The Storm God

Chapter 3506 Devoured by the Void!


"It's a starry sky! An incomparably bright starry sky!"

"My God, we finally see the stars again, and the sun is shining brightly! Miracle! This is nothing short of a miracle!"

"We are saved!"


Steam Lantern on Earth.

Almost the whole world is cheering and singing, but because of geographical and other factors, there are still many people who don't know who the instigator of all this is.

Only the people in the city where they started knew that the person who saved the world was Duke Nigel, whom they called the iron-blooded ruler before!

It's unbelievable and unbelievable, but it's true.

after all……

That soaring purple light is not fake.

This scene was seen by countless people in the city, and it couldn't be faked at all!


Some of them know the truth.

For example, some guys with rich families, high-powered binoculars, and curiosity are full of curiosity. They found the figures of Steam Lantern and Catherine in the sky.

However, the number of rebuttals from these people is really too small.

And there is a lack of strong evidence.


It was quickly overwhelmed.

Instead, Duke Nigel's savior name began to be sung quickly.


Green Lantern Universe.


Hal, who finally finished all this, couldn't help heaving a long sigh of relief, and said to himself, "Tearing apart the dimensional rift is really laborious!"


He himself is very clear.

The purple light just now has a special power.


Some of these elements have the same root as their own green light power, which can greatly enhance and support their own actions.

If not.

Relying on the strength of Hal alone, I am afraid that he will not be able to persist until now.

As for the cheers of the people on this earth, Hal also heard it. Although he felt a little baffled, he understood after thinking about it.

Duke Nigel is really not as simple as it seems on the surface.

At the very least, when it comes to saving the world, they are really hardworking, whether it's dealing with anti-surveillance kings before, or saving the world this time.

There was nothing wrong with Hal anyway.


He was very grateful.

Because without Duke Nigel's help, not to mention the inability to save the world, I'm afraid Hal himself will be trapped in the doomsday universe that will eventually be dark and completely plunged into darkness and ice.

Although Hal was the leader and main implementer of this operation, Duke Nigel's contribution cannot be ignored, even the most critical.

at this point.

Even the Steam Lantern Hero Jill and Catherine had to admit it.


Howl's strength was almost exhausted.

It's just that there is still a residual power to maintain his Green Lantern transformation, as well as his own life protection and needs.


In this vast cosmic starry sky, nothing else is needed, just the cruel vacuum environment is enough to kill Hal.

He just wanted to stimulate the power and return to Catherine's airship.

But at this moment——


An incomparably terrifying force descended suddenly.

Hal, who is far outside the planet's atmosphere, Kilowog and Aya in the spaceship, and Razer.

Several people were astonished to discover that the cosmic starry sky where the earth is located had strange ripples.

It was as if a boulder had been thrown into the lake without waves in the ancient well.

The ripples are tiny at first.


In the blink of an eye.

It becomes a stormy sea.

And in the shocked and bewildered eyes of Hal and others, it directly turned into a giant face like a devil.

This huge face showed a sly and arrogant smile at Hal and the others.

follow closely.

It opened its huge mouth suddenly.

As if swallowing an egg, the terrifying giant face made up of ripples in the void of the universe swallowed the earth that Hal had so hard to get over in one bite.


There's no after that.

Before Hal and the others could react, the terrifying giant face disappeared completely.

Even with the extra earth just now, it just came and went without a trace, and completely disappeared in front of Hal and others.

It was as if everything just now, whether the earth appeared out of thin air or was swallowed by the giant face of ripples, was just an illusion.

So unreal and unreal.


After a long while.

Hal and the others didn't come back to their senses.

They all froze in place, staring at the starry sky with nothing in their eyes full of fear and horror, speechless for a long time.


Not without exception.

For example, Aya, as a special intelligent life, her emotional system is calmer and calmer than ordinary people.


That piece of Aya was also very shocked by what she saw just now.

But she came back to her senses very quickly, and faintly detected a familiar smell from the power information that came out of it.

"Could it be him?"

Almost instantly, Aya thought of Bai Xiaofei.

This is not only because the feeling of power just now is too similar to Bai Xiaofei, but also because besides him, Aya really can't think of anyone else who can have such a terrifying ability.


She didn't say anything.

Instead, he silently hid this guess in his heart.

after all.

Aiya is also one of Bai Xiaofei's younger brothers now, so she is naturally on Bai Xiaofei's side, the more powerful Bai Xiaofei behaves, the more she feels that her choice is right.

Not only that.

At this moment, Aya couldn't help but recalled what Bai Xiaofei had said: "I have a brother, he is just like you, I want to talk to you as a matchmaker..."

He is so terrifying and powerful. As his brother, how powerful is that intelligent life called Bai Cass?

Aya, who was not interested in the so-called blind date, suddenly developed a strong interest in Bai Cass at this moment for some reason.

I can't wait to leave immediately to see you.

But unfortunately...

Aya knew it too.

Now is not the time, because Bai Xiaofei entrusted her with a mission to find the anti-supervision king and find an opportunity to replace him.

To this.

Aya was very puzzled.

She can understand the task of finding the anti-surveillance king.

But instead?

? ? ?

Is there some misunderstanding in this?

At that time, Aiya raised doubts, but Bai Xiaofei told Aiya firmly: "Don't doubt, you will succeed, because that is your original destiny..."

Aya: "..."

Before, she thought it was all nonsense.


And now...


Trying to believe it for the time being, it doesn't seem to do any harm.

After all, the ability of this boss is too terrifying and unimaginable, maybe he can really see through the mysteries of time and the future.

And the other side.

On the steam earth, whether it is the steam lamp man Jill, Catherine, or Duke Nigel on the ground, as well as countless people.

They are unaware of the changes that have taken place on the planet itself.

after all……

Bai Xiaofei's methods are too powerful.

In an instant, he used the power of the void to swallow this earth into his own cosmic world. Except for Hal and others, no one on this side of the earth would feel any abnormalities.

Because everything they perceive is exactly the same as before.

The stars are still stars, the sun is still the sun, there is no difference, it just looks better than before...


Steam Lantern Jill and Catherine are still more worried about Hal.

It's just that they searched the entire sky, but they didn't see Hal's shadow, and their faces were immediately full of doubts and worries.

To this.

Catherine could only comfort Jill and said, "Maybe, he has already left, or he doesn't want to say goodbye to us..."


This is not convincing at all.

But at this moment, Jill can only force herself to believe this result.

not to mention……

With the interference of Bai Xiaofei's terrifying and powerful will, the consciousness of these people has also been affected to a certain extent invisibly, and they will gradually forget about Hal.


Regarding the worry about Hal, the two quickly let it go.

As for the rest of the people on Earth?


Does anyone know Hal?

Feel sorry!

No one knew him except Duke Nigel and Bai Xiaofei!

At this moment, people only know that Duke Nigel used his invention to save the world, save the earth, and save countless people!

Countless people are cheering crazily!


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