The Storm God

Chapter 3513 Target Aya! (Please subscribe!)


"What are those things?"

"so much?"

Inside the general monitoring center of the planet Ismoot.

When Zuo Kesi and others, together with the scientific director of OA star, saw dense and almost innumerable energy signals from the monitoring monitor, just like a swarm of bees, rapidly approaching the no man's land .

Everyone was shocked.

"have no idea!"

The technician replied: "They are still relatively far away from us now, so they can only detect energy signals, but cannot see the picture..."


"This number and scale, as well as the strongest energy fluctuation, it doesn't look like they are here for friendship..."

"So we dare not neglect..."


Zuo Kesi remained silent.

Although he is often called a stupid big head, he is not really stupid. On the contrary, in some respects, he is very shrewd.

Just like this moment.

Zuo Kesi understood the younger brother's meaning almost instantly.

Such a large-scale action, if it is not for friendship, there is only one possibility - war!


This is the headquarters of the Red Lantern Corps.

May I ask, in the entire universe, who else dares to come here to act wild? And there are still such a terrifying number, and a powerful energy signal...

Is it OA star? Almost subconsciously, Zuo Kesi looked at the science director beside him...


Then he shook his head again.

Xin said: "It should not be the OA star. If they are really doing something, there is no need to make such troubles and send supplies to people, and there are not so many Green Lanterns..."

But besides OA star, who else would it be?

Could it be Apocalypse?


That is the cosmic demon, the Dark Lord.

If we are really targeted by Apocalypse, can we still survive? But it doesn't seem quite right, Apocalypse is either a sonic boom channel, or a spaceship...

This situation does not match!

In short.

This moment.

Zuo Kesi thought a lot.

But he still couldn't figure out why, including his subordinates.

The scientific director's expression darkened, obviously, she was a little familiar with and shocked by these detected energy signals.


She doesn't show it.

Instead, he pretended to be equally dazed and dazed.

Otherwise, if Zuo Kesi really saw it and knew that those signals were all mechanical hunters, then things would be a big deal!


The scientific director directly left the monitoring center on the grounds that he was an outsider and was inconvenient to intervene in the affairs of no man's land.

Then immediately contacted Hal and others.

"Where are you now?"

"Just leaving!"



Hal replied: "We have already wiped out all the mechanical hunters on the altar, and there are other tasks, so we won't keep them here anymore..."

"Wait for me, I'll be right there!"


Hal was a little confused.

He looked at Aya beside him, wondering, "What's the situation with this guard? Why does he look flustered? Could it be that the negotiation failed?"

"It's possible!"

Aya didn't know what was going on.

But because of the fact that this guardian almost disintegrated herself, she has enough reasons not to see the scientific director.


Before disclosing her identity as an undercover agent, no matter what the situation is, Aya still has to be tolerant as much as possible and put the overall situation first.


The scientific director came to Hal and others.

At this moment, the spaceship is ready, and it can take off at any time after finishing the matter on the side of the science director.

What a dream.

After the scientific director arrived, he said directly: "Go! Start the spacecraft, we will leave Ismut planet and no-man's land immediately, the sooner the better!"


Hal and the others were suddenly even more confused.

what's the situation?

Is this an escape?


Are there no pursuers behind you?


Hal wanted to ask something, but the science director didn't give him this chance at all, and flew straight into the spaceship.


Hal and others were helpless.

They could only smile wryly and flew into the spaceship, then started the spaceship, and temporarily left the planet Ismoot. After all, the Guardians are their bosses, so they can't help but listen.

Inside the spaceship.

Hal and the others looked directly at the scientific director, and said seriously: "Master Guardian, now can you tell me what's going on?"


Kilowog asked curiously: "Isn't the matter of the mechanical hunter just finished? Could it be that he was discovered? Then why is no one chasing you?"

"Not that thing!"

The director of science said with a gloomy expression: "But it is also inseparable from it. You just need to turn on the scanning system and conduct maximum detection outside the no-man's land to know..."



Aya immediately executed the operation.


Hal and others soon saw the same scene.

On the display screen, there are densely detected energy signals everywhere, almost endless, like locusts crossing the border, rapidly approaching the no-man's land.

"This is……"

Halton was taken aback for a moment, and his first reaction was that something big was about to happen.

Kilowog and Razer are no exception.

"It's an army of mechanical hunters!"

At this time, the science director finally gave the answer, explaining: "You may not know what that signal represents, but as a guardian, especially the science director of Star OA, I know very well that it is the mechanical signal. The hunter's energy fluctuations..."

"Oh My God!"

"There are so many mechanical hunters, do they want to destroy no man's land again? But it doesn't make sense, why do they want to do this?"

"And the strongest signal, who is it?"


Kilowog was shocked + dazed.

In fact, you can think of this question without guessing. The current mechanical hunters are all under the control of the anti-surveillance king.

With the ability to control so many mechanical hunters, they all came collectively towards one target. I am afraid that there is no one other than the anti-surveillance king.

"It's the anti-surveillance king!"

The scientific director replied: "Based on what I know about it, it should have discovered something special, that's why it came here with so much effort..."

And when speaking.

She glanced at Aya next to her calmly.

The science director thinks that his small actions are very subtle and won't attract any attention, but he doesn't know that Aya is no longer the original Aya.

And Razer is far from being as simple as it seems.


her eyes.

Aya and Razer noticed it immediately.

"Because of me (Aya)?"

The two thought at the same time.

At the same time, Hal has also reacted, and immediately said in a deep voice: "No matter what the situation is, our top priority now is to go to the periphery to see what's going on..."

"If the army of mechanical hunters is really coming, we alone, or even the Red Lantern Corps, can't stop them. We must ask OA star for help!"

"Aya, activate Warp Space immediately!"


Aya responded.

Afterwards, the spaceship started its super-speeding engine, passed through the warped space, and soon crossed the vast starry sky and came to the periphery of no man's land.

follow closely.

Didn't sail long.

Hal and others saw a dense army of mechanical hunters near some meteorite ruins, and the huge figure surrounded by the army was the anti-supervisor king!


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