The Storm God

Chapter 3505 Peel off the earth!

no way.

No wonder Kilowog was worried.

after all……

Hal is notorious for being unruly, he doesn't even pay attention to the guardians of star OA, not to mention that he is separated from him by a dimensional universe at this moment.

Kilowog's intuition told himself that Hal is messing around again!

as expected.

The next moment, Hal's voice came from the communicator: "The sun of this world is about to go out, and the earth will fall into eternal cold and darkness. I can't just leave it alone, so I want to save them!"


Kilowog was dumbfounded at the time.

The sun goes out?

eternal darkness?

Are you going to save that world?

Oh My God!

You're just a mortal, okay, not a god, what on earth do you want to do?

He was about to ask something more.

At this time...

Hal in the Steam Lantern World has already made a direct move at this moment.

He first asked Jill to infuse himself with the power of the steam lamp, and then used Duke Nigel's black technology power to apply a two-pronged approach to the dimensional crack.

And the most direct manifestation is that the dimensional rift is getting bigger and bigger and more terrifying. It was just a small hole.


Under Hal's desperate tearing.

This opening was gradually torn horizontally into an extremely long and narrow crack, and this crack almost spanned the diameter of the entire earth!

follow closely.

Hal maintained his strength.

Taking this huge sectional crack as the starting point, it starts to make a circular motion, and as the crack continues, the tear is getting bigger and bigger.

It’s as if something is gradually being glassed out of a pocket. In a certain starry sky in the Green Lantern universe, a completely strange planet also begins to slowly reveal itself from nothingness. out.

"Oh My God!"

Seeing this scene, Kilowog was stunned.

The big chin almost fell onto the console on the spot, and the Thunder Snake next to him was also shocked. Obviously, he never expected that the power of the green light could be used like this.

He said he was educated!

As for Aya?


This little girl is more calm and Buddhist.

After all, she is not an ordinary person, but a special intelligent life. An ordinary intelligent creature should be calm and wise.

So after seeing Hal's move, he was only slightly taken aback, and immediately began to calculate various data.

And analyzed: "Hal's power has reached a certain limit. It stands to reason that it is impossible to tear and maintain, or even expand the dimensional rift so large. The problem should be on that planet..."

They all knew that in some world, there were people helping Hal.

But how to help, Hal did not say.


Aya was also unable to conduct precise analysis.

Otherwise, she would know that the power contained in this purple beam of light that helped Hal tear the dimensional rift had a familiar aura.


Bai Xiaofei also made a move.

After all, the current plot is different from the original one.

One is that the sun here has not been completely extinguished, and Hal and others have not been completely desperate, so theoretically it is impossible to erupt the original ultimate power.


He must help.

Only in this way can Hal successfully separate the earth from this dark matter universe by using the dimensional rift.

Of course.

Bai Xiaofei's action was not out of kindness to help Hal.

Because when everything is completed, Bai Xiaofei's small world dimension space law will immediately take effect, and in an instant, this steam earth will be directly transferred to his own universe.

in other words.

Hal is completely helping Bai Xiaofei to work, a standard tool man.

Although Bai Xiaofei also has enough strength to achieve such an effect by himself, but after all, it will waste a lot of strength and energy.

Since there is Hal as a tool man, of course someone is willing to be lazy.

Closer to home.

Hal's movements continued.

With the continuous expansion of the dimensional rift, the steam earth was gradually stripped out of the dark matter universe, and a larger part of the planets and stars were exposed to the starry sky of the Green Lantern universe, allowing countless residents on the earth to see the prosperity and brilliance again. starry sky scene.


Many people don't know what's going on with all this.

After all, the sky was full of billowing yellow smoke, and the people on land had limited eyesight, so they couldn't see Hal and the others at all.


The purple beam of light that soared into the sky was obtained, but it was clearly seen by people.

As for the source of the beam of light, people also knew very well that it was the Duke Nigel whom they called the brutal ruler.

That is.

It was all done by Duke Nigel.

He's saving us?


for a while.

Many people are a little confused.

Obviously, he didn't expect that the development of things would turn out like this.

Could it be that I and others misunderstood something?


The original savior was not Steam Lantern, but Duke Nigel?

Everyone carefully recalled the scene back then, and it seemed that there was also a purple beam of light shooting up into the sky at that time, and the scene was exactly the same as today...


More and more people are beginning to wake up.

Immediately afterwards, some people who reacted quickly realized immediately that the real savior was never the Steam Lantern Man, but Duke Nigel!

No wonder Duke Nigel, who was so kind at the beginning, disliked Steam Lantern so much, and even became iron-blooded and brutal since then.

It turned out that we misunderstood him!


This moment.

For some unknown reason, Duke Nigel started saving the world again. Could it be that he wanted to use this to prove himself to the world?

Or is there another reason?

In short.

this moment.

Many people began to reflect.

More and more people have changed their impression of Duke Nigel. After all, it is not what it used to be. At least now, they are allowing everyone to see the bright starry sky again.

So what if it was Steam Lantern who saved the world in the first place?


Definitely Duke Nigel!

After all, the purple beam of light that soared into the sky actually shot out from the tower of Duke Nigel's mansion.

Can't go wrong!


I don't know where it started, the deafening shouts began to rise and fall, and spread to every corner of the entire earth in a blink of an eye.

"Duke Nigel!"

"Duke Nigel!"

"Duke Nigel!"


high in the air.

The steam lamp man Jill and Catherine also heard the shouts of the people, and suddenly felt a little confused and uncomfortable.

what's the situation?

It's us and Hal who save the world, why are you calling Duke Nigel?

To this.

Catherine was furious.

But Jill smiled slightly, thinking that this seemed to be quite good. After all, he stole the glory of Duke Nigel's savior at the beginning, and today he is like this, and he can be regarded as returning the original honor to the other party.

To be honest, Jill still felt quite relaxed in her heart, as if she had unloaded some heavy burden. She had never been so happy before!

follow closely.

They were surprised to find out.

In the high tower on the ground, a figure is constantly busy, as if adjusting the operation and output of the machine.

And with his movements, the energy output of the purple beam of light not only did not weaken, but became stronger and stronger, thus making Hal's advancing speed much faster.

"It's Duke Nigel!"

The Steam Lantern Man's device gave him far superior eyesight, and he could see clearly almost immediately. The busy figure was none other than Duke Nigel!


Catherine was shocked and unbelievable: "How could it be him?"

Jill smiled and said: "Catherine, as I said, in fact, Duke Nigel is the real savior. I am afraid that he has already discovered this operation, but he did not come out to stop us, but secretly helped us." We have quite a few..."


Catherine was speechless about it.

After all, facts speak louder than words, and the more powerful purple beam of light is enough to explain many problems. Even if Catherine has a deep grudge against Duke Nigel, she has to say a word of convincing at this moment.

After a while.

The mouth of the dimensional rift was finally torn to a limit.

As a result, most of the earth has entered the universe of Green Lantern directly from the dark matter universe.

And as the power of the purple beam of light continues to increase, the speed at which Hal pushes the dimensional rift is getting wider and wider.


When the cracks on both sides disappeared as the diameter of the second half of the earth became smaller and smaller, the steam earth finally completely entered the universe of Green Lantern.


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