The Storm God

Chapter 3509 Apocalypse has acted!

Inside the small world.

Regardless of how much people from the outside world admire and respect Duke Nigel, they even hold a grand celebration ceremony if they are noisy.

But at this moment, Duke Nigel seemed very calm and indifferent.


Through Bai Xiaofei.

He has already seen more ambitious goals, as well as the unbelievable black technology, so he doesn't care much about these mundane things.

It’s like you used to be crazy about a steamed bun, but now there are indeed countless delicacies from mountains and seas in front of you, and you will definitely give up the steamed bun, so it’s the same reason to choose the latter.

Now Duke Nigel feels sublimated.

The savior or something is all flashy!

Only technology is the truth!


All this is thanks to Bai Xiaofei.

Therefore, for the respect of the new boss, Duke Nigel expressed his admiration and admiration from the bottom of his heart, and he was an absolute brain fan.

Bai Xiaofei could do whatever he asked him to do, there was absolutely nothing wrong with it.

And Bai Xiaofei now gave him a task to learn and master the black technology sent over as soon as possible, and then use them in the development of dimensional weapons.


Duke Nigel patted his chest and promised: "I will definitely do my best to learn all of them in the shortest possible time!"


Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a smile, and said: "Don't be so anxious, a reasonable time arrangement is still necessary, anyway, just figure it out on your own, don't push yourself too hard, after all, I don't have such a shortage of skills for the time being ..."

"Do you know what I mean?"


What Duke Nigel said was correct, but in his heart, he didn't think so. On the contrary, he felt that Bai Xiaofei treated him like this. If he didn't behave well, how could he get by.


After Bai Xiaofei left.

Duke Nigel devoted himself to the crazy and selfless study. As for other trivial matters, they were all handed over to Gill, the steam lamp man.


Because of Bai Xiaofei's relationship.

Gill, the Steam Lantern Man, has resolved his grievances with Duke Nigel and has become one of Duke Nigel's younger brothers.

after all.

Jill's ability is still good.

At least he has been a steam lanternman for a while, and he still has a certain foundation in popularity. The key is his own research ability is also very good.

Otherwise, a Steamman suit capable of displaying green crystals would not have been created.

And with Jill's joining, his lover Catherine naturally also joined without exception. Her scientific research ability is still very powerful in this world.

It is the best support for Steam Lantern Man.

With the help of the two, Duke Nigel will be much more relieved, and he can devote himself to his studies without worrying about any trouble.


Back in the world of the Green Lantern Universe.

Bai Xiaofei started watching a Buddhist drama again, and with a wave of his hand, he saw the current situation of Hal and the others. They were actually dealing with a few mechanical hunters who had been awakened and revived on an unknown planet.

Nothing fancy.


Bai Xiaofei decisively "switched the channel" and switched directly to the planet Odim.

This planet is the headquarters of the Blue Lantern, although because of the previous incident, Ganser did not dare to activate the total energy of the Lantern easily.

But he thought of a compromise.

Ganser first made a device that can isolate the fluctuation of the blue light, so that its position will not be easily found and stolen.


He's also creating more blue light rings.

Then these rings were set up and recharged, and they sprinkled directly into the universe like the green light rings.

Let these blue light rings, find the right owner for yourself.

Just like the original Saint Walker.

Of course.

There are certain dangers in doing so.

Especially under the premise that mechanical hunters are rampant and they don't know when they will emerge, so the first test, the number of blue light rings that Ganther threw out was not many, about thirty or fifty.

In this way, even if there is an accident, it will not have much impact.

after all……

The universe is vast and boundless.

There are only thirty or fifty blue light rings, which are too small and small for the vast and boundless universe.

at the same time.

It is worth mentioning that.

The current Blue Lantern Corps is no longer Walker, the Holy Walker of Light, and the two pitiful "poor guys" of the Elephants.

When Bai Xiaofei was watching, besides these familiar faces, there were five or six other Lanternmen of different sizes.

Obviously, during this time, Ganser has worked hard, and has recruited a group of suitable fighters for his Blue Lantern Corps.


This speed is still too slow.

He couldn't arouse Bai Xiaofei's interest at all. After a quick glance, mainly to observe the special device of the total energy of the blue light, Bai Xiaofei switched the channel again.

And this time.

Bai Xiaofei turned his attention to OA star.


"Apa and the others gathered so many compatriots of little blue people, what are they going to do? Is there something big going to happen?"

"It's worth taking a good look at!"


Bai Xiaofei suddenly became interested.

After making a popcorn and coke, it just looked interesting.

The little blue men like Apa did not disappoint him either. Gathering the power of dozens of little blue men and hundreds of Green Lanterns, they actually came directly to a certain black hole in the depths of the universe.


Bai Xiaofei suddenly understood.

Xin said: "I thought it was a big deal. It turns out that I want to blow up black holes, get super matter, and then make a new version of the green light ring!"

Think again.

Bai Xiaofei knew why.

It must be the large-scale awakening of the mechanical hunters and the huge pressure brought by the anti-surveillance king, which made OA star feel threatened.

Coupled with the absence of opposition from moderate factions like Ganser, the guards headed by radical factions like Apa naturally want to gather strength to use the powerful weapon of the new version of the Green Lantern Ring to further expanding.

after all.

This is the only way for them to save worry and effort, and it is also safe and reliable.

If it were Bai Xiaofei, he would do the same.


The premise is that there is really no problem.

But in fact.

But it is not like this.

All the new Green Lantern rings will be affected by Bai Xiaofei, even if he does nothing, the user will be assimilated slowly when using power.

It sounds a bit like the Demon Lord Sauron.

But Bai Xiaofei is smarter.


At least so far, everyone on the OA star has not discovered this bug side effect of the new version of the green light ring.

This made Bai Xiaofei very happy.

after all.

Immediately, the number of his younger brothers will increase by leaps and bounds. As the boss, can Bai Xiaofei not be excited?

However, at this happy moment, Sinestro brought Bai Xiaofei a very bad news for his Yellow Lantern Corps, temporarily serving as the leader of the Red Lantern Corps, and the number one brother of the Green Lantern Corps boss.

"Boss, Apocalypse is about to act!"


Bai Xiaofei frowned.

But I heard Sinestro explain: "According to the information provided by the security guard, it should be that Apocalypse has completed the ultimate transformation of the demon-like destruction day, so it has begun to attack the surrounding civilized world."

"Currently there are no less than hundreds of planets that have been crazily destroyed by the demon-like Doomsday, but the Green Lantern has not appeared for a long time..."

"what should we do?"


Bai Xiaofei remained silent.


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