The Storm God

Chapter 3508 Countermeasures!

"In fact, the anti-surveillance king really came from OA star, but that was before we came to OA star..."

Appa did not choose to hide.


There is no need for that anymore, and no one knows better than them that the anti-supervisory king is terrible, so we must explain things clearly.

Otherwise, these combat forces under his command may suffer heavy losses because of underestimating the enemy, which is not what Apa and other guardians want to see.

So when Hal asked, Apa happily told Hal and others the origin of the Anti-Prison King.

at last.

Appa sighed.

Looking at Hal's gaze, it was a little inconceivable.

He said: "You are really lucky to have survived the anti-matter light of the anti-monitor king, but it was just a fluke, and there should be no next time!"

"do you understand me?"


Hal nodded.

In fact, as the person involved, he naturally knows how terrifying the power of the anti-supervision king is, and Hal doesn't have the courage to show up again.

That is courting death!

Hal asked: "Then what should we do now? Since you were able to exile it to other dimensional worlds before, wouldn't you be able to do so this time?"


Hearing such a question, Appa's face became ugly.

Because, Hal is really right, they can't do it, because this technology, as well as the person who made the anti-surveillance king—Kron, were once the decisive geniuses on the planet Martus.

But he is nowhere to be seen now.

Not only that.

Many of Krona's technologies were also lost. Even though some manuscripts remained, no one was able to decipher them immediately.

In other words, if they want to use the previous technology to exile the anti-surveillance king again, the guardian of OA star cannot do it.


Even if you can.

This time, they did not intend to adopt such a method.

After all, he had already been exiled a long time ago. As a result, the anti-supervision king has returned, and continuing to exile is just repeating the operation many years ago.

Treat the symptoms, not the root cause!

As the messenger of justice in the universe, OA star is responsible for protecting everyone's safety, so naturally it will not allow such a thing to happen.

Apa said firmly: "This time, no matter what, we must completely wipe out the anti-supervision king, and we can't let him continue to harm the universe and the world!"

Having said that.

But the problem turned back and forth, and it came to the crux just now.

How to do it?

Appa was very helpless about this.

He said that he has no good solution for the time being. The only thing he can do is to find out the data of the scientific and technological manuscripts left over from that year as much as possible, and then conduct research, hoping to find out some solutions.

in addition……

After all, the anti-supervision king is alone.

Even if he is terrifying, he is not invincible, otherwise he will not use special means to activate and control all the mechanical hunters when he comes this time.

If you want to deal with the anti-surveillance king, you must first find a way to solve the threat of mechanical hunters, otherwise there will be countless mechanical hunters to protect.

Even if all the Green Lanterns come to fight, I'm afraid they can't do it.

After all, the anti-surveillance king is different from ordinary people. He builds it much faster than OA star, and there are more than N mechanical hunters in minutes.

Just ask if you are afraid!

To this.

Appa's idea is to speed up the number of new green light rings.

Hal's dangerous situation gave him a glimmer of hope. Even the anti-matter light of the anti-supervision king can respond to a wave, which shows that he is awesome.

If the new version of the Green Lantern Ring can be fully popularized, I believe that the ability level of all Green Lantern fighters will be greatly improved.

At that time, whether they want to deal with mechanical hunters or anti-surveillance kings, they will have greater confidence, and what they have to do is to constantly blow up black holes, obtain super matter, and then forge more new green light rings...

Think here.

Appa suddenly stopped hesitating.

He quickly convened a meeting of guardians, and confessed his thoughts and proposals to everyone.

"I agree!"

As soon as the proposal came out, it was immediately supported.

Followed by the second, third, and even the fourth... In the end, the nine guardians passed almost unanimously.

after all……

The ability of the new version of the green light ring is obvious to all.

In the past, they were unwilling to increase the amount of development because they were afraid of future troubles, but after observing Abin Sur and others, there seems to be nothing wrong with this new version of the green light ring.

on the contrary.

Abin Sur and the others have also become stronger because of this.

Now that the anti-surveillance king and the mechanical hunter are approaching double threats, the conflict between the Red Lantern Corps has just been resolved, and they are currently exchanging terms...

If something goes wrong at this time, it will be really troublesome.


At the meeting, Appa made it clear.

First, there must be no accidents on the side of the Red Lantern Corps, because in the final battle with the anti-surveillance king, the power of the Red Lantern is likely to be used.

Second, in-depth study of some of the manuscripts left by Krona to try to crack more secrets, which will also help deal with the anti-surveillance king.

Third, find a way to restrain the action of the mechanical hunter.


In short.

This little blue man raised many questions and opinions, which are very suitable for the current predicament that OA star is facing.

And the other guardians also expressed their opinions one after another, responding to Apa's various consents and contents.

compared to other times.

This meeting went very smoothly.

Anyway, when the meeting is over, many plans and plans have been discussed, and the rest is preparation and auxiliary actions.

For example, secretly collect topaz.


In Hal's action report, Apa and the others also knew that citrine can restrain the power of green light, so this time, they are going to use this to deal with the army of mechanical hunters.

After all, that thing is also driven by the power of green light, which is the same even if it is under the control of the anti-surveillance king.

If citrine is used to transform a batch of special weapons and equipment, it will have a very good restraint and suppression effect on mechanical hunters.


This thing can also weaken the power of the green light.

So Apa's proposal is to use the Red Lantern Corps that has reached a peace agreement with OA star to complete this dangerous task.

"This task is entrusted to you."

Apa kicked the ball directly to the scientific director of OA Star,


The scientific director is depressed.

After all, Apa told Zuo Zuokesi and others in person that he would visit no man's land in person to apologize for being your man.

The results of it.

Appa is simply fooling people.

The person who went to No Man's Land to apologize and negotiate with the Red Lantern Corps was not her at all, but the Director of Science!


Not only is the science director going to No Man's Land instead of Appa.

At the end of the day, he still has to accept the matter of persuading the Red Lantern Corps to join the Green Light Corps and deal with the anti-supervision king together.


What the hell, being an old lady is omnipotent!

The science director wanted to get angry and talk to Apa, but Apa immediately made a decision.

it's you!

It doesn't matter if she agrees or not.

But the director of science is still powerless to refute

This shit...

Who doesn't feel aggrieved?

In the end, the scientific director still gritted his teeth and accepted the task abruptly, and left OA star in the aircraft the next day.

Go straight to the no man's land where the Red Lantern Corps is located.

no way.

The reason why he left in such a hurry.

In addition to the fact that there is not much time left before the agreed date of meeting and apology, another very frightening factor is that there may still be mechanical hunters remaining in the no-man's land.

If these mechanical hunters are also awakened and controlled by the anti-surveillance king, the consequences will be unimaginable!


The scientific director must rush to the no-man's land before this, and make deployments and defenses to avoid letting things go in a more terrifying direction.


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