The Storm God

Chapter 3512 The king is here! (Please subscribe!)

"I can't believe she just left like this!"

Kilowog said with a displeased face, although the other party is a guardian, this attitude is too unpleasant.

We're here to help.

The reception has not been served, so I briefly explained and are leaving?

What an attitude!


Hal didn't care much about that.

Wen Yan shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "We'd better hurry up and find the clues, if we really want the mechanical hunter to give them out, it will be troublesome!"


Kilowog nodded.

He was just complaining, as a senior Green Lantern, one of the instructors, of course he knew what was important.


They get to work.

Using the power of the green light to remove the boulder, I saw the remains of some mechanical hunters, but I didn't find a complete mechanical hunter, or one that could continue to move.

This made Razer very confused, and couldn't help asking: "Could it be that she made a mistake? These wreckages can't move..."


Aya answered very firmly.

Her perception ability is the strongest among the crowd, and in the deepest part of the altar, Aya sensed a group of special energy fluctuations.

And that fluctuation is exactly the mechanical hunter.

"At the bottom!"


Hal and the others immediately darkened.

Because at this moment, not only Aya, but even they felt it, the ground began to tremble slightly, as if something was rushing up from below.

"Is this going to rush out?"

Kilowog frowned and said: "Listen to the movement, there may be a lot of them. What should we do now? We can't let them come out!"

"There's no such thing as a good solution!"

Thunder Snake shook his head and said: "Now we can only temporarily seal off the surrounding area, you stay here, leave the matter of the blockade to me to handle!"


Everyone agreed.

After all, this is the base camp of the Red Lantern.

Although Razer is not from here, after all, he has been a member of the Red Lantern for a while, so he is relatively familiar with the environment here.

And soon...

Razer defied expectations.

After secretly unblocking some power, the area around the altar was successfully and smoothly covered and blocked.

at the same time.


This side of the altar.

After unremitting efforts, several mechanical hunters buried deep in the ground finally broke through and flew out of the altar.

Although their bodies looked very old, even dilapidated, their energy parts were not damaged or affected in any way.

Even some of the well-preserved ones can transform into weapon systems to attack Hal and others.

"Emotional fluctuations are detected, meet the conditions, and execute the hunt!"

The mechanical hunter's scarlet eyes swept slightly at Hal and the others, and then issued a burst of electronically synthesized voice without any emotion.

It sounds cold and heartless.


The two sides immediately started a war.

Hal and the others were a little cautious at first, not daring to make too much noise. After all, this is the base camp of the Red Lantern, and their mission requirement is to handle it as low-key as possible.

And in this way, it will greatly limit their strength.


Played conservatively from the start.

Also very aggrieved.


Razer's blocking barrier is extremely powerful.

After a while, Hal and the others found that the mechanical hunter's attack could not break through the barrier, and the scene inside would not be seen or perceived by outsiders, and they were relieved.

follow closely.

Hal and others began to show their power.

All kinds of means were used, and the few mechanical hunters that appeared in the altar were quickly wiped out.


A group of people entered the bottom of the altar.

I want to see if there are any redundant mechanical hunters in it. After all, for Red Lantern, mechanical hunters have unparalleled meaning, so they must be handled carefully.

And it turns out.

Their worries are indeed very necessary.

Because at the bottom of the altar, there are really many awakened mechanical hunters, but most of them are broken and unable to act independently.

The ones who just rushed out were among the few in the group, relatively well preserved, and able to continue normal operations and even fight.

The rest of them are basically not dangerous, just lying there, scanning pitifully, and saying the same thing mechanically.

Looking at these wreckages, Hal couldn't even bear to do anything.


Seeing Hal's hesitation, Kilowog couldn't help frowning: "What are you thinking about? They are just some machines, and you still think of them as human beings!"


The green light ring in his hand had transformed into some power of green light, and it took on the appearance of a square hammer.

Then Kilowog walked over and hit the head of a mechanical hunter on the ground with a hammer. The latter shattered into slag and parts on the spot and died completely.

Seeing this scene, Razer was indifferent.

Aya was a little moved.

after all……

She is also a creature.

Although it is said to be intelligent, and even has a part of the life matter of the ion shark, in the final analysis, it is still a mechanical creation.

Generally speaking, they can be divided into the same category as these mechanical hunters.

Seeing so many immobile and broken mechanical hunters being easily smashed and destroyed by Kilowog, how can you call Aya to be at peace?

Especially at the beginning, the scientific director of OA star tried to divide her. Thinking of that scene, Aya naturally felt very uncomfortable.


She is very good.

It wasn't seen by anyone.


And Hal also hesitated for a while, and finally joined the clearing operation, after all, this is his job.

Kilowog is also very right. These mechanical hunters are tools, even if they are broken or disabled, they are not worthy of sympathy.


They are emotionless.

He only knows how to destroy and kill, and he must not be merciful.

They didn't know that before Hal and the others came in, all the mechanical hunters had already transmitted certain signals.

And the recipient is the anti-surveillance king.


Originally aimless, he just followed his instinct and destroyed wherever he went, but suddenly he gave up on the destruction at hand.

Immediately afterwards, the anti-surveillance king changed direction, leading a large number of mechanical hunters around him, and flew directly towards the no-man's land.


If there are any minor obstacles along the way.

For example, meteorites, planets, etc., with the temperament and personality of the anti-supervisor king, they will never detour or avoid them.

It is directly the destruction and absorption of a wave of antimatter light.

Anyway, it won't take much time.


No man's land.

Planet Ismolt.

The silly-headed Zuo Kesi and the scientific director of the guardian finally reached a preliminary cooperation intention and signed a peace treaty.

Next, it depends on the performance of OA stars.

The first stop of the restoration and reconstruction work was the destroyed part of Ismot Planet, which was first destroyed by the mechanical hunter.

"no problem!"

The scientific director readily agreed.

No matter what kind of request Zuo Kesi made, as long as it was not too outrageous and perverted, there was basically no rebuttal.

Because at this moment, she just wanted to leave as soon as possible, and then find Hal and others, and ask those damn mechanical hunters if they were cleared out.

But at this moment.

"grown ups!"

A younger brother of the Red Lantern Corps suddenly ran over and said to Zuo Kesi in a panic: "It's not good, just now, our satellite detected a large group of unknown energy signals heading towards us Come quickly!"


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