The Storm God

Chapter 3511 The altar is abnormal!

No man's land.

The base camp headquarters of the Red Lantern Corps.

The person sent by star OA this time is not the guardian Apa, but the newly promoted guardian of star OA, the former science director.

That is the scar face later.


Her now.

But not by that name, people usually call her the scientific director, and it is very good that someone calls her by her real name.

But these are not important.

Because what Zuo Kesi valued was not this person, but the ten times the material support promised by OA star.

Since the director of science dared to take the risk to come to no-man's land, it meant that he had already made preparations. For example, on the spaceship, there were most of the funds and scarce resources as sincerity.

With these.

Zuo Kesi and others in the no man's land can exchange for a lot of daily needs.

As for rebuilding your home...


This is a big project.

It is definitely not something that can be completed in a day or two. It must go through a certain amount of time and process to achieve a certain effect.


Zuo Kesi and others were not in a hurry.

After seeing that large amount of funds and scarce resources. They chose to trust the scientific director, and first brought her to countless red lantern men, announcing the cooperative relationship between the two parties.


Then Zuo Kesi led the scientific director to visit the no-man's land.

By the way, during this period, make some appropriate demands on the scientific director, for example, Zuo Kesi is very optimistic about a certain area.

If possible, he hoped that the craftsmen sent by star OA could mold his figure into a stalwart statue here.

In order to show their greatness and achievements.


The scientific director smiled on his face.

In fact, Zuo Kesi's stupid head almost made him sick in his heart. Only you are still great and meritorious?


Is that all because of you?

Don't be too sentimental, okay, you're just a temporary tool for OA stars to replace your voice, even if you were a pig, that's fine too!

But it just happened to be in the right place!

You really have the guts to ask for this and that. At that time, that guy, Ato, didn’t beat you to death, so that he stayed here today to destroy and torture my spirit...

"Zox, what's that place?"

In order to change the subject, the scientific director hurriedly spoke, pointed to a place that looked a little different, and asked.

"Oh? There, it is rumored that the altar where the leader Atuo obtained the power of the red light was destroyed later because of the attack of the mechanical hunter..."

Zuckers explained.

Speaking of this, he also realized that the significance of this altar is huge, and it cannot be wasted.

So he immediately made a request: "This altar also needs to be repaired, and it needs to be overhauled and repaired. It is best to make it the belief of the Red Lantern Corps..."

He started talking blah blah again.

The scientific director was speechless.


She simply ignored Zuo Kesi.

After coming near the altar, no matter where Zuo Kesi was talking, the science director's attention was on the ruins of the altar.

I thought: "This is where Ato got the power of the red light? It doesn't look like a big deal, it should be a rumor..."


"What it is?"



The Director of Science noticed a glimmer of anomaly.

Thinking of Zuo Kesi's chatter, the science director finally didn't ask, but silently recorded it in his heart.

After finishing today's work, the scientific director found a reason to investigate the surrounding situation, slipped out, and went straight to the ruins of the altar.

Jump off a cliff.

Following the guidance of his intuition, the scientific director quickly found the place where the anomaly was discovered before, and removed the buried boulder, and found a mechanical arm!

"This manufacturing process looks like the technology of OA star!"

The scientific director stared at the mechanical arm on the ground, frowned slightly and said: "But this is no man's land, how can there be technological creations of OA star..."


"Could this thing be the wreckage of a mechanical hunter? Oops, I don't know if the wreckage here has been completely destroyed..."

"If you are awakened by the signal from the anti-surveillance king, it will be terrible!"


Her face suddenly changed.

After that, he acted quickly, wanting to find out if there were any other remains of the mechanical hunter in the ruins.


Before she could remove the boulder in front of her eyes.

There were faint and strange noises from inside, and the director of science even heard some familiar voices: "Detect the target, analyze the results..."


The director of science's face suddenly sank, and he said in his heart: "I'm really afraid of something. In the ruins of the altar, there are indeed mechanical hunters that have not been completely destroyed. They are probably awakened now, but they are trapped by the huge rocks in the ruins. ..."

"But with the ability of the mechanical hunter, it will be a matter of time to rush out of the ruins. If the Red Lantern Corps does not see the existence of the mechanical hunter, it will be terrible!"

To know.

The reason why the homeland of the Red Lanterns became the current no-man's land is thanks to the mechanical hunters of OA star.

Now that Star OA finally reached a settlement with the Red Lantern Corps, if he suddenly saw the mechanical hunter come back to reality, he would think it was Star OA.

after all……

This thing was originally created by OA star.

They didn't come early, they couldn't play, but they appeared after the guardian of star OA came. What do you make the red lanterns think?

If the mechanical hunter wreaks havoc in no man's land, or even commits a bloody massacre, the consequences will be even more unimaginable.

The peace covenant that the two sides have just established is afraid that it will soon be wiped out.

Think here.

The science director was shocked.

This time she came to No Man's Land, and she was the only guardian. It's not that she can't bring Green Lantern here, but to show her sincerity.

Now that there are problems and troubles, she may not be able to solve them on her own, especially if the Red Lantern Corps cannot see the existence of the mechanical hunter, which is even more difficult.

Thinking about it.

The scientific director found that he seemed to have no choice but to call for help.

The OA star is too far away, and the far water cannot save the near fire. The only one who can help him seems to be Hal and others who are carrying out investigation missions outside.


Without any hesitation.

She immediately contacted Hal, explained the situation here to Hal and others, and asked them to rush over to help as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if there is a big war together, I don't know how many people will die in vain.

"Wait a minute, we'll be right there!"



Hal and others were very depressed.

The investigation mission here has no clue yet, and as a result, there is another problem on the no-man's land side. They have really become a fire brigade, and they are everywhere in the universe to put out fires.


One thing the science director was right about.

That is, no matter what, the Red Lantern can't discover the existence of the mechanical hunter in the no-man's land, otherwise, with their personalities, they may have to explode on the spot!

After all, that was the culprit who destroyed their homeland.

Enemies are jealous when they meet each other!

Who will not blow up?


Hal and others drove the spaceship to no man's land.

After sneaking down.

The science director, who had been waiting for a long time, showed up immediately, brought Hal and others to the ruins of the altar, and instructed: "I found the abnormality here before, and I will leave the rest to you. Hurry up and go back to preside over diplomatic work, you can't stay here any longer!"


They just slipped away.

Only Hal and the others stayed here, looking at each other.


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