The Storm God

Chapter 3514 Showdown! (Please subscribe!)

"Sure enough, he is the anti-surveillance king!"

Hal and the others were shocked.

Kilowog said angrily: "There are so many people, and there are anti-surveillance kings. Fortunately, we have not been discovered, otherwise it will be bad..."

The voice did not fall.

Everyone was horrified to see that the anti-surveillance king, who was looking straight ahead just now, was advancing in the universe, with his short, fat head, suddenly turned towards them...


Kilowog suddenly looked bitter: "Just pretend that I didn't say what you just said..."


Hal didn't have time to talk to Kilowog, he said to Aya anxiously: "Get out of here as quickly as possible, now, immediately!"


In fact, Aya knew what to do without Hal's reminder.


Their actions were obviously not as fast as the anti-supervision king.

Even before the anti-surveillance king made any move, the countless mechanical hunters around it had already swarmed over.

During the flight, there were light cannons all over the sky, like a crazy rainstorm, bombarding the spaceship of Hal and others. In just a moment, all the meteorites and other substances floating around were blown to pieces.

The fleeing spaceship also suffered some damage to some extent.

And it was very unfortunate that the most important engine power part was destroyed, causing the spaceship to temporarily lose the ability to enter the warped space.

This is very hard!

In short, the spaceship could not escape quickly, and could only use conventional flight to avoid the pursuit of the anti-surveillance king and countless mechanical hunters.

But there is obviously no escape from this.

"what to do?"

Everyone suddenly became anxious.

After all, whether it is the anti-surveillance king or the mechanical hunter, they are all terrifying and troublesome existences. Besides, we are outnumbered and there is no way to fight!

"Do you want help?"

Kilowog suggested.

Hal was speechless for a while, it is true to say so, but the key is, who to ask for help? Who can arrive in time to save them?

OA star?

Or the Red Lantern Corps in no man's land?

It's not realistic!

the other side.

Bai Xiaofei also saw this scene.


"This is interesting, the fateful battle, I don't know how many of them can withstand the attack of the anti-surveillance king and the army of mechanical hunters..."

"But why did the anti-supervision king suddenly come here?"

"Is it for Aya?"


He was also a little puzzled.

After all, in the original plot, the anti-surveillance king chose the target in no man's land because of the attack of the Red Lantern Corps.

But it's different now.

The Red Lantern Corps hasn't met the anti-supervisory king yet, why did the latter come over suddenly? And the only possibility is Aya.


Bai Xiaofei couldn't figure it out.

With the ability to rebel against the king, would he like Aya?


through some special means.

What does the anti-surveillance king know, such as the short future, so he wants to wipe out Aya, who is destined to end him, in advance?

After all, the anti-surveillance king has the ability to travel through time and space.

After Aya in the original plot was blackened, it was through this ability that she traveled to the beginning of the universe and almost changed the development and direction of the entire universe.

It doesn't make sense that the anti-supervision king is so powerful, but he doesn't use this ability, even if the anti-supervision king has just returned to this universe.

The reasonable explanation that Bai Xiaofei could think of was that some special rules were likely involved in it, so that the anti-supervision king could not travel through time and space at will, or even change the past.

But occasionally travel to the past, as a spectator, knowing the development of some things, so the difficulty will be much smaller.


How exactly, no one knows.

The only way to learn the truth from the other party is to wait until the anti-supervision king is subdued.

Regardless of what Bai Xiaofei thinks.

in the field.

Hal finally decided to call for help from the Red Lantern Corps. After all, no man's land is the closest area to them.

As long as they can resist for a while, the Red Lantern Corps will arrive.

The premise is that the other party is willing to help.


And Zuo Kesi got through the communication and knew the request of Hal and the others, almost immediately rejected it, and said hysterically: "This must be your conspiracy and trick, I won't be fooled!"


Immediately hung up the communication.

Such an operation immediately chilled Hal and the others.

"What should we do now?"

"Cold salad!"

Hal sighed: "Now we can only rely on ourselves, but I believe Zuo Kesi and the others will help in the end."


Kilowog was very puzzled by this.

Hal explained: "Because the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, there are dead eggs under the cover of the nest! This place is so close to no man's land, I don't believe that the Red Lantern Corps will remain indifferent!"

"If they just sit back and watch me, and are finally wiped out by the anti-surveillance king and the mechanical hunter, then they will be next!"

"And because of this, we will lose the ally of Star OA."

"How would you choose?"


Kilowog was speechless for a moment.

Razer was more straightforward. He turned around and left the spaceship without saying a word, and began to deal with the mechanical hunters who were chasing up.


If the other party is allowed to act recklessly, I am afraid that the entire spaceship will be completely blown up by those mechanical hunters within a moment.

"Let's go, fight with them!"


Hal and Kilowog also flew out.

In the spaceship, only Aya and the scientific director were left.

at this time.

The science director looked at Aya, not as kindly as before, but full of hostility and fear.

So does Aya.

She looked at the director of science and sneered, "You seem to be afraid of me?"


The scientific director curled his lips and said: "A mere artificial intelligence, what ability do you have to scare me? It's just arrogant!"


Aya was noncommittal, and continued: "In this case, why did you dismantle me in the first place, after all, I was created by you, didn't I?"


The science director was shocked.

She didn't tell anyone about it.

It stands to reason that she should be the only one who knows, but Aya already knows it now, how is this possible?

Could it be...

She suddenly thought of a possibility.

Aya may have awakened the previous memory, otherwise how could the other party know that he created her? I just don't know how much her memory has recovered now...

So far.

The science director immediately stopped hiding his killing intent.

She looked into Aya's eyes, suddenly filled with coldness, and said gloomyly: "You, what else do you know?"

"you guess!"

Aya smiled mischievously.


Regardless of the science director's reaction, he flew out of the spaceship and helped Hal and others deal with the mechanical hunters outside.

One is because there are too many mechanical hunters, and Hal and the three of them alone are simply impossible to be opponents of each other.

In addition, just now Bai Xiaofei also sent her an instruction to try to get in touch with the anti-supervision king, and if possible, see if he can be replaced.


The premise is that Aya is sure.

Otherwise, she must not take the risk lightly. Aiya didn't think much about it at the time, and agreed directly, because she had no choice at all under the current situation.

Looking at the fierce battle outside, the science director's expression became a little complicated.

Others didn't know what was going on, but Bai Xiaofei guessed a little bit, because she was different from other guardians.

The Science Director has regained his powers.

She doesn't dare to say it to others, but she has enough cards to deal with mechanical hunters, and she can instantly stop all mechanical hunters from working.

Even against the anti-supervision king, he can be tough.

It's just that it will be exposed...

So she is hesitating.


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