid I couldn't help but start crazy inventions and creations.

Bai Xiaofei was also very amazed and satisfied with Duke Nigel's study performance, and secretly thought that his business was really profitable!

If Duke Nigel fully grows up, I'm afraid he will be a super right-hand man at the level of Dr. Zola again!

This is very comfortable!

And today...

Prepare carefully after planning for several days.

The three of Hal finally took action, avoiding the detection of the mechanical creation all the way, and successfully invaded the tower.

They thought that their actions were very careful, and they didn't know each other well. As early as the beginning of the plan, Bai Xiaofei had already completely eavesdropped on it.


To take advantage of Hal's power.

Bai Xiaofei and Duke Nigel did not appear, but let them use the tower's black technology to bombard the dimensional crack in the sky!


The crack was instantly enlarged.

It was like a transparent silk scarf with a big hole torn open.

The cloudy sky on the earth, through this ever-expanding crack, allows the people here to see the appearance of the long-lost starry sky.

Countless people were excited and burst into tears.

Including Nigel.


Jill and Catherine, who helped Hal, were no exception.

However, at the last moment, Hal did not leave directly, but when he looked back, seeing the two friends who gave their best help, and the barren land under the sky full of wasteland, Hal suddenly felt that he Something should be done.

follow closely.

He had a brainstorm and came up with an idea.

Afterwards, Hal quickly contacted Aya and others, who were also helping each other at this moment, and who were cooperating with him from another universe to tear apart the dimensional rift together, saying that he would do a big thing in return for helping his friends.

"what are you up to?"

Kilowog was shocked immediately, with a worried expression on his face.


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