The Storm God

Chapter 3510 Buy!

Apocalypse began to move.

To be honest, Bai Xiaofei didn't want to make a move before he was completely sure, because it would expose some of his cards in advance.

It will also cause unnecessary casualties.


If you don't do anything, you will not only lose the support of the people, but you will also be in a closed state, and you will only get accurate information from Apocalypse.

After all, Star OA is busy solving the threats of mechanical hunters and anti-surveillance kings, and is simply unable to manage the troubles of Star Apocalypse.

Bai Xiaofei even guessed that Apocalypse made such a big move because of this, otherwise why wouldn't the Red Lantern Corps do it when they were making a fuss?

It is clear that they look down on the power of the Red Lantern Corps.

And it is true.

A Tuo and others, the thunder was loud and the rain was light. Although they caused some damage to the OA star, the scale was really limited.

It's not as good as a war casually launched by Apocalypse.

But the mechanical hunter and the anti-surveillance king are different.


Almost half of the universe was bloody massacred, causing anger and resentment. In the end, countless civilizations united to suppress and shut down the mechanical hunter.

Not to mention the anti-surveillance king, he was the culprit who directly ended the entire universe, and his power was so powerful that it exploded.

Even the little blue man of Martus planet, the predecessor of OA star, could not completely end it, but could only be exiled.

Now that the anti-surveillance king is back, I don't know how many bloody storms will be set off, and how many worlds will be killed and destroyed.

Adding the two together, the threat can be described as extremely huge.

OA Xing will definitely not ignore things, and has no spare time to take care of other things. If it were Bai Xiaofei and Uncle Da, he would also pick this time to do things.

Because this is the best time.


This is not good news for Bai Xiaofei.

Although Apocalypse can't find the earth for the time being, Bai Xiaofei can stay out of the matter, but it can't be said that way.

To know.

Uncle Da's ambition is very big.

It's like a joke to move a hundred thousand worlds. If he really colonizes and utilizes almost all the civilized worlds in the universe.

Then Bai Xiaofei is still playing a fart.

Think here.

After much hesitation, Bai Xiaofei finally made a decision: "Sinestro, I will give you the authority to dispatch 3,000 people, and you can use those cloned red-light fighters as you like. I only have one request, touch as much as possible." Know the situation of Apocalypse!"

"Especially the combat power of the demon-like Doom Day."


Sinestro is smart.

Bai Xiaofei's meaning was understood almost instantly.

You know, the members of the three major legions under his command, whether it is the Yellow Lantern Corps or the Green Lantern Corps, are all recruited from Kruga or other planets.

Only the green fat of the Red Lantern Corps was mass-produced through special cloning technology, and even strictly speaking, these were the same as tools.


Even if there is any loss, it will not be too distressing.

After all, you can continue to create if you have materials, but other people are different. They are intelligent life in the true sense, with bonds, families, and beliefs...

Every time a person is killed in battle, it will have a great impact on his family.

Bai Xiaofei's move, in Sinestro's view, has many intentions, such as testing the level of Apocalypse, the strength of the demon-like Doomsday, and the bottom line of its offense, etc.


The reason why the cloned Red Lantern Corps is used instead of other Lantern Corps fighters is mostly for the safety of the members.

After all, the enemy is Apocalypse.

The most frightening and terrifying existence in the entire universe, it is really not an exaggeration to describe it as a hell on earth.

Dealing with such a demon, I am afraid that only a red light fighter like Lu Fat can be fearless of life, death and loss, right?

In short.

Sinestro was very pleased and grateful for this.

At the very least, Bai Xiaofei didn't treat them as pawns, and he could use them however he wanted, but fully considered the specific situation and made a more humane arrangement.

Who wouldn't feel comfortable following such a boss?

In order to complete the mission, or even complete the mission better, Sinestro finally decided to send a few trusted and capable lieutenants to personally take charge of the mission.

It can also be regarded as giving them a chance to practice.

As for whether it will succeed or not.

Then it depends on God's will. After all, Apocalypse is not a paper tiger. Even if Sinestro took action himself, he would not dare to say that he will win.

the other side.

After Bai Xiaofei made a decision.

Turning his gaze, following the change of the "channel", he came to the base camp of the Red Lantern Corps - no man's land.

But there are wreckage and ruins there, and there are broken planetary wreckages everywhere. Only a small part of the planetary wreckage can continue to maintain a certain ecology and allow the people here to thrive.

However, due to the incompleteness of the planet and the death of the stars, the ecological environment here is extremely poor, lacking a lot of supplies and sunlight to provide warmth.

No wonder the Red Lantern Corps hated OA star.

If it were anyone whose once beautiful homeland had been destroyed like this, and after so many years, no one cared about it, and stood up to solve the trouble, everyone would be blackened.

And today.

The representative of the OA star, a female guardian, the scientific director of the little blue man, came to this uninhabited land instead of Apa.

"why you?!"

When Zuo Kesi and others came to the airport full of excitement to welcome the visitors from OA star and finally saw the lineup of envoys, they were stunned.

In the previous agreement, it was clearly stated that Apa would personally come over to apologize and preside over the repair and reconstruction work, but now he suddenly agreed and changed people temporarily...


Who can stand this?

Anyway, Zuo Kesi felt that he was cheated.

Immediately it became very hot.


The scientific director obviously has countermeasures.

Without waiting for Zuo Kesi to get angry, he flew directly in front of him, and whispered something beside Zuo Kesi.


There's no after that.

Zuo Kesi, a big fool with a big head, immediately changed his countenance, he didn't even mention any replacement, and greeted the science director very enthusiastically.

Such a scene.

It makes Batwoman and others confused and puzzled.

what's the situation? What did the guardian say to Boss Zuo Kesi just now, and suddenly he stopped pursuing it...

Could it be that they were bought off? !


Regarding Batgirl's secret inquiry, Zuo Kesi did not hide it, and nodded in response: "Because of the conditions they offered, we cannot refuse!"


Batgirl suddenly became curious: "What conditions?!"

Zuo Kesi laughed and said: "The female guardian said just now that in order to show the sincerity of the replacement, they are willing to give ten times more funds and supplies to help us restore and rebuild our home in the no-man's land..."

"ten times!"

Batgirl was shocked.

My God, this is not just a single planet, but an entire star field. Let alone ten times, just twice is an astronomical figure.

OA star is willing to pay such a high price for a replacement...

It's so embarrassing, there is no one else.

In short.

No matter what other people think.

Anyway, Batgirl and Zuo Kesi were completely convinced.

Don't blame them for being spineless, it's really that the Red Lantern Corps is too poor, and the environment here is not good. In order to get revenge, they almost risked everything.

Now it is even poorer!

Since OA Star is willing to provide ten times more funds and materials to support the reconstruction of no-man's land, Zuo Kesi and others will naturally not foolishly refuse.

after all……

Face can't be eaten.

And if you continue to make trouble, there will be no good results.

Rather than wasting that time and energy and making it difficult for both parties to step down, it would be better to do this. At least the Red Lantern Corps has actually gained real benefits.

Zuo Kesi and others believe that no one should jump out to object.

Like Batgirl.

it's not...

In an instant, he was the same as Zuo Kesi.

Completely bought.


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